I really want a baby!


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@wannabemammy Thank you! I just hope it continues to lower so I can start trying for a little one!

Aww congratulations! That's fantastic news, so pleased for you and what a brilliant a1c! :D

Melissa x
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Thanks pilzy! Ya it's was a great relief seeing the heartbeat. I'm being really looked after and couldn't ask for better care! Morning sickness is pretty horrid but I'll never complain as I realise how lucky I am and never take things for granted. I see it as a good sign that I'm so sick! I am waiting for the hypos to set in at the moment I'm fairly insulin resistance but not as bad as I was at 6 weeks! You only have 2 more weeks to wait before you find out the gender you must be bursting to find out!!


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@MelissaC I hope the meeting with your consultant went well and you have a clearer idea of where abouts in the 50's you are aiming for! You have done so well, I am sure it won't be long to get that last bit down! :)

@wannabemammy Aww, I only had bad nausea no actual sickness, does it make it harder to control sugars? I know, I try not to moan about anything to do with being pregnant (other than my diabetes and BG!) I know someone who has/had morning sickness and "it's so hard for them, I wouldn't understand how difficult their pregnancy is for them".
I know a week on Tuesday! I really am, I always said I wouldn't find out what we were having until they were physically in my arms but I just can't wait!



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Hi @Pilzy-89!

Had my appointment yesterday, she is happy that my a1c came down and said it's probably good that it didn't come crashing down too (it was only a reduction of 5mmol but heading in the right direction). She showed me something which said what's classed as 'good control' is somewhere between 48 (I think) and 58 (obviously lower would be even better!) so said she thinks I'm doing well and said if we wanted to we could start trying or we could wait until my next blood test. I'm not sure what to do to be honest, she seems to think I'm doing well and says I don't need to see her again, unless I really want to, and just basically let my gp and her know if/when I get a positive pregnancy test! However I still feel it's not good enough, my sugars are nowhere near as good as others and just don't understand how I can get them lower without basically going hypo!

Sorry for the rant haha! I know you've got your scan coming up soon, bet you're excited x


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Hello, don't apologise for the rant it's what we are here for!

How far off your targets are you atm (if you don't mind me asking) ? Tbh, I had quite a few lows and think they pulled it down a bit, not much mind but will have contributed some what. How restricted is your daily carb intake atm? To get my sugars to be in check I really had to look at what I was eating and how they were affecting my sugars, especially at times I wouldn't normally test at.

I was told I could start or wait, but as hba1c was 46 we tried and succeeded. It's really a personal choice whether you believe your sugars are well enough controlled for you to not be stressed or worried at that point - they will change so much during pregnancy anyway at each of the diff stages, worrying and stressing is about all I do haha. I was told I could get them as perfect as possible before but once pregnant my hard work will be tested constantly. Boy have I found that out, sugars haven't been as good as I would like but hey, I am trying, the majority of the time they are good.

Don't take what others tell you about their perfect sugars as complete truth and make them put you off, as I say mine aren't completely perfect but my nurses and consultant are happy they are good enough for a healthy pregnancy. I think we always criticise ourselves more! Your consultant wouldn't say go if she didn't think you were at an appropriate place.

I am excited, and nervous. Just hope all is well, the scan will show if it is... fingers crossed.

Whatever you decide to do I hope it goes well for you! only you can make the choice as to when you are comfortable to start trying. Xx
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@Pilzy-89 It's hard to say - I get good numbers (or what I call good) in the 6-9, then it will jump randomly to 12 or whatever. When it's high I do a correction dose accordingly. Sometimes I'll realise perhaps I didn't give enough insulin, but other times it can be a complete mystery! I'll be honest, my carb intake isn't restricted and I'm beginning to think if I lowered my carb intake this'll just be so much easier for me in the long run!!

46 is a brilliant hba1c, I'd love to achieve that! Yeah I bet the pregnancy plays games with your sugars especially having to adjust your insulin doses lots!

Thank you for your kinds words and advice. I've really found this forum a big help! :)

Good luck with your scan, I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine! Keep us updated xx


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@MelissaC I was stuck on an a1c of 58 for aaaaaages! Nothing I did no matter how hard I tried would bring it down. Then one day my clinic called and said they put me forward for a trial on the Libre. I got a months trial and haven't looked back since. Yes it is self funded but I decided to sacrifice some stuff in the month in order to be able to afford it! It's what got me over that final hurdle. Do you think this could be an option for you?

