Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions


Hi, I'm Jenny and I have just been diagnosed last Monday, although I have been pre-diabetic (as they seem to call it) for 2 years. I know quite a bit about diabetes as my grandson has type 1 and I fostered a child with type 1, but my doctor seems to have rubbished anything I thought I knew. I am divorced with 3 grown up children and 4 grandchildren. I also rescued 2 Cocker Spaniels last year who rule the roost. I am overweight but am having real problems with diet as I also have a colostomy which restricts what I can eat and likes a low residue diet, and I can't exercise as although I have had 11 stents in my arteries in my heart, they are clogged up again and that side of my heart now doesn't work. I also have asthma and epilepsy, but hey life is for dealing the cards you have been dealt. I'm looking forward to meeting you and picking your brains. Thanks for listening. By the way I have a wicked sense of humour!
What is your name?
- How old are you?
i'm 40
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
C of E
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Bubbly, loving and friendly
- Do you have any pets?
Yes 3 cats
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Yes three tattoos on hand, shoulder and chest
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
The Wanted, Bob Marley, Enimem, Bee Gees and Black Eyed Peas
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
England, Spain and Gibraltar
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Coronation Street, Big Bang Theory, Doctors, Casualty and Little Princess
- List your five favourite films.
Twilight, Dawn of the Dead, Bolt, The Inbetweeners and Taken
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What seems like endless trips to the Dr or Hospital.
Hi everyone....well here goes.

- What is your name?
ColinS (I blame mom and Dad)

- How old are you?
60 but only look 59 and a bit

- Are you male or female?
Hang on just looking.....Yep Male I think.

- Which country are you from?
United Kingdom

- Which city/area do you live in?

- Are you religious?
only when I hit my finger with a hammer.

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
easy going, friendly with a touch of weird.

- Do you have any pets?
A dog called Homer (after the cartoon character not the Greek poet)

- Microsoft or Apple?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Football, Speedway, Grand prix...who am I kidding I like most sports

- Do you get angry easily?
No i rarely get angry.

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
No never got drunk enough.

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
Mostly rock but love bridge over troubled water.

- What is your favourite flag?
The white flag of surrender (that's what being married 40yrs+ does for you)

- Ever gone camping?
Once. Pitched the tent in what we found out later was a dried river bed...realized after a night of rain..never again

- Ever been in love?
of course I have but gave up fishing and married the wife instead.

- Ever used fake tan?
No. Not washing for a week is cheaper!

- Which countries have you visited?
Greece (Rhodes), Spain, Scotland, Cyprus, Cape Verde, South Africa.

- Favourite city?
Lindos (Rhodes) not a city but I love it there.

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Simpsons, Big Bang Theory, Star Trek (all series), Red Dwarf,

- List your five favourite films.
Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Harry Potter.

- Are you wealthy?
My wife sometimes thinks I am but I'm not.

- Do you work? If so, as what?
I am retired.

- What do you like most about yourself?
My sense of humor.

- What do you like least about yourself?
I tend to worry about things I can't do anything about

Well if that hasn't put you off I look forward to speaking to you all at some stage.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
East Sussex.
- Are you religious?
Not in the slightest although I believe in Heaven.
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Friendly,chatty,But illness has made me a bit of a hermit....
- Do you have any pets?
Couple of spiders...
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
None any more.
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Ears.Nose piercing has healed after my partner said my stud looked like a bogey....
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Alabama 3. Chemical Brothers. Crosby,Stills and Nash+Young. Air and Massive Attack.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
Union Jack.
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Come Dine with Me. Coach Trip. Hotel Inspector. The Tudors.Coronation Street.
- List your five favourite films.
Dan in Real Life. Little Miss Sunshine. Out of Africa. The Elephant Man. Scarface...
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
Ex gardener.
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Nutrition mainly.Plants.Expert on breastfeeding....
- What do you like most about yourself?
I am very easy to get on with and make aquaintences easily.
- What do you like least about yourself?
My HUGE stomach....


