Help! I have so much weight to lose


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, this is a very difficult post for me to make because I don't like admitting that I need help. I am a 56 year old woman who is morbidly obese and wants to lose 105 pounds. I am type 2 and have been for 3 years. I have been low-carbing, fairly successfully for 3 years, but after a few knocks have stopped for a while and find it difficult to start again. The LCHF diet is very good for my BG's which were within the 'normal' range for most of those 3 years. However I didn't lose much weight on it. The only time I lost a significant amount was when I cut down to 600 calories a day for 7 weeks. My weight then was 16 stone 9 lbs. Today it is 17stones 11lbs. (the highest ever was 18stone 5lbs)

Last week, after a referral from my doctor, I joined Slimming World. I was weighed today and have lost a pound. This may not sound like much to you, but to me it's amazing. It's amazing because I am the sort of person who is 'all or nothing'. When I am feeling good about myself I can work really hard and achieve loads. When I feel down I let everything slide. I have felt down for a couple of months now, yet somehow I managed to start something and achieve something, whilst I wasn't feeling good. I have done many diets before, but I have never done so well whilst feeling depressed and I am very proud of myself for trying. This is a big first for me.

Another big first is asking for help.

I intend to get back to LCHF properly as soon as I can. My Slimming World consultant won't be happy about the high fat bit, but as long as I keep losing weight I don't suppose she will be too bothered. I will not be buying any of the low fat/low sugar products that they like so much. I will eat real food. I intend to keep going to SW so that I am not so tempted to give up in the bad times. This is also the reason I am starting this thread - so I won't be able to hide away during the bad times. I have an appointment to see my nurse for blood tests just before Easter, and another to see my GP to ask for Metformin after Easter.

I haven't been checking my BG's much recently. Two hours after breakfast this morning it was 6.7. I expect my fasting one to be around 8.5. I will check it tomorrow.

I like walking but haven't really done any all winter. I went out for a short walk this morning. I used to walk 2 miles a day but stopped because I developed a heart problem (atrial fibrillation) which made me very breathless. I had an operation (called ablation) in November 2012. They put you to sleep then pass a catheter through to your heart and 'burn' away the circuits inside which are causing the irregular heartbeat. The procedure usually lasts 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Mine lasted 6 hours. I was told to have complete bed rest for 2 weeks afterwards (it's normally a week). I had this idea that I would do that for 2 weeks, then spend a further 2 weeks getting back to normal. The reality was very different. I had the 2 weeks rest, but after that time muscles had already started to weaken and it was 5 months until I felt I had any energy at all. I had problems with my back after all that resting, I could hardly walk and was doubled over like an old lady (OK, an older lady) I went to a chiropractor. I had had my heart set on going to watch a football match again, in April. How could I, when I couldn't walk? I found that the best way to walk was to straighten up whilst pushing a shopping trolley. So I went to the match. My husband dropped me at a supermarket about 1/4 - 1/2 mile from the ground. I limbered up walking with a shopping trolley (with only a pack of Nurofen in it- boy did I get some funny looks!). Then we walked slowly to the ground. This was the start of me getting better.

I have a target for walking too. Two years ago my husband and son did a 50 mile walk in London. They did a 10 mile stretch in the dark and would like to go back one day to retrace their steps and see what they were missing. I would like to go with them, but I need to be able to walk 11 1/2 miles in one day. (to take into account the walking to and from the tube). Last Summer I tried to get in shape, but kept getting stuck at 7 miles. So I need to get back to being able to walk 7 miles in a day, and then push through whatever barrier is stopping me from reaching the 11 - 12 mile target. I think that barrier is something to do with diabetes, because my legs just stop and refuse to function after 7 miles.

So, that's me and that's the plan. Please help me stick to it.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Zand,

I wish you all the luck there is with hitting your targets. Losing some weight will help with the walking, but you already know that. Well done on the 1lb loss. One pound is a lot of fat when you compare it to a pound block of lard. Many, many years ago at a Weight Watchers meeting the Leader produced a cow's udder - quite a large expanse of pure fat. She weighed it - exactly one pound! Every time I lose a pound I think of that udder and know that much has gone from my body. I am losing steadily, between one and two pounds a week on a moderate carb diet - 100 to 120g a day and 1,200 calories, plus two 20 minute brisk walks. I have lost 17lbs so far with another stone to go.

