a lot of people in here are not using metformin and control their blood glucose by diet and excercise alone... wow
I was put on metformin right from the start but didn´t actually know anything about anything about diabetes type 2 except from that it had something to do with sugar which diabetics could not eat ....
now I think I have managed to get my number in control into the non-diabetic area... but now wonder is metformin doing its job , and how much does metformin in fact help lowering peoples blood glucose...
do any of you know more of how much in general metformin does help lowering blood glucose ?
I just read this study :
but as I read it it seems metformin only lowers blood glucose like something in between 0.6% and 2.0% and in my eyes that is yes ridiculously little... like if one had a raise of blood glucose of 100mmol it would only lower the number by 2.0% and that would leave the person with a number of at least 98mmol then...
did I totally misunderstand the results here ... hope so but I am not that clever in reading Scientific texts...
what do you know of this ?