
Myself and my husband are wanting to try for our first baby, my last HBA1C was 7.7% (61 mmol) which was 2 months ago. I’ve been trying so hard to get it down which is a battle in itself some days. I was just wondering if anyone had conceived with a higher than recommended HBA1C than recommended and everything was fine? I really want to start trying but scared if I do fall pregnant now something will go wrong. I have an appointment next month with pre conception which Ive been waiting 5 months for, I just don’t know whether to wait or just try as I know faking pregnancy anyway isn’t that easy and just feeling quite desperate to try. Any advice would be appreciated as I do get quite overwhelmed with fear that something with the pregnancy will go wrong.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
Hi @EricaT192 and welcome to the forums. If you have a look in the pregnancy subforum here
Pregnancy | Diabetes Forum • The Global Diabetes Community
you'll see a lot of pregnancy stories by fellow T1s, with widely varying starting hba1cs.

All my info is out of date I'm afraid (my woungest is 26 and I would have killed to have a cgm during pregnancy) but I was diagnosed at 8 and your age when I had my first child.

I'm not going to make any recommendations as to when you want to TTC but remember that all pregnancies have a small chance of going wrong (particularly in first 3 months) and diabetic pregnancies just have slightly worse odds, so don't blame yourself or your diabetes if something does happen.

And the good news is that you are 29 (according to your profile anyway) which gives you plenty of time in terms of reproductive age.

Good luck.