@Pilzy-89 ah I'm so excited for you!! Let us know how you get on! I'm going in for a scan on Wednesday. Can't wait to see how much the baby has grown. Although it's pretty nerve wracking!


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@wannabemammy That's great that it helped you! I think I'll see what my next hba1c is and if it still hasn't come down by much then perhaps I'll look into other things whether that be the Libre or maybe trying the pump.



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Hello! I had my scan yesterday, it was amazing. All looks good and healthy, thankfully. We found out we are having a little boy I am too excited! Although, we didn't get a good scan picture because the whole 20mins he was being scanned he was facing us and on his side and then the second she said "right I'll just take some pictures for you to have" he turned his back to us and wouldn't move!! Two of the worst scan pictures ever, basically the back of his head! Definitely takes after his camera shy father there then!

Hope everything is well with everyone xxx
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Hi @Pilzy-89! Oh wow, that's fab! Glad all went well for you :D That's annoying about the scan photos but like you say he is taking after his father haha! I bet it's a lovely feeling knowing you have a little baby boy growing away inside of you! Time to get thinking of names now...



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Hi @MelissaC we actually have had a boys name picked out for a few years if they were a girl it would be a little trickier! Xx
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Sorry to jump into this thread ladies but I'm looking for advice, I want to start trying for a baby I was only diagnosed last year and I have just got my hba1c results back since diagnosed which are down from 106 to 44, wondering what you had all been advised to get them to before TTC? Thanks and congratulations


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I was just diagnosed 16 days ago with type 1. My hbA1c was 104 and I was 8.5 weeks pregnant. I miscarried just 2 days after diagnosis. We had a scan on the day which showed our baby was at just 6 weeks development and I was told to expect a miscarriage and that if We didn't lose the baby it was going to have sever birth defects if it survived until birth.

I am absolutely desperate to have another child but I won't until my hbA1c is below the recommended level. As wanting as you are to have a baby, please believe me that rushing isn't the answer and could cause you a world of pain if you don't get your levels sorted first. This is coming from someone still mourning the loss of their baby but knows that they would have been very poorly because of my levels. You don't want the guilt.

I'm going to get my levels down and take the folic acid the doctors have prescribed to be as healthy as possible. I hope this helps and drives you to be as patient as possible. Xx


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@Jen92' 44 is within the recommended guidelines.
It is still important to speak with your DSN, since they will prescribe you a higher dose of folic acid and also ensure things such as your retinopathy screening is in date, so you are in the best possible situation prior to TTC.
You've obviously worked really hard though, so well done!


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Hey just wondering if any of you girls could help did any of you have random high readings before finding out you where pregnant?? I'm sure I had (tmi) implantation bleeding 2 days ago and tonight my bg has been through the roof I'm just doing a set change on my pump incase that's the problem but wondering if anyone else has had this? Xx


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It is NOT GREAT that she has the folic acid already because if she has the MTHFR mutation like 40% of Americans, she will have worse processing than without it and should instead have methylated FOLATE not folic acid., which is available over the counter. Methylated form of folate will also help her get pregnant

The folic acid was prescribed by her specialist - who knows their patient.
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It is NOT GREAT that she has the folic acid already because if she has the MTHFR mutation like 40% of Americans, she will have worse processing than without it and should instead have methylated FOLATE not folic acid., which is available over the counter. Methylated form of folate will also help her get pregnant
The research demonstrating that supplementation (or a diet with a decent amount vegetables) corrects for the increased risk of birth defects was using normal supplements, not methylfolate. Increased amount of the substrate (folic acid) might result in improved methylation even when enzyme activity is impaired. Though large amounts of folic acid also might block the body's use of active folate.

My own preference would be eating more vegetables, and supplementing a small amount of an active methylfolate. But the research indicates that folic acid is probably sufficient.


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Hi @Jen92' Wow that's fantastic, well done! It sounds like you are at the right sort of numbers, however as someone as has said - make sure you speak with your diabetes team first. You are doing great though :D x


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@Catherine4188 I am so sorry to hear of your loss, it must be so hard for you having to deal with the diagnosis of diabetes plus your miscarriage. Hopefully in time you will be able to reduce your hba1c to a good number.

Best wishes for the future x