hba1c drop by 12 points ?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That's what my lab report says, which was Sussex Pathology ltd (which does the testing for onedaytests.com). I can't find much else though.

Here is another testing company, they claim it's based on US ADA recommendations:

I note that ADA were saying 39 back in 2016:

But I don't know what changed on 11 Sept in the UK. Are we aligning with the US, or is it just two testing companies with an opinion?
I don't think we are, and I don't think anything has recently changed in the UK... The change in the US I think puts them out of step with the rest of the world, and certainly with any information I've seen about blood glucose levels in non-diabetic people. These cluster round an HbA1c of 38 but almost everyone is in the 36-42 range (sample graph attached).

It is obviously complete coincidence that at the same time that the CDC in the US lowered their definition of what "normal blood glucose" looks like, they began selling a "lower your blood glucose" package. Clearly these events are not linked. Nothing to see here.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Wow, that’s a big drop! Yeah maybe it could be an error say for instance confusing the results. If you are doing OK and did a long ride recently, it does not seem like something like anemia. Probably re-testing should be done to make sure that is the case. Hopefully, it’s just a mistake and nothing big that the two of you should be concerned about! Just monitor it and preserve it.