Good luck x
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, Moomin, it has always come back with 'normal' readings. However, I am going to ask about this again, as I believe it was damaged in a car accident 25 years ago. I put on almost 2 stones in 2 months straight after having severe whiplash. (I was driving and stationary, waiting to turn right when a van ploughed into me at 60mph+) A nutritionist and naturopath have both told me they believe my thyroid makes enough hormone but doesn't convert enough into active hormone. My Gp's say my throid is fine.

Thanks I will try pushing at that door again.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Zand,

I wish you all the luck there is with hitting your targets. Losing some weight will help with the walking, but you already know that. Well done on the 1lb loss. One pound is a lot of fat when you compare it to a pound block of lard. Many, many years ago at a Weight Watchers meeting the Leader produced a cow's udder - quite a large expanse of pure fat. She weighed it - exactly one pound! Every time I lose a pound I think of that udder and know that much has gone from my body. I am losing steadily, between one and two pounds a week on a moderate carb diet - 100 to 120g a day and 1,200 calories, plus two 20 minute brisk walks. I have lost 17lbs so far with another stone to go.

Good luck x
Well done with your weight loss! Yes I need to get back to walking briskly too, it was difficult for a while when I was breathless, but I need to walk more briskly and for longer again.


Well-Known Member
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Hi, have a look at the Pedometer challenge thread,

it may help you keep track

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Bluetit,
Ask you gp to give you the readings. Mine were always within the range but at the lower end. Ask to go and see a consultant endocrinologist. They will look into it further. Look on the net for the thyroid forum. There's a lot of help there. Mine started growing down the back of my breast bone and had to have it removed. I'm so sure that the reading were low and that along with family history is the reason for my diabetes. My mom was over active with her thyroid, had op to remove 1/2 then on meds for that but because she was over active she didn't develop diabetes and my gp confirmed that.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, check you thyroid again and post the results here, or any old results you may have. Anything over 2.5 is suspicious but your GP will not know this. I was very ill already when my TSH was only 1.5 so these things are individual. Ask to have FT3 and FT4 tested as well and if possible thyroid antibodies.

Pain, weakness, fatigue, weight gain, loss of appetite, memory problems, constipation, hair loss, loss of libido, there are lots of strange symptoms of hypothyroidism. One thing that seems to peculiar to hypothyroidism is loss of the outer third or so of your eye brows.

And hypothyroidism makes it close to impossible to loose weight.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, check you thyroid again and post the results here, or any old results you may have. Anything over 2.5 is suspicious but your GP will not know this. I was very ill already when my TSH was only 1.5 so these things are individual. Ask to have FT3 and FT4 tested as well and if possible thyroid antibodies.

Pain, weakness, fatigue, weight gain, loss of appetite, memory problems, constipation, hair loss, loss of libido, there are lots of strange symptoms of hypothyroidism. One thing that seems to peculiar to hypothyroidism is loss of the outer third or so of your eye brows.

And hypothyroidism makes it close to impossible to loose weight.
thanks Totto, I have also made a note of the tip you gave me before, re DTH, but am leaving this until I have tried a few other things first. It is there on the back burner though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks everyone for your great comments. I will keep you posted on any developments.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Heya Zand :)

Awesome post and very brave:)

a pound is HUGE! my advice for what its worth is small targets, and the food diary if you aren't already doing one, i found it so very helpful being able to go back over what id ate and find ways of improving it, i think the pedometer is a terrific idea, again with small targets for improvement, i don't think i ever would have taken up running after zero exercise my whole life without the aid of the treadmill screen, not the treadmill but the screen, those numbers rolling around and trying to hit and beat my targets, whilst rejoicing in the successes most folks in the gym wouldn't even have noticed, so id say a pedometer would do the same job, 7 miles is a massive amount of walking, most people wouldn't do that much so you have a built in stamina, this is going to be very useful in your quest, i can't wait for the next installment, I'm excited for you, if you get knocked back at any stage, get back up, shake it off and grin at the setback through gritted teeth, you are a star, show the world how bright you can shine!

this is a terrific plan and i know you will achieve all your goals because your awesome!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Heya Zand :)

Awesome post and very brave:)
this is a terrific plan and i know you will achieve all your goals because your awesome!

