@Carly97 and welcome to the forums.
I'm so sorry you have this extra anxiety at a time when you'd hope to be planning for an exciting new family member. Unfortunately a surprising number of conceptions don't go to term (diabetic and nondiabetic) as you sadly already know. A high hba1c pushes the odds further against you, but in my opinion this really is a numbers game, it's just probabilities, and you have to do the best you can now and wait and see. Luckily the scans should keep you updated with progress.
If it's any consolation my T1 mother had both me and my brother long before glucometers were invented (or ultrasounds for that matter) and got two babies out of her three pregnancies. (The hba1c for her first one would have been astronomical instead of just high, because she got pregnant immediately after almost dying from a T1 diagnosis via diabetic ketoacidos).
Good luck, and hopefully your team will help you keep your levels under control so that this pregnancy (and any future ones) has the best possibility for success.