I think most older members here will already know that I do not follow a lchf diet and never have but for the newer members who may not know I will outline my story as briefly as possible.
I was diagnosed in 2009 I think it was and prescribed metformin, one to start with to be increased gradually to 4 a day, that was on a friday but on the following monday my wife made me go and see the doctor again as I had not felt well over the weekend the doctor I saw couldnt get a blood pressure reading so told me to go straight to A&E as it was at the time.
I arrived at A&E feeling quite normal and saw the triage nurse who immediately told me to lay on a stretch and I was whisked into the resuscitation unit, it transpired that I had suffered an SVT which basically means the two sides of my heart were beating out of time with each other, it was for this reason that I had no detectable blood pressure reading, I had to have my heart chemically stopped and restarted again!!!
I had to stay in hospital for several days under surveillance as it was thought by my cardiologist that I had suffered a mini stroke which can apparently cause an SVT but after extensive tests this was ruled out. And due to my recent T2 diabetes diagnosis and the fact that my bg was measured at 29 mmol/L with an HbA1c of 12.6% I was placed on an insulin drip to get my bg levels down and was seen by a specialist diabetes nurse who told me I would have to start using multiple daily injections (MDI) of insulin, I was shocked and stunned at this news and asked her if it would be for life and she said that if I could lose weight I may be able to wean myself off insulin, my weight had ballooned to 18.5 stone (259 lbs) due to my having been on steroids (prednisolone) for 2.5 years following respiratory failure.
The diet part
I was so scared by this news that I was diabetic and had to start MDI treatment that i was determined to lose weight and after a lengthy talk with my sdn and reading several books on diabetes management a started to diet by cutting down on everything I ate, a few weeks later after searching the internet for more information I found this forum and luckily for me at that time there was far more information available here than the lchf that is the only method mentioned here now. Back then it was lc there was never any mention of lchf at all.
The main message here then was to test everything you ate before and after eating and adjust the carb portion of that meal down until you were happy with the effect on your bg levels, most members advised that it was best to see your levels returning towards your pre meal level after two hours. No one suggested that all carbs should be avoided it was all about ones individual insulin resistance as to how many carbs and what sort of carbs one could manage.
I found that I could ate fewer carbs in the mornings and a few more in the afternoons/evenings and I settled into a regime that suited me which saw me eating around 60g of carbs most days although this was never rigid as some carbs I could eat more of than others ie white bread and pasta affected me more than potato and basmati rice. This is why I have never set a max carb level as all carbs affected me slightly differently.
I was very very motivated and strict with my diet and over the following 10 to 12 months lost 4 stones (56 lbs) and managed to wean myself off insulin although I was still taking 4 metformin a day, at no time did I increase the fat in my diet as i felt that it would be counter productive to my losing weight as fat has double the calories of carbs and protein and it is eating fewer calories that makes one lose weight not eating more fat.
After the first year and after stopping my insulin treatment I became more relaxed about my diet, I didnt go back to my old ways of eating two or three choc bars a day and having two rolls or sandwiches and two packets of crisps for lunch and filling my plate full to overflowing at diner time and over time I have become used to eating less, I truly believe that most people eat way too much for their needs which is why this country is now suffering an obesity epidemic.
Over the next couple of years I lost another stone (14lbs) and I have maintained my weight loss eating an almost normal diet although I still rarely eat pasta and never white bread and I still watch the portion sizes of my meals although now I cant eat a large meal as I presume my stomach has shrunk over the years I have eaten only what I needed to fuel my daily activity.
Oh and a couple of years back now I also reduced my metformin down from four a day to two day and could probably stop altogether but i am happy to take the two a day as they are said to help prevent certain cancers.
As I needed to lose weight it never made sense to me to increase the fat in my diet and I am glad I didnt as it has worked wonders for me as I now have non diabetic HbA1c's which I have held since the second one I had.
Of course I could have made all this up but I didnt and here are the before and after photos to prove it