Thanks so much Andy. Yes this has post has been a big thing for me, I am usually quiet and shy and hide away at home for most of the time. Yes the food diary would be good, I did keep one a few years back, but let it lapse.

I wish there was a gym for very fat ladies, because I might go if everyone else was wobbling all over the place! I also do have a pedometer somewhere, but will probably have to get a new one, as it is put away safely somewhere.(!)

So tonight it's roast beef and lots of veggies for me. Spare a thought for me on Saturday though...I foolishly bought a ticket for Wembley! This can only end one way - disappointment! I need to be strong when the rest of my family/friends go to McDonalds afterwards.

I will be thinking of you on Sunday. Good luck with your marathon, and I hope the sponsorship is still coming in!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
I was diagnosed in January and also weighed over 17 stones. I started the Newcastle diet (see their website, this is a serious diet that reverses type 2 diabetes) and have been incredibly strict with myself, no cheating at all. As of today I have lost 35lbs, and I intend to keep going until I am back to my 20s/30s weight of 9.5-10 stones. I was put on statins but my doctor stopped them yesterday. She reduced by blood pressure medication. She is delighted. My levels are really down - Hba1C - from 8.5 to 6.1. Cholesterol from 6.5 to 4.3. Trigs from 3.2 to 1.9. I am absolutely determined and it is possible as I would not in the past have thought of myself as so single-minded. This week I plan to begin my exercise now that I am lighter and can actually do it!
So, ... a week at a time. Keep a chart. Record weight weekly, blood sugar levels daily, and blood pressure daily, several times in the day. Get help from family and friends. Find interesting ways to cook the vegetables. Be optimistic. You can do it! If I can so can you! Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi, this is a very difficult post for me to make because I don't like admitting that I need help. I am a 56 year old woman who is morbidly obese and wants to lose 105 pounds. I am type 2 and have been for 3 years. I have been low-carbing, fairly successfully for 3 years, but after a few knocks have stopped for a while and find it difficult to start again. The LCHF diet is very good for my BG's which were within the 'normal' range for most of those 3 years. However I didn't lose much weight on it. The only time I lost a significant amount was when I cut down to 600 calories a day for 7 weeks. My weight then was 16 stone 9 lbs. Today it is 17stones 11lbs. (the highest ever was 18stone 5lbs)

Last week, after a referral from my doctor, I joined Slimming World. I was weighed today and have lost a pound. This may not sound like much to you, but to me it's amazing. It's amazing because I am the sort of person who is 'all or nothing'. When I am feeling good about myself I can work really hard and achieve loads. When I feel down I let everything slide. I have felt down for a couple of months now, yet somehow I managed to start something and achieve something, whilst I wasn't feeling good. I have done many diets before, but I have never done so well whilst feeling depressed and I am very proud of myself for trying. This is a big first for me.

Another big first is asking for help.

I intend to get back to LCHF properly as soon as I can. My Slimming World consultant won't be happy about the high fat bit, but as long as I keep losing weight I don't suppose she will be too bothered. I will not be buying any of the low fat/low sugar products that they like so much. I will eat real food. I intend to keep going to SW so that I am not so tempted to give up in the bad times. This is also the reason I am starting this thread - so I won't be able to hide away during the bad times. I have an appointment to see my nurse for blood tests just before Easter, and another to see my GP to ask for Metformin after Easter.

I haven't been checking my BG's much recently. Two hours after breakfast this morning it was 6.7. I expect my fasting one to be around 8.5. I will check it tomorrow.