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Nothing really!
- What is your name? Richard Snow..! Hi :3
- How old are you? Almost 23
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? England
- Which city/area do you live in? Leeds
- Are you religious? Nope
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Weird... Sleepy... Caring... Yeah
- Do you have any pets? A little chubby ginger cat :D
- Microsoft or Apple? Microsoft n_n
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Uhm...
- Do you get angry easily? WHAT YOU TRYING TO SAY!? I wouldn't say so ;)
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Left ear piercing, like a boss
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Five..? Okay hmm, Michael Jackson, Nickelback, Lionel Richie, The Lonely Island aaaand Chester See <3
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? I'd say RnB, anything with a nice ring to it, NO SWAG :)
- What is your favourite flag? The Stark family flag!
- Ever gone camping? Yeah, no good stories tho :p
- Ever been in love? Love... Yeah, I'd say I'm there right now ;)
- Ever used fake tan? Ohellno xD
- Which countries have you visited? France, Spain, Scotland..? xD
- Favourite city? Not sure, guess I'll have to say Leeds..!
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Game of Thrones! Walking Dead, Criminal Minds, Hannibal (lawl episode 2) and Bad Girls Club!
- List your five favourite films. I am Legend, Get Smart, Seven Pounds, Dark Knight, Iron Man
- Are you wealthy? Ha, no.
- Do you work? If so, as what? Self employed Game Designer, hence the answer above ^ :p
- List the subjects you study/have studied. List too loooong, let's just say a lot of computer stuffs
- What do you like most about yourself? This one is quite tough, even after looking at some of the other replies here I guess I have to agree with them... Not much :/
- What do you like least about yourself? My confidence, and as controversial as it seems, my diabetes :p

I liked filling this in, reminded me a little about my self as sad as that seems! :p


Just been diagnosed with type 2.

Here is my intro to the forum:

What is your name? - Geoff
- How old are you? - 56
- Are you male or female? - Male
- Which country are you from? - UK
- Which city/area do you live in? - Wokingham
- Are you religious? - No
- Pick three words to describe your personality. - Opinionated, content, lazy
- Do you have any pets? - yes 3 cats
- Microsoft or Apple? - Microsoft
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? - play none, like Rugby union and league, Biathlon
- Do you get angry easily? - only with fools and car ragers
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? - yes on my upper arms
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. - Mike Oldfield, U2, Dire Straits, Celine DIon, Barbra Striesand
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? - 70s rock/electronic
- What is your favourite flag? - Wales National
- Ever gone camping? - not for an age - 30 years ago at least
- Ever been in love? - yes and still am :)
- Ever used fake tan? - no
- Which countries have you visited? - France, Germany, Austria, Malta, Tunisia, Cyprus, Belize, USA, Canada, Maldives, Spain
- Favourite city? - none I love the country
- List your five favourite TV programmes. - NCIS, True blood, Dr Who, Criminal Minds, any Stargate derivative
- List your five favourite films. - Highlander, Notting Hill, Where Eagkes Dare, Battleship, Blade runner
- Are you wealthy? - no
- Do you work? If so, as what? - yes as a technical instructor
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Electronics, computer networking
- What do you like most about yourself? - Me
- What do you like least about yourself? - old age creeping up

Thats a page full, hope it helps to understand me :)


Active Member
Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? Jay
- How old are you? 34
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? UK
- Which city/area do you live in? Blackpool
- Are you religious? very
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Quiet, Honest, Reserved
- Do you have any pets? No
- Microsoft or Apple? Swing both ways
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily? I try not to
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Nope
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. AC/DC, BB King, Any classic rock stuff, Clapton, Hootie & The Blowfish
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Rock/Blues
- What is your favourite flag? N/A
- Ever gone camping? Yes
- Ever been in love? Yes, and still am. May it never change!
- Ever used fake tan? Don't need to - naturally tanned!
- Which countries have you visited? USA, France, Spain, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Hong Kong, Borneo, Turkey
- Favourite city? - Rome
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Star Trek, Anything with Cooking that isn't dumbed down (Ina, I mean you!), top Gear, ER, Big Bang Theory.
- List your five favourite films. Inception, Star Trek movies, Marvel comic-based stuff,
- Are you wealthy? Hell, no.
- Do you work? If so, as what? Digital Skills Trainer
- List the subjects you study/have studied - History, IT, English Lit/Lang
- What do you like most about yourself? Sense of humour.
- What do you like least about yourself? That I've brought diabetes upon myself.
- What is your name? michelle :)
- How old are you? 23
- Are you male or female? female
- Which country are you from? UK
- Which city/area do you live in? Cumbria
- Are you religious? not reallt
- Do you have any pets? no
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? 3 tattoos and my ears pierced :)

