I just don't see the point to newspaper articles, tv discussions, anything to do with diet, health and fitness. Non diagnosis of medical conditions, over prescribed drugs, miss information on what our diets should consist of, the list goes on as to what can cause obesity in reality.
I believe a lot of our problems today living in this country are Government (successive) caused. If "they" were really concerned as to how unfit and unwell our society would get, which was inevitable, we follow America, they wouldn't have banned sports and games in schools. I did 4 hours of games / P E a week. They would have limited the amount of fast food outlets everywhere, they would have subsidised fresh fruit and vegetables, there would be gym type equipment in parks, there are hundreds of things this country could have done to offset the onslaught of obesity. they didn't, and it's only now that there are piecemeal projects dotted about that have addressed the issue.
I have a Business Management Degree, but I learned the majority of my life skills as a housewife for 40 years. It didn't need a risk assessment team, forward planning team, future project team to work out, if you stop the physical movement of children in schools; allow fast food outlets to be so prevalent everywhere, sell the most unhealthy carb ridden food types cheaply, allow children to sit in front of the t.v, games unit, whatever instead of making them play out, that we would have an obesity epidemic just around the corner. So, as a housewife, I knew, don't buy those unhealthy foods for the kids to eat, don't allow hours of time sat in front of the t.v, gaming, etc, get the kids involved in sports activities, were all things I knew I had to do to stop my kids being part of the obese statistics. I was successful, not one of my 3 children, (now adults) is overweight or unhealthy. So if as a little housewife I knew how to prevent it happening to my kids, all governments needed to do was the same, just on a larger scale. Also, invest money into park schemes, reduce costs of gyms, swimming pools, subsidise fresh fruit and vegetables, the list could go on as to how the Governments could have staived off the epidemic arriving, they didn't. WHY?