I like walking but haven't really done any all winter. I went out for a short walk this morning. I used to walk 2 miles a day but stopped because I developed a heart problem (atrial fibrillation) which made me very breathless. I had an operation (called ablation) in November 2012. They put you to sleep then pass a catheter through to your heart and 'burn' away the circuits inside which are causing the irregular heartbeat. The procedure usually lasts 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Mine lasted 6 hours. I was told to have complete bed rest for 2 weeks afterwards (it's normally a week). I had this idea that I would do that for 2 weeks, then spend a further 2 weeks getting back to normal. The reality was very different. I had the 2 weeks rest, but after that time muscles had already started to weaken and it was 5 months until I felt I had any energy at all. I had problems with my back after all that resting, I could hardly walk and was doubled over like an old lady (OK, an older lady) I went to a chiropractor. I had had my heart set on going to watch a football match again, in April. How could I, when I couldn't walk? I found that the best way to walk was to straighten up whilst pushing a shopping trolley. So I went to the match. My husband dropped me at a supermarket about 1/4 - 1/2 mile from the ground. I limbered up walking with a shopping trolley (with only a pack of Nurofen in it- boy did I get some funny looks!). Then we walked slowly to the ground. This was the start of me getting better.

I have a target for walking too. Two years ago my husband and son did a 50 mile walk in London. They did a 10 mile stretch in the dark and would like to go back one day to retrace their steps and see what they were missing. I would like to go with them, but I need to be able to walk 11 1/2 miles in one day. (to take into account the walking to and from the tube). Last Summer I tried to get in shape, but kept getting stuck at 7 miles. So I need to get back to being able to walk 7 miles in a day, and then push through whatever barrier is stopping me from reaching the 11 - 12 mile target. I think that barrier is something to do with diabetes, because my legs just stop and refuse to function after 7 miles.

So, that's me and that's the plan. Please help me stick to it.

Fantastic you're sharing this, and congratulations on having the courage to 'step up'. Remember, although you are seeking support, the very fact that you are willing to share helps others too.

Congratulations on your weight loss! :joyful: It sounds as though you have a very sensible attitude - I think you are right to follow your own diet plan, sticking to lower carb 'real' food. Good decision. Great advice above about keeping a food diary - keep it religiously, and it will most definitely help.

Also superb that you want to get more active again! Slow and steady - exercise will become easier with weight loss, and weight loss will become easier with exercise. 7miles is a lot of walking! You obviously set yourself some pretty tough targets and already have great stamina - just as Andy12345 says.

Big supportive virtual 'hug', keep strong, and I look forward to hear how you get on.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Big supportive virtual 'hug', keep strong, and I look forward to hear how you get on.
Thanks for the hug, it was well received. I might be needing lots of those.! The 7 miles walking, is just 7 miles in a day - not a straight 7 miles, so it's not that impressive really. I sooooo want to get back to this though as I have had a lazy winter.

Thanks so much for your support
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I was diagnosed in January and also weighed over 17 stones. I started the Newcastle diet (see their website, this is a serious diet that reverses type 2 diabetes) and have been incredibly strict with myself, no cheating at all. As of today I have lost 35lbs, and I intend to keep going until I am back to my 20s/30s weight of 9.5-10 stones. I was put on statins but my doctor stopped them yesterday. She reduced by blood pressure medication. She is delighted. My levels are really down - Hba1C - from 8.5 to 6.1. Cholesterol from 6.5 to 4.3. Trigs from 3.2 to 1.9. I am absolutely determined and it is possible as I would not in the past have thought of myself as so single-minded. This week I plan to begin my exercise now that I am lighter and can actually do it!
So, ... a week at a time. Keep a chart. Record weight weekly, blood sugar levels daily, and blood pressure daily, several times in the day. Get help from family and friends. Find interesting ways to cook the vegetables. Be optimistic. You can do it! If I can so can you! Good luck.

thanks for your support. It is much appreciated. I daren't even believe that I can lose as much as you though. Still, one pound at a time.....
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done! Diet, courage and weight loss. I wish you every success!,,
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
thanks for your support. It is much appreciated. I daren't even believe that I can lose as much as you though. Still, one pound at a time.....

Yes, you can! If I can then so can you. One day at a time, stay positive and determined. It gets easier, and the benefits are when you can fit in to clothes again that you never thought would be worn again. Two sizes smaller. Nearly three. I hang the next size down on the wardrobe door, to keep me motivated. And my level are coming steadily down. I can wear my jeans again!
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