
John Lock

I have had type 1 since 1995 and still it is not under control. I've had so many conflicting instructions on how to get it under control that I've finally given up listening.
Can I ask what blood reading I should have at two hours after a meal ?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi and welcome to the forum @John Lock

Can I just check by what do you mean under control ? what's your daily life like with t1 and what insulins are you using ? Are you using a CGM system or checking readings on a glucose meter ?

Personally 2 hours after eating I like to be between 6-8 mmol/l but that depends on carbs and fat eaten with the meal, exercise and time of day.

There are many things which can be done to improve control but depends on the above and what tools your using, give us more background and hope we can help.

John Lock

OK, I am type1. On Novorapid insulin injections at every meal time and on Levemil over night as a background.
I use a Libre2 sensor. After meals my readings are well over 13mol. I inject 18ml for my morning cereal of Blueberry wheats and the readings sky rocket to 18 plus.. ... My graph reading looks like a mountain range, all ups and downs. Nothing seems to flow nicely.
I was told to eat plenty of carbs as this releases the sugars slowly. then I am also told that carbs are not good.???
Why do my sugars rise so quick?

Deleted member 475901

Some carbs are digested slower than others, and eating fat with a meal slows your digestion. But even for T1s reducing carbs (while adjusting insulin, so best to talk to your team) can help stop the highs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Hi @John Lock, I’m sorry you’re finding it a struggle to gain control of the wretched diabeast.
As @TriciaWs says, an appointment with your team seems the best first move. Have you done a Daphne course (it’s called different things in different parts of the country)? It’s a system by which measuring carbohydrate consumed and the blood sugars that follow consumption can be charted, and then adjusted to create better glycemic control. If you’ve not, then it might be a good idea to ask them to make contact with the providers in your area. The course does more than just look at charting and adjusting, it shows how the physical processes work, and helps us to know what happens when we use insulin , eat food, exercise, sleep, and all the other things that are a part of being alive,
Also, is there a specific reason why you only inject Levemir for the overnight control? Most of us use a basal (Levemir‘s a basal insulin and is released slowly, the Novorapid’s a bolus insulin and is released quickly) to cover the body’s need to transfer glucose to cells over twenty-four hours so that energy is found for things like our hearts, brains, kidneys, muscles and guts to function well. I know that Levemir is usually taken in two doses roughly 12 hours apart. Maybe ask your team if this would be a good idea?
I hope your team will help you take the steps to make life better.

John Lock

Because of Covid, my team only do phone appointments and my next appointment is Oct 4th. I am having big problems with my vision and having Laser treatment so I really need to get to grips with this. My readings can be normal before a meal then go very high, but come back to normal before my next meal. I am getting so frustrated and confused.
Another question: Can I inject insulin in between meals to bring my readings down without eating?
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