High bm


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi there, I've done my bm test 3 times today and it'sbeen between 18 and 22. I keep going all heady , I've rang 111 ( 4 hours ago ) and got told someone would ring me back. I've been type 2 for 3 weeks and on metformin 3 times a day. Please can anybody give me some advice as I feel quite poorly and frightened as I'm on my own


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
4hrs! Call again.

If they can't help you, think about getting yourself down to A+E.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
4hrs! Call again.

If they can't help you, think about getting yourself down to A+E.
I've rang them again and said someone will ring me in the next hour. I'm getting really stressed also I live in the middle of nowhere. The nearest a&e closed at 5 and the next 1 is about 40miles away. I'm really thinking about doing 999 but will feel guilty if they say I'm ok


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Keep drinking water and having low carb food such as meat, veg, salad, cheese eggs.

We had to dial 111 for me at 5am this morn. Got thru to call centre, then clinician. Too difficult for climician so Gp rang back within 10 mins.
We don't have out of hours GPs to visit so had to wait till 10.30 this mirn for our communityhub out of hours GP to open up..

I was told quite clearly if I got worse before 10.30 I was to call 999.

No way should you have to wait 4hrs and then ring back and wait again for GP to contact you.

Shamefully, it is unlikely that anybody will visit you at home so if you are that ill then call 999.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As above, you're obviously not ok so you have every right to call 999. Any family members or a friend you can call meanwhile for a chat?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Hi there, I've done my bm test 3 times today and it'sbeen between 18 and 22. I keep going all heady , I've rang 111 ( 4 hours ago ) and got told someone would ring me back. I've been type 2 for 3 weeks and on metformin 3 times a day. Please can anybody give me some advice as I feel quite poorly and frightened as I'm on my own
There's no shame in calling 999 and being told you don't need them. You have tried 111 and it's not your fault they haven't met your needs. Since you are on your own in a rural area and quite frightened about your symptoms I think you should go ahead and call 999... or try 111 again and then if they don't help, call 999.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Keep drinking water and having low carb food such as meat, veg, salad, cheese eggs.

We had to dial 111 for me at 5am this morn. Got thru to call centre, then clinician. Too difficult for climician so Gp rang back within 10 mins.
We don't have out of hours GPs to visit so had to wait till 10.30 this mirn for our communityhub out of hours GP to open up..

I was told quite clearly if I got worse before 10.30 I was to call 999.

No way should you have to wait 4hrs and then ring back and wait again for GP to contact you.

Shamefully, it is unlikely that anybody will visit you at home so if you are that ill then call 999.
How are you doing, DD? I'm guessing you had to call for help because of pain due to impacted stool (slow colonic transit) or your neck injury? Hope things are better now. xx


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Keep drinking water and having low carb food such as meat, veg, salad, cheese eggs.

We had to dial 111 for me at 5am this morn. Got thru to call centre, then clinician. Too difficult for climician so Gp rang back within 10 mins.
We don't have out of hours GPs to visit so had to wait till 10.30 this mirn for our communityhub out of hours GP to open up..

I was told quite clearly if I got worse before 10.30 I was to call 999.

No way should you have to wait 4hrs and then ring back and wait again for GP to contact you.

Shamefully, it is unlikely that anybody will visit you at home so if you are that ill then call 999.

Hi they have just got back to me. Sending ambulance for me . Thank you for your help x
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
???? everything ok?

Neck pain awful. Bowel blocked again from painkillers and diazepam.

Ok now. Got lactulose syrup and morphine patches back again. Still waiting for stomach to work as had heaps of diazepam and naproxen as pain was so bad... Neck pain easing now with the morphine patch and hopefully stomach may start working again tomorrow or day after...

Fingers crossed. Didn't know what to do with myself from 1.30 this morn. 5am and was beyond my pain limits and knew I couldn't take anymore painkillers or diazepam.. Had no choice really. Okish now.

Makes me wonder though... What happens if someone dies in their sleep at 1am on Sat morn or at a weekend? Who do you call? 111 in our case or police or 999 to tale away body? There is no GP on call out to issue a death certificate so what is the procedure nowadays?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
They finally got back to me. My bm now 26 . They are sending ambulance . Thank you for asking . Will update when I can

Good. Let us know how you get on... Hope you feel better soon...x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Neck pain awful. Bowel blocked again from painkillers and diazepam.

Ok now. Got lactulose syrup and morphine patches back again. Still waiting for stomach to work as had heaps of diazepam and naproxen as pain was so bad... Neck pain easing now with the morphine patch and hopefully stomach may start working again tomorrow or day after...

Fingers crossed. Didn't know what to do with myself from 1.30 this morn. 5am and was beyond my pain limits and knew I couldn't take anymore painkillers or diazepam.. Had no choice really. Okish now.

Makes me wonder though... What happens if someone dies in their sleep at 1am on Sat morn or at a weekend? Who do you call? 111 in our case or police or 999 to tale away body? There is no GP on call out to issue a death certificate so what is the procedure nowadays?
You poor thing :(

Personally if I discovered someone who had died in their sleep at 1am I would call 111 or the police for advice on protocol, and my guess is that the police and ambulance would attend, and if there were no suspicious circumstances and it wasn't convenient for a doctor to attend, they would either take the body to the morgue or tell me to wait until morning for a doctor to visit.

A funeral director's website may have information on what to do.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
If you are 60+ and suffering from T2D and hypertension; - and then feeling the neck pain? it needs to be checked by a competent doc. At its worst, it could be a signal to heart problem; at its low it could be due to simple acidity, bad sleep position, or even long hours TV/computer watching etc.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just letting you know , they have kept me in hospital and put me on a sliding scale. My bm is now 12.6
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
If you are 60+ and suffering from T2D and hypertension; - and then feeling the neck pain? it needs to be checked by a competent doc. At its worst, it could be a signal to heart problem; at its low it could be due to simple acidity, bad sleep position, or even long hours TV/computer watching etc.

Under 60 n T1!! Know it came from stupidly having breast biopsy done and driving myself home. Would have been ok if I hadn't need to put car in reverse!! Was difficult and something twinged in eck when I did it. Now full neck muscles are in constant spasms...
Out of hours GP was good. Don't watch TV...

Morphine patch better than other pain / muscle relaxants...
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Just letting you know , they have kept me in hospital and put me on a sliding scale. My bm is now 12.6

Good.... It sounds as if you may be needing insulin? Hope they keep you in and sort you out. Some hospitals may discharge whem ketones disappear and under 12.0...

Hope you get well soon and can get better treatment lined up. X
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Under 60 n T1!! Know it came from stupidly having breast biopsy done and driving myself home. Would have been ok if I hadn't need to put car in reverse!! Was difficult and something twinged in eck when I did it. Now full neck muscles are in constant spasms...
Out of hours GP was good. Don't watch TV...

Morphine patch better than other pain / muscle relaxants...
Glad to hear you have better pain relief. But, you know what morphine does to colonic transit.... :(