Help please! Type 1 and hypothyroidism treatment


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Desperate help needed! I started on 50mg of levothyroxine 12 days ago and my blood sugars are high. I’ve upped my levemir in the morning and night by 2 units and I’m taking x 1.5 of my normal novarapid ratios and they still aren’t great :( I eat a relatively low carb diet as well so I’m used to taking very low doses of novarapid. Is this normal?? Has anyone else experienced this and has any advice? It’s making me so anxious and really effecting my day to day life as I’m worried to do anything that is going to make my blood sugars any worse :(

Thank you!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I can't help with the insulin side of things, but when I started to take Thyroxine, many years ago now, everything started to 'wake up' inside me - my gut worked faster, kidneys went into overdrive for a few days, my hands and feet felt warm, hair and nails grew faster - all of that must have needed more energy, which of course for me just resulted in feeling hungry and eating more - but for all of that I would have needed more insulin, as it is involved in energy utilization ,
Low thyroid function is one of those things which creeps up - like old age beer and sugar - so you might have quite a bit of detoxing to do - and there will be tests and adjustments of doses in the future as you get back on track - but it would seem to be a perfectly normal thing to be happening and it is a pity no on e thought to mention that you'd probably see changes in energy requirement which are obviously quite significant for you.
I can only advise don't worry - just adjust to cope with the changes you see as they are to be expected in the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thyroxine takes 6 weeks to fully enter and leave the system so it’s unlikely to be the thyroxine if you’ve only been on it 12 days.