I am really puzzled ! !


Hi, am quite puzzled, forgot to test when I got up this morning, tested before lunch at 2.0 0pm, was 5.8, an hour and 40 mins later was 11.7, at 5pm was 7.6, at 7pm before dinner was 11.3, had eaten nothing in between. Food for the day was a slice of toast at 10.30, lunch at 2pm an egg on danish malted bread toasted and a bag of marmite ricecakes, drinks were 3 in the morning of fruit tea(a whittards one suitable for diabetics), and one fruit tea at 6pm, water inbetween. I am stillin process of reorganising my diet and realise I have got to be more organised with food, and with testing, but which went wrong today. A friend was round whose gran was diabetic and he instantly shot out and got me some celery, telling me it would bring my readings down, is he right ?, I know I have lots of work to do with this, would appreciate any advice on today, thanks, Julia.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Just checking the carb content of the Marmite rice cakes, a bag of 110g of rice cakes contains 85g of carbs. This is very high so it is no wonder that your blood sugar went up so much.

One slice of Danish sliced could be anything from 14 gm -20g carbs per slice.

Please check the packaging of the fruit tea to see what the total carb count is per cup. Could not find much about the teas but did find that the teas contain Maltodextrin which is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose, so this is a type of sugar. Although a packaging may say it is suitable for diabetics you must check the ingredients for the ' hidden ' sugars as well.


Thanks Sue, have just done a double check on carbs, the rice cake bag is 17g, the danish is 9.1g, think the culprit might be the tea, seems its approx 12 carbs per mug, which now explains why the readings went up, I obviously need to be sharper on the carbs and not have so much tea, thanks again for making me look at what I'm doing, Julia.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
How much rice cakes did you eat ?
The whole bag is stated as total carbs 85g of carb for Ocado Marmite rice cakes. Is yours a different brand and what size was the bag ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi Julia,

Sue is right, supermarket shelves are full of 'health foods' so high in carbohydrates that you might as well just head straight for the pick'n'mix!
A friend was round whose gran was diabetic and he instantly shot out and got me some celery, telling me it would bring my readings down, is he right ?,
There's no food capable of bringing your blood sugars down. It's more a question of how high and for how long a food can raise blood sugar levels. Celery is very benign though as it has negligable carbohydrate and is mostly water and fibre.

All the best,



Hi Sue, they are the marmite unilever brand and it is a 22g bag, have also taken your post on board Fergus, I do see what you mean, never realised how many hidden sugars there are. It was the way the reading went up between the after lunch reading and the pre dinner one that had me, but can see now that it has to be the lovely tea I drink. Thanks again for the input, regards, Julia.


Well-Known Member
I tried the marmire ricecakes and they send my blood sugars sky high! I find that even 1 rice cake is way too much!
I have gone through alot of what i eat and knocked out alot of what i eat! One word of warning that i have found! You cannot always go on what the packet says! Even if it says 12g of carbs, it might be the wrong sort of carbs for you and that will send your blood sugar through the roof!
All you can do is trial and error! I find that my sugars usually peak between 1 and half hours and three hours after eating!
If you skip a meal it will put your sugars up as your body will try and repair it own glucose levels!


Thanks for that Sandy, I guess I still have a lot to learn, but will get there. I can see a lot more organisation is required and I was the worst for skipping meals, so have taken in what you say, I know it will help, just feeling confusing at the moment of knowing what I can put with what, and learning where all the hidden sugars are, but have got the carb counter which is a big help, I appreciate any advice or comments right now, thanks again, Julia.