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I have been reading this forum now for a few days and have I think learnt loads, but I am still unable to wrap my head around several things.

I think (not confirmed) I am on my way to developing steroid induced diabetes. 13th of this month I was put on 60mg daily (12 x 5mg all in one go) for suspected giant cell arteritis, they have worked at relieving the symptoms and what I am about to say, please don't think I am poking fun, I am not, it is because of what I am about to say that convinces me that it is the steroids that are responsible, for one I have never been so cheerful for quite some time, almost drunk but with a lot more socialbility to my demeanor, I am enjoying doing things much more than before, I went for an ultra sound head scan and it felt like a day out at Alton Towers, though later it hurt like no tomorrow around my temple, but my mood was and still is one of a euphoric nature. It was because of this unexpected but not unwelcome sense of sheer joy that I noticed that I may be having what folk here call spikes. When I went to the hospital for the brain scan, I was very hungry and shop just down the road I bought a box of 6 coconut chocolate things and ate half, went into the hospital, and when I went into the ultasound room and met the drs and nurses it was like the doctor scene from the film Spies like us, I was shaking everyones hand, very pleased to be there very interestested and fascniated by the whole event.. so I hope this gives some insight to where my mental state is as I am still feeling very cheerful and energy levels are like nothing I have seen since my teens.

Because of this sudden change I got myself a Kinetik bg-710 meter, because of the suspected arteritis I changed diet last Thursday (head scan was on the previous Tues) to a low carb one, my meter arrived yesterday 26th May and my first reading was 4 hours after eating a keto breakfast, zero carbs, that reading was 9.3 and the HCT was 36. tested again 2pm and I had not eaten a thing, only drank a good few cups of coffee and I had switched to ALDI STEVIA sweetner tabs some years ago, ( I have read all about them here, gosh!) and my reading went up to 10.3 and the HCT 30, never ate anything and tested an hour before evening meal and it was 7.8 with a HCT of 19, had cheeseburgeer (in bun) and chips with a bit of ketchup and took reading 2 hours later which was 9.8 with HCT 40.. very last one was at 11.30pm bedtime and was 7.2 and HCT 27.

Sorry to go on like this, but my fasting rate this morning (Sunday 26th May) at 6.15am was I believe very good, 5.5 and HCT of 33.. had a full organic zero carb breakfast, bacon eggs and my own flaxseed bread had that at 7am tested myself at 9am and it came out at 6.7 with a HCT of 28.. I thought maybe I was wrong about the steroid inducing diabetes, then I tested just after midday, no food since breakfast just a few cups of coffee NO STEVIA/DEXTROSE and my reading was 10.8 with a HCT of 27.. it settled later with the reading and shall not bore you all with the details.. but it is the spikes from the steroids I am sure and the adivse I need do i taper down my dose a bit? wont see a dr till Tues at the earliest and don't know whether to just take my chances, as even though my mood is has been elevated to high heavens, the medication inside my mind is telling me it is causing diabetes type symptoms and stuck between a rock and hard place and know that I really should not be enjoying how I am feeling, my normal demeanour is not quite church mouse but I do tend to be quite shy in most situations and now I feel that donkeys who are fond of their hind legs are very much in danger.

Thank you very much to those who have laboured through this, I can't wrap my head around the HCT part of my readings, I have read about it so many times my head just spins, for whatever reason I cant find and explanation to what it means regarding my results and I really best shut up now and try and save a few back legs.

Many thanks in advance to all messages and advice.

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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There seems to be such a thing as steroid induced euphoria, which is a bit of a manic state brought on by, for instance, prednisolone.
( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1386585/ )

High blood glucose doesn't commonly correspond with a slightly manic/extroverted state, it usually actually feeds into depression, anger and (negative) mood swings, not happy ones. That said, your blood glucose is a tad high sometimes, for someone on such a low carb regime, so yeah... I would blame that on the steroids, which doesn't really mean you're diabetic just yet, and it would likely be quite a bit worse if you didn't take care with what you're eating. So far as that goes you're still doing pretty good, and that, right now, would be a lesser concern than the euphoria. And no, I wouldn't cut down purely for the blood sugars, as the steroids do have a function and too little will likely cause trouble/pain. You can get in touch with your doc's office and share your concerns about the side effects and ask for a call back the same day, if possible. There might be other steroids you can try that won't get the euphoric state going if you're concerned you might become manic at some point and thus reckless/a danger to yourself, but you'll still likely have to deal with slightly elevated blood sugars even if you do get switched. (And just a smidge up, when you're so careful with what you eat, should be okay for the time being. Down the road, if this is a permanent solution for you, metformin could come into play, maybe.).

As for the HCT, is measures the red blood cell count, and isn't really relevant for this forum for the most part, but being anemic might skew results though, and you do seem to be a tad bit low, to be honest. Maybe add in a steak here and there.

