Myself and my husband are wanting to try for our first baby, my last HBA1C was 7.7% (61 mmol) which was 2 months ago. I’ve been trying so hard to get it down which is a battle in itself some days. I was just wondering if anyone had conceived with a higher than recommended HBA1C than recommended and everything was fine? I really want to start trying but scared if I do fall pregnant now something will go wrong. I have an appointment next month with pre conception which Ive been waiting 5 months for, I just don’t know whether to wait or just try as I know faking pregnancy anyway isn’t that easy and just feeling quite desperate to try. Any advice would be appreciated as I do get quite overwhelmed with fear that something with the pregnancy will go wrong.
Myself and my husband are wanting to try for our first baby, my last HBA1C was 7.7% (61 mmol) which was 2 months ago. I’ve been trying so hard to get it down which is a battle in itself some days. I was just wondering if anyone had conceived with a higher than recommended HBA1C than recommended and everything was fine? I really want to start trying but scared if I do fall pregnant now something will go wrong. I have an appointment next month with pre conception which Ive been waiting 5 months for, I just don’t know whether to wait or just try as I know faking pregnancy anyway isn’t that easy and just feeling quite desperate to try. Any advice would be appreciated as I do get quite overwhelmed with fear that something with the pregnancy will go wrong.