How to conceive with high sugars


Hi I’ve been trying for two months previously miscarried due to not taking my multivitamin and having high sugars.

Has anyone conceived with high sugars ?

And has anyone planned a pregnancy with diabetes ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry for your loss previously. Are you diagnosed with type 2? You should inform your GP and they will refer you to the prenatal diabetes clinic at the hospital. What is your hba1c? They advise you to get it to 6.5% if possible. How are you treating it ? Have you made diet changes ?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
Hi I’ve been trying for two months previously miscarried due to not taking my multivitamin and having high sugars.

Has anyone conceived with high sugars ?

And has anyone planned a pregnancy with diabetes ?

I'm sorry for your loss.

Conceiving isn't usually the problem, it's keeping the levels from going too high that is usually the issue.
If you look on the pregnancy forum then there are plenty of folk getting pregnant with sugars higher than they like.

There is also plenty of discussion from diabetics who plan to get pregnant.

Would you like me to move your thread there? The GD forum is more for people who become diabetic during pregnancy. You are already diabetic (T2), I assume???

Ideally you'd get your levels down before you TTC but things aren't always ideal. As @OB87 said, if you contact your GP they should put you in contact with a diabetes prenatal clinic, who'll be able to help you get your levels sorted.

Good luck on your journey.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
So sorry about your loss. High HBA1c has been linked to miscarriage and cardiac issues with baby. As suggested a review in pre-conception clinic will be recommended before you conceive to optimise HBA1c before conceiving. Get referral from your GP
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry about your loss. I also had high sugars when trying to conceive and although not formally diagnosed with diabetes until after the baby was born, I knew deep down that it was inevitable. I spent a year trying to conceive and really focused on changing my diet which I think helped in the end but then old habits came back postpartum very quickly and resulted in diagnosis. Keep trying and good luck.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Yes high blood sugars with all mine. I was gestational with the first which after his birth a whopper at 10lb 91/2 oz lots of amniotic fluid built up. I was told to plan with my diabetes team for the next pregnancy but GP said get your pregnancies over and done with so In a sense I did. I had my first in January 90 and my second May 91 weighing 9lb13oz. Then in 1993 I got pregnant and the day I was due to get my result back from GP I started misscarrying at 11 weeks and the miscarriage was confirmed at 12 1/2 weeks. In 95 I gave birth to another baby 9lb 81/2, 4 weeks early. All were C ections the first 2 due to their and the last I could've had vaginally but due to the previous 2 I had to have c section again and told not to have any more pregnancies. My story tells you what can happen with always high blood sugars and if I had the hind sight I have now I probably would've discussed it with the diabetes team before hand. I'll also say that it took me longer to fall pregnant with the last pregnancy than the other 3.