So... Don't muck about with your steroids on your own, is the take-away.... But do get in touch with your doc, today. Because what you're feeling is a side effect and I don't know how happy you are. Happy as in, good and enjoying life, or happy as in, liable to believe you can fly and try it out from atop a building. Okay?

Good luck!
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Hi Jo

Thank you for the very good response, it is very appreciated. I am not in a manic state, I am very happy, appreciative of life more and what it has to offer, I am by nature an "intense personality type" there is more to me than that, but it means that I really do delve into things incredibly deeply and introspection for me is a walk in the park. I think it is the steroids causing this and for now I shall stay off the Aldi Stevia sweetners. I am blessed to have an organic dexter beef farm shop very close by, bought quite a lot last Thursday, since cutting the Adli "stevia" out the spike is much easier to handle as now I am understanding more of what is going on. Parts of me are going to be reluctant anyway to give this happy/europhic state away but as said previously being an intense personality I shall delve in and learn from this and try and try and normalise this way of feeling, being a carer for a chronically sick partner has its own stresses, I always thought I coped pretty well, but looking back I was fatigued and no where near as happy as I am since being on Steroids.

Great advice, it is very much appreciated and once again many thanks for your time and sharing of information and advice.

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Reactions: JoKalsbeek


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Jo

Thank you for the very good response, it is very appreciated. I am not in a manic state, I am very happy, appreciative of life more and what it has to offer, I am by nature an "intense personality type" there is more to me than that, but it means that I really do delve into things incredibly deeply and introspection for me is a walk in the park. I think it is the steroids causing this and for now I shall stay off the Aldi Stevia sweetners. I am blessed to have an organic dexter beef farm shop very close by, bought quite a lot last Thursday, since cutting the Adli "stevia" out the spike is much easier to handle as now I am understanding more of what is going on. Parts of me are going to be reluctant anyway to give this happy/europhic state away but as said previously being an intense personality I shall delve in and learn from this and try and try and normalise this way of feeling, being a carer for a chronically sick partner has its own stresses, I always thought I coped pretty well, but looking back I was fatigued and no where near as happy as I am since being on Steroids.

Great advice, it is very much appreciated and once again many thanks for your time and sharing of information and advice.

If the happy chunk of the steroids is an acceptable type of mood for you, and from the sound of it, an actual "happy side effect".... I'd probably still want to mention it, but well.... You know yourself pretty well, sounds like. Go with your gut, if this is fine with you and the steroids are helping your issues, (and they do sound like they'd hinder your carer activities if you didn't take them), stick with a low carb diet and see what it gets you. Like I said, i'd still mention it, but you've soothed my worries some. As I'm a worry-wart, always have been, but if you think you can handle being happy... ;)
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Type of diabetes
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If the happy chunk of the steroids is an acceptable type of mood for you, and from the sound of it, an actual "happy side effect".... I'd probably still want to mention it, but well.... You know yourself pretty well, sounds like. Go with your gut, if this is fine with you and the steroids are helping your issues, (and they do sound like they'd hinder your carer activities if you didn't take them), stick with a low carb diet and see what it gets you. Like I said, i'd still mention it, but you've soothed my worries some. As I'm a worry-wart, always have been, but if you think you can handle being happy... ;)
Well, you appear to be handling the worry-wart pretty well, from where I am sitting, I see and feel someone who is kind caring and sharing, whatever we are, if it is in our nature, then I don't think it can ever be too much even though there are moments in time when it really does feel overwhelming, just my tuppance.

Have a wonderful day and thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
My late father in law had GCA diagnosed on holiday, when i took him to Truro hospital. He was put on Prednisolone. Basically a hand full morning and night. The affect was dramatic, bouncing around with loads of energy and a rapacious appetite. Depending on GCA recovery, the dosage drops over time, you may find your blood sugar levels drop, as the dose drops. You are not necessarily diabetic. for the time being the GCA is the more important thing to tackle, the raised blood sugars may disappear with the Steroids gone.
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
My late father in law had GCA diagnosed on holiday, when i took him to Truro hospital. He was put on Prednisolone. Basically a hand full morning and night. The affect was dramatic, bouncing around with loads of energy and a rapacious appetite. Depending on GCA recovery, the dosage drops over time, you may find your blood sugar levels drop, as the dose drops. You are not necessarily diabetic. for the time being the GCA is the more important thing to tackle, the raised blood sugars may disappear with the Steroids gone.
Hi ajbod, thank you very much for this, I am bouncing around like a spring chicken, cannot believe the amount of work I am going through and very very happy to be doing it to, I shall ring the Drs in the morning and have a chat, being much happier has to be a possitive side effect and the energy levels are incredible, so I may have to put up a fight if the dose is lowered LOL ;) We have to do blood tests sometime this week to see if the CRP and ESR are falling.

I only went in to see the Dr about this on the 13th of this month and the response from within my surgery and the local hospital has been exceptional, I feel very priviliged at the speed of the response, that should tell me to take the GCA more seriously than the steroid side effects.

Many thanks for your input, very very much appreciated.