feel free to ask any questions :)


what is your name? Samantha
how old are you? 49
are you male or female? female
which country are you from? AUSTRALIA !
Which city/area do you live in? Cairns in north QLD
Are you religious? Buddist
Do you have any pets? my daughters dog she left behind. A Labrador named Rusty ( AKA Stupid sometimes)
Microsoft or Apple? either or none. can never work them out anyway
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Star sign on lower back (Aries) medical tattoo inside forearm and portrait of son on back.
Pick three words to describe your personality. outgoing, adventurous,Humerous
Which sports (if any ) do you like/ play? running around after the grandkids (keeps me fit)
Do you get angry easily? Not really but don't push it
List your five favourite musicians/bands. Matchbox 20, Rob Thomas, Pink, Train, Peter Gabriel
What would you say your favourite music genre is? Any except country and western
What is your favourite flag? the Australian one of course
Ever gone camping? yes but not a fan
Ever used fake tan? Nope I live in the tropics and get tanned enough!
Ever been in love? Yes
Which countries have you visited? USA, Japan, New Caladonia, Norfolk Island, Thailand, Indonesia
Favourite city? Osaka, Japan
List your five favourite TV programs. In plain sight, CSI, House Husbands, current affair programs
List your five favourite films. any musicals or comedy
Are you wealthy? I wish but sadly no
Do you work? If so, as what? Counsellor
List the subjects you study/ have studied. Bach Counselling
What do you like most about yourself? I'm alive each day
What do you like least about yourself? Bad haircut I got last week grrrrr :lol:


Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the site, hows everyones levels today ?

Ok Here Goes.

What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
United Kingdom

- Which city/area do you live in?
Currently live in Aberdeen but im origianlly from The Wirral, near Liverpool.

- Are you religious?

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Good sense of humour (so im told), generous (so im told) mad, (i know that myself, hahahaha)

- Do you have any pets?
no, :(

- Microsoft or Apple?
sorry to sasay both, I have an Apple phone/Ipad and MAc at home, but i use Microsoft a lot through work.

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Snowboarding, follow Formula One, Shopping ( i know its not classed as a sport, but you know what its like to shop on a Saturday afternoon)

- Do you get angry easily?
Nope, not as far as im aware.

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
yes ears, and tattoo's (One on upper arm and one on inner arm)

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Michael JAckson, Hurts, 80's 90's and Dance (Ok, I cheated on the last 3, lol)

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?

- What is your favourite flag?
It has to be The Union Jack

- Ever gone camping?
No, where would you charge your phone ?

- Ever been in love?
Yes, :(

- Ever used fake tan?
sorry to say yes.

- Which countries have you visited?
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Germany and The States

- Favourite city?
LindNew York (Shop-A-Doobie)

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Coronation Street, The Apprentice, Cake Boss, Hannibal and Big Bang Theory

- List your five favourite films.
geezz this is a hard one, Skyfall, Fast and the Furious, Gone in 60 seconds, Sherlock Holmes, Ironman
- Are you wealthy?
What do we class as wealthy? i say comfortable.

- Do you work? If so, as what?
Yes, I'm The UK Quality Manager for an American Company in the Oil and Gas Industry

- What do you like most about yourself?
Dress sense, (I hope)

- What do you like least about yourself?
being vane hahahahahaha


Hi everybody !
My name is Linda
I am 53 :shock:
I am married with 2 grown up childern and 1 grandson called Marc
I have a german shephard dog who is nearly 15
My music taste is wide and varied...anything apart from rap :lol:
TV favourites include, holby city, the apprentice, gok wan grand designs saturday kitchen
and wait for it sky sports especially football !
Films...anything apart from sci fi...can't stand it
Love shopping so not wealthy hahaha never will be
Used to work but had to give up to become a carer for my husband so again will never be wealthy
Hate the fact that I worry about everybody else and don't think about me but it's taken a long while to realise this, and hate that I am not losing weight
Don't like anything about myself at moment but hopefully someday that will change
3 words to describe me..had to ask my husband..quiet,multi-talented ,loving


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
People who tell lies.
My GP (Dr Doom).
Hi Lindy I'm Q..

