hypoglycaemia or worse ?



On Saturday after being out watching a local football game and having 3 or 4 cans of low strength beer, I was sitting at my computer desk and started to get blurred vision, it felt like the sun had got in my eyes and I couldn't see past the image, then I started to feel numb and terribly confused - I was supposed to be taking part in an online team game and I couldn't for the life of me understand what was going on. I left the computer sat down for a while, felt it might be low blood sugar levels so had some busciuts, but nothing really happened and if anything it got worse. I ended up going to bed where my partner kept checking on me, apparently by this point i wasn't making any sense to her. It passed after a period but the next morning I still had a headache and didn't feel right for most of the day.

I'm type 2 and have never experienced such a thing before. My partner thinks it might have been a mini stroke and wants me to get it checked out, but I was wondering if a low level of sugar would cause such an episode. I don't normally measure, but this morning I got the test kit out and after the usual umpteen attempts I managed to get a reading - but it said that my blood sugar level was too low to present. I managed to get two attempts and both the same. I've since eaten several sweets and a fizzy pop and will test myself again soon.

What are your thoughts please ?

Edit: I think it was the readings - I since measured at 21.2 and then 20 after a long walk with my dog, will have to wait till tomorrow with an appointment with the doctors (You phone up on the day). So seems its too high now low. Am 54 btw and generally not really on a good diet regime. Thanks for all the replies :)
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I'm type 2 and have never experienced such a thing before. My partner thinks it might have been a mini stroke and wants me to get it checked out,
Do go to your docs, whilst it does sound similar to a hypo, are you on any blood glucose lowering medication, if not it is unlikely to be that on it own, and without a blood test at the time its impossible to say either way anyway

Were you feeling the same way when you did a test this morning, its possible your machine strips are not quite working as intended (especially if not in date still)
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Retired Moderator
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i recommend that you do indeed get checked out by a doc, urgently.

how old are your test strips? They can be unreliable if they have passed the use by date.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Yes please do get medically checked.
I haven't had a hypo myself but I do have those exact symptoms when migraine hits me, vision distortion, confusion, its like my whole brain shuts down, all I can do is sleep.

So it might be one of many things but you do need to get checked out asap


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Commuting, overcrowded spaces, especially after the arrival of covid-19...
Agree with the above replies. Yo-yoing between lows and extreme highs will not only make you feel very unwell, but also put you at significant risk. You need to try to talk through with your health team what new approaches may fit your lifestyle, but please be prepared that you may also need to adjust eating/drinking patterns to stay safe.
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Hi All,

Thanks for all the advice - I'm currently waiting for a call back from a doctor - the only appointment I could get. I'm sorry I started measuring my blood sugars again. The highest it went too yesterday was 23.4 however when I went to bed last night it was 18, then this morning 11 and I felt relieved that it was going down. But after a breakfast of wholemeal toast and a cup of tea, taking my medicaton (Two Metformin, Two Giglazide and 100mg of Canagliflozin then walking my dog for a couple of miles, it was 21 again. I don't feel ill as such except for the worrying lol.


Well-Known Member
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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
Wholemeal toast (lovely stuff) but would send my bg through the roof