High blood sugar levels and adrenalin?


Well-Known Member

Today I went to Alton Towers for the first time. I am hoping other diabetics can help me to understand the relationship between adrenalin and high sugar levels.

Ive had quite poor diabetes control and you may see from my other post that I struggle with mainly low blood sugar levels.

I went on quite a few of the very scary rides. Dont think ive ever been that scared before!!! I understand these sorts of things do cause the body to use adrenelin. I suffered some quite concerning highs after the rides. I wasnt eating so I can rule this out of the equation altogether.

Before the ride I was at 5.9 then 10 minutes after the first ride it had sky rocketed up to 28. :?

I'm not too concerned as I know it wont be a regular thing but I am interested to know why this would happen and has anyone else experienced this before?

Thank you


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Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

Thank you for the link. Very interesting! who would have thought that a roller coaster could have such an effect on sugar levels. :?


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Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

SouthernGeneral6512 said:
If it went up to 28 you really were scared :shock:

Really I dont think I have EVER been as scared as I was on some rides. It was fun, well fun is the wrong word, more like terrifying. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

It's incredible how they can make something so safe so scary ... I suppose that's the trick isn't it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

SouthernGeneral6512 said:
It's incredible how they can make something so safe so scary ... I suppose that's the trick isn't it :mrgreen:

The rides are unbelievable! The thing that made me scared the most is thinking the restraines might lift up and i fall out. ive Probably got more chance of winning the lottory jackpot twice over but still a very scary thought!!


Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

Just a question as Im a bit of a rollercoaster fan,

As Diva said her BG went to 28, would you need to compensate for this with insulin or does it naturally come back down?

I can just envisage a massive crash after a day of rides :?:


Well-Known Member
Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

Sheffield27 said:
Just a question as Im a bit of a rollercoaster fan,

As Diva said her BG went to 28, would you need to compensate for this with insulin or does it naturally come back down?

I can just envisage a massive crash after a day of rides :?:

Well I had a bit of a rollercoaster with my sugar levels that day. From 5 to 28 in 10 minutes. I took my insulin and started queing for another ride. Tested again about half an hour later and it was 3.2. :? As it was nearly time to go on the ride I just waited and I was going to eat after. I got off the ride and it was 22.9!

For me I think it probably would of started to come down slowly by itself but when I see numbers like that the first thing I do is panic and reach for the insulin.

I also realised roller coasters are great for treating hypo's. Well kind of! :?


Well-Known Member
Re: High blood sugar levels and adrenelin?

SouthernGeneral6512 said:
It's all in the mind 8)

I know, the mind can do some horrible things. I honestly couldn't think of anything else other than me falling out no matter how much I was told that it couldn't possibly happen.

When I looked at the photos at the end of the rides, everyone else had big grins on their faces and their arms in he air but I looked like someone was holding a gun to my head forcing me to go on and me clinging on for dear life!

The photos was probably the most enjoyable and funniest part of the day for me. :oops: