Hi everyone


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Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say hello. My name is Sarah and I was diagnosed officially last Friday as type 1 (LADA as I'm 36) I had an inkling as I've been feeling off for 6 months now, although my hba1c was only in the diabetic range I didn't meet the criteria for type 2, so I was sent for a GAD test. My results came back as Strong positive and have been put on insulin. I was being treated for type 2 a few weeks ago. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and the support and information on this forum have been very useful. I'm currently on my 2nd day of "background" insulin and reading through the forums it amazes me how each and every bodies treatment is completely different. Although I have a type 1 sister, I have an awful lot to learn and look forward to going through this journey with you guys


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Type 1
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Hi @purrpleness welcome to the T1 club, I've read some of your previous posts.

Two points
1) I believe you've been using a glucometer to test your bgs? As a confirmed T1 you should now qualify for a libre or dexcom (it won't replace blood tests altogether but should reduce the number you need to do).
2) As a new insulin user, you've hopefully been warned about hypos. Just make sure you have some form of glucose or sugar to hand at all times. Hypoglycemia can affect your cognitive ability and you want to make it easy to find sugar when you need it.

Diabetes is a strange illness in that the patient has a lot of control over its management. A plus point in my opinion. My endocrinologist and/or GP might prescribe my insulins, but I am in control over when and how much I take. As a new T1, you will want/need their input, but in the long term you will hopefully be able to tale control.

Good luck.
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