I'm a business consultant (fix businesses that are in trouble), I used to be an 'A' list keyboard player some years ago so totally mad about music, have a home recording studio, have a PA system in there so i can have a laugh with karaoke nights. Love all types of music. Fave things to do are Chinese take outs to watch a DVD or TV, love Indian food too, all the wrong things for a diabetic. I have a dog, he was a Christmas present for someone who couldn't put up with puppy mess and was about to be given away so I brought him here with me. He's actually a girl dog but I call him a he, his make is a Bassett hound (big floppy ears), he dances and twirls every time he sees me, he's such a good friend who never lets me down, he has a dish of tea each morning. Don't smoke anymore (used to do 50 a day) gave up drinking 20 years ago as after a pint I fell over (cheapest date in town) so I always get tagged with the taxi service when on a night out. Regarded as being pretty bright indeed, but I can't get my head around diabetes yet. Never been sick before, only been in hospital twice and that includes delivery, so I think I'm still in denial with the news of being diabetic. I'm really really struggling with diet at the moment. I'm just under 15 st, I can carry that weight as I'm tall but set a goal to get to 13st 5lbs, desperate for diet help, long wait to see a dietician.

I'm a newish T2, not on any meds, HBA1C latest result is 43, my BG monitor arrived today, just lying in bed trying to figure out how to work it, can't be bothered with the destruction manual (it's a man thing). Live in small village in Wales (we have one yellow page) very green here. There's a Forrest with fresh water stream nearby where the dog takes me for walks, it goes on for miles, love the peace it brings taking a gentle stroll.

I've been on here for less than a week so keen to reach out to new people.

With my kind regards to all,


Sent from the Diabetes Forum App


Thanks for that Q, you made me laugh there talking about your dog :D Really struggling as well with weight..joined weightwatchers online 2 months ago lost 1 kg put 3 back on felt like **** because they had me eating far too much, emailed them after talking to gp and cancelled as there was no back up from them. Going to do it myself now. I have 2 wonderful gps who have been a great help over the years since my husband became ill and it makes such a difference, hopefully you will get loads of help from yours. I am on metformin and pioglitazone for my diabetes,just need something for my brain that will cut out cravings lol haven't had them for nearly 30 years :lol: Joined on here so I don't feel so isolated. Good luck !!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
People who tell lies.
My GP (Dr Doom).
Hi Lindy, Apparently it's all do with carbs, I think the carbs issue has brought me down more than being told I'm T2. I mean, I gave up the fags, don't drink alcohol, gave up coke (the drink), and CHOOOOCCCOLATE!! .... Whaaah.... What's left? Feel like slashing my ankles (it's quicker). I love a bag of crisps to watch the telly, gone! - My fridge has never been so empty, I'm not allowed cheese either. I'm SOOOO hungry.

I've found and tested a way for rapid weight loss, it works but I do not recommend it at all. Over a period of several days I stop eating, your belly rumbles like thunder for a day, but then you actually get used to it and don't feel hungry. I keep this up for a week and then have a cuppa tea and a bun each day for week two. I also dramatically drop fluid intake which I know to be dangerous. I decant sparkling water into a 330 ml bottle and that's all I have each day for a week, you do or can start to feel lightheaded and if in bed start to feel as if you're drifting, it's quite a pleasant feeling and you can feel at peace, it is not recommended at all, I'm just sharing an experience of a dangerous and stupid way even to drop weight very quickly. I've lost 10-12 lbs in about 8 days. Most of this is down to fluids, your body draws fluid, in this situation, from muscles NOT fat stores. So your weight loss can be from your arms and legs, if you have a fat belly that seems to be the last to move. I've done this several times, my weight will drop quickly to give me a big boost of incentives to keep it there or drop some more. I can't over stress this can be dangerous, but I've gotten away with it.

