Help! I have so much weight to lose


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Boston Massachusetts! I don't want to go now.
Swapsies. I'll go to Boston for you and you can do all my marking? I'll even chuck in the ironing! Hope you have a fab time! Take carexxx
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
DEAL, let's swap!
Are you mad!!!!!!!! Have you seen how much marking there is! Whilst you're at it, you can teach 8a too if you like! They are completely naughty. No malice just naughty. I thought I might lose it and turn into a serial killer today! I'd have so many grateful colleagues!


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Diet only
That's what I can do.......the serial killer bit!!! Now you know how I am feeling tonight.......Let's say I'm a bit down again. This is soooooo hard. I just want to be happy.....and slim....and well


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
That's what I can do.......the serial killer bit!!! Now you know how I am feeling tonight.......Let's say I'm a bit down again. This is soooooo hard. I just want to be happy.....and slim....and well
Ok. I'll give you a list of kids - what about annoying colleagues? Lol!
You'll get there eventually. You and I - we just need to be patient! Huge hug! Xxx


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thanks, yes I did need a hug. I'm just not sure about the holiday 'cos it's just me and hubby and I won't have anyone to talk to!
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Not many.
....zand I started reading this thread of yours last night, halfway through and it was well gone eleven so I finished it this you are doing soo well, you're absolutely amazing.....this seems to be as much about you regaining your confidence as losing weight and you're doing brilliantly with both........sorry you're down tonight, you'll soon pick yourself back up, I've seen it in this thread a few times already, you don't stay low for long....

.....this was like a book I couldn't put down, I think you'd make a great writer, you're so interesting and express yourself so well.....:happy:

Enjoy your visit to the States...

Gerry xx


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Diet only
....zand I started reading this thread of yours last night, halfway through and it was well gone eleven so I finished it this you are doing soo well, you're absolutely amazing.....this seems to be as much about you regaining your confidence as losing weight and you're doing brilliantly with both........sorry you're down tonight, you'll soon pick yourself back up, I've seen it in this thread a few times already, you don't stay low for long....

.....this was like a book I couldn't put down, I think you'd make a great writer, you're so interesting and express yourself so well.....:happy:

Enjoy your visit to the States...

Gerry xx
Oh, thanks, when I read it it's just embarrassing. When I was a kid I wanted to be a writer but the stuff I write is usually boring. Yes I probably am just feeling nervous about the's horrid when you don't fit in a seat properly...still I am 17.5 pounds lighter than I would have been, so that's got to help a bit, right? I'll be excited about going when I've packed and written a 'remember to do' list for our sons! I want to walk miles and miles like we used to on holidays years ago.


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
thanks, yes I did need a hug. I'm just not sure about the holiday 'cos it's just me and hubby and I won't have anyone to talk to!
You can still access the forum via phone, tablet? We all have tablets and I love mine! If you haven't got one and you've got the cash, I'd definitely get one! You could probably get a cheaper iPad mini in the states couldn't you? Mines wifi but not 3G so I don't get any nasty bills!


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Medics who tell you what to do.
Politicians who blame people for being poor and praise bankers for being rich.
Butter Beans
i had accupuncture for a back ache, it did nothing for my backache but i became a bhuddist

well not really but i could have, it was awesome, i strongely advise it to anyone, just for the experience

YES! Acupuncture is brilliant medicine. 37 years ago I was admitted to A&E with acute pain in shoulder and side. They said it was gall stones and I needed a horrible op that involved cutting me open 1/2 the length of my torso and taking out my gall bladder. I crawled out of there on hands and knees in fear. Got home and howled in agony and hallucinating for 3 days. Then there was a pounding on the front door at 4am.
I had woken a neighbour who turned friendly when she saw the state I was in. Turned out she was a student of acupuncture. She gave me painkilling treatment with needles in my legs and other places and I slept a few hours at last. She phoned her teacher who was and is one of the best acupuncturists around and arranged a visit. Angela treated me for about 20months, I could eat nothing but steamed rice and veg most of that time and she cured my gall stones. I still have a gall bladder and never needed the op since.

Eating and exercising my way from manic to moderate Miriam.... and a steady blood glucose.


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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
I don't doubt that acupuncture works - Mrs Sanguine does reflexology which taps into the same neural pathways and 'hubs' and she can get a response from any organ in my body (!) from manipulating the appropriate point on my feet.

Mind you, we tried it when she was a couple of weeks overdue with our daughter. A physiotherapist friend came and tried to encourage the onset of labour but no result. Not to worry, the following day we organised a minor earthquake (Shropshire, 3 April 1990) and that did the trick.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Have a great holiday in Massachusetts Zand. Should be a great time to go with all the aspens in new leaf.
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I am so jealous of you going to Boston. I went with my sister some years ago and really loved it and always hoped to go back with my hubby. It has the most wonderful shopping a bit of different from New York somehow . Have a great time x

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I don't have a big interest in visiting the US but Boston and New England are places I would like to visit. Please post photos if you can. Have a great trip.

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I am so jealous of you going to Boston. I went with my sister some years ago and really loved it and always hoped to go back with my hubby. It has the most wonderful shopping a bit of different from New York somehow . Have a great time x
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Thanks, I liked New York but I hated the fact that you couldn't walk more than a few yards without having to stop and cross a road. I found that very irritating, so Coney Island was my favourite bit! Boston has been on our list of cities to visit for years and years so finally we are getting round to going there. We always have city holidays because we don't like beach holidays.


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You will enjoy Boston I loved New York but Boston had a different atmosphere not so manic and busy. We also holiday in cities as we have got older worst thing for me is a beach holiday , living in Spain where everything is centered around the beach it's nice to get a change of scenery!

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I love acupuncture! It did wonders for me, including getting me preg after 4.5 years of no success!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Yay!!!!!! Found the swimsuit so I can return it when I pick up my repeat prescription this morning. I had left it on top of an armchair and it had fallen into .....yes the ironing glad I've done the ironing bit of the 42 day challenge today Jamrox! It was one of those swimsuits that is meant to make you look slimmer by 'up to an inch' - yeh, right like an inch is gonna make any difference! Hubby said 'It looks OK, but maybe you could buy 10 of them!' Luckily for him I was in a good mood and fell about laughing with could have been sooooooo different.

Now with that problem sorted my mood has lifted...can't wait to try a grass fed buffalo burger/steak.
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