It's fair to say all diets usually fail, what does work is a healthy diet but I just can't find the will power. I hate it when I'm this weight, my friends take great pleasure in telling me I have more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book.. Does anyone REALLY like the taste of Ryvita? The box looks more tasty and muesli? It's what chickens eat.

Must dash, off to the dentist tomorrow to have my teeth wired together..

Kind wishes all,


Sent from the Diabetes Forum App


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
People who tell lies.
My GP (Dr Doom).
Oh, had my Retinopathy eye procedure done today, the drops sting like hell why don't they warn you? When you have an injection they warn you " sharp scratch coming up"

This is true: So I walk in and she says " Right then, you've come to have your eyes checked" ???? " NO, actually I'd like to keep them brown" --- nothing! .. Not a titter not a smile, nada, niet, non, nought.


Sent from the Diabetes Forum App


:thumbup: yes it is do with carbs which are in nearly everything apart from water ....all the "healthy stuff" we have been ordered to eat over the years have their own sugars and carbs. Stress is a big factor as well so kick all the people who stress you out to the kerb :lol: Need the gov. to highlight this terrible condition and that also too much healthy food is just as bad as eating junk food.You sound as if you have a great sense of humour so keep laughing and you'll get your head round this soon, tc


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
- What is your name?

- How old are you?
41 1/2

- Are you male or female?
Hermaphrodite (not true)

- Which country are you from?

- Which city/area do you live in?
A town called Carshalton. It's South London

- Are you religious?
Privately Christian

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Funny, Logical, Discombobulating

- Do you have any pets?
2 fish

- Microsoft or Apple?
Microsoft. Have you seen the prices of Macs?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Sitting on my bottom marathons

- Do you get angry easily?

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Tattoo on top of right arm. Both ears pierced, left nipple, Guiche

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
It changes too rapidly

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?

- What is your favourite flag?
Union Flag

- Ever gone camping?
I've done bivouac which is very similar but much more basic

- Ever been in love?

- Ever used fake tan?

- Which countries have you visited?
France, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Lanzarote, USA, Barbados

- Favourite city?

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
I don't really watch enough TV to have any favourites.

- List your five favourite films.
Erin Brockovich, Saw, Meet the Parents, Overboard, Schindlers List

- Are you wealthy?
Not since I was made redundant

- Do you work? If so, as what?
See above

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Degree in Health & Social Care, plus Music Technology.

- What do you like most about yourself?
My eyes

- What do you like least about yourself?
I wish my shoulders were broader


Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? Graham
- How old are you? 61
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? England
- Which city/area do you live in? Hazlemere, Bucks
- Are you religious? No
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Friendly, caring, jovial (usually)
- Do you have any pets? Two cats
- Microsoft or Apple? Both and neither by choice
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? I swim, play golf, sail and have been known to use the gym
- Do you get angry easily? No
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? No, why make it more ugly than it is already
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Too many to pick just five, but the Beatles would be up there somewhere.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? No favourites, enjoy all sorts
- What is your favourite flag? Union
- Ever gone camping? Yes
- Ever been in love? Yes
- Ever used fake tan? No
- Which countries have you visited? Quite a few
- Favourite city? No favourite
- List your five favourite TV programmes. QI, Have I got news, Mock the week (shame those three are mostly repeats),
- List your five favourite films. No favourites
- Are you wealthy? Comfortable
- Do you work? If so, as what? Retired IT Consultant
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Usual stuff at secondary school (10 'O' levels, 2 'A' levels), MSc in Information Systems when I was 50.
- What do you like most about yourself? I don't give up easily if at all
- What do you like least about yourself? My weight
Wotcha Folks,
I am PercyTWA. A musician. An eternal square peg and despite my natural optimism & jolliness, a grumpy curmudgeon by choice. It is a hard path to follow. Occasionally I drop my guard, and accidentally smile a little, but usually I can cover it with a cough into a hanky. I feel that for society's sake it is my destiny to complain about as much as possible as often as possible.

I have been lurking in the shadows of this site for a couple of years but have come into the light as I may be able to give a helpful answer..........But maybe I won't