Irregular heartbeat when fasting


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has experienced irregular heartbeats whilst fasting ?
This came about at the doctor's whilst having my type 2 diabetes review, never had this type of issue before and the only thing I'm doing different is alternate day fasting but not sure if that's something anyone on here has experienced before.
Look forward to any advice that may help as fasting really seems to be helping me, am booked in for an ECG Friday week to be safe but would love to hear from the experts on here (new to fasting so not much if a clue to be honest)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi stevem1000, I think you'll have to see what the tests reveal and what the Dr says - I assume you'll talk about the fasting to the Dr as well.

(Disclaimer - I am not an expert!) I personally haven't had irregular heartbeat when fasting, but during the past few years of a great deal of stress and being off the rails with eating junk food I had an irregular heartbeat often, and had that checked out by my Dr who said it was down to stress. I don't have an irregular heatbeat now I'm more careful with my diet and I am doing intermittent fasting as well.

Oddly though, I never had an irregular heartbeat before I had Covid. Might be a coincidence, but I have heard others talk about that kind of symptom.

How do you break your fasts? Are you using any new foods or supplements?

Good luck, hope it's easily sorted.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you for the reply, only take a mineral and apple cider supplement whilst fasting and break my fasts nice and gently starting with bone broth then a couple of hours later some chicken or similar.
Yeah did discuss with the nurse my fasting and low carb and she suggested I take it easy with the fasting until I have some more tests done which I will do until I know a bit more
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'd mention the mineral supplements if you haven't already - hope it all goes well!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi stevem1000, I think you'll have to see what the tests reveal and what the Dr says - I assume you'll talk about the fasting to the Dr as well.

(Disclaimer - I am not an expert!) I personally haven't had irregular heartbeat when fasting, but during the past few years of a great deal of stress and being off the rails with eating junk food I had an irregular heartbeat often, and had that checked out by my Dr who said it was down to stress. I don't have an irregular heatbeat now I'm more careful with my diet and I am doing intermittent fasting as well.

Oddly though, I never had an irregular heartbeat before I had Covid. Might be a coincidence, but I have heard others talk about that kind of symptom.

How do you break your fasts? Are you using any new foods or supplements?

Good luck, hope it's easily sorted.
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has experienced irregular heartbeats whilst fasting ?
This came about at the doctor's whilst having my type 2 diabetes review, never had this type of issue before and the only thing I'm doing different is alternate day fasting but not sure if that's something anyone on here has experienced before.
Look forward to any advice that may help as fasting really seems to be helping me, am booked in for an ECG Friday week to be safe but would love to hear from the experts on here (new to fasting so not much if a clue to be honest)
How are your numbers? I know my heart tends to palpitate/beat irregularly in response to impending hypoglycemia, if that's the case, I'd investigate with your doctor, it could be possible that you need to reduce the dose on your oral medication prior to fasting, what are you currently taking?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
How are your numbers? I know my heart tends to palpitate/beat irregularly in response to impending hypoglycemia, if that's the case, I'd investigate with your doctor, it could be possible that you need to reduce the dose on your oral medication prior to fasting, what are you currently taking?
Hi, please remember that we do not permit discussion/advice on medication dosage on these forums. The last line in the above post could be interpreted as initiating such a discussion - I'm sure it wasn't meant that way.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I do know having had an affect whilst first doing strict Keto, that electrolyte levels can have a bearing on things like this, hopefully your doctor will get to the bottom of it. But make sure he knows every detail from you, it could be important, and something stupidly simple.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has experienced irregular heartbeats whilst fasting ?
This came about at the doctor's whilst having my type 2 diabetes review, never had this type of issue before and the only thing I'm doing different is alternate day fasting but not sure if that's something anyone on here has experienced before.
Look forward to any advice that may help as fasting really seems to be helping me, am booked in for an ECG Friday week to be safe but would love to hear from the experts on here (new to fasting so not much if a clue to be honest)

Heart issues are super important!

I'd say here, as someone who has fasted extensively, and with different regimens - starting out I was medically supervised, which is always my number 1. piece of advice.

Many of us go into every form of treatment for type 2, with varying underlying conditions, or at least - vulnerabilities. Or - we don't know enough about our physical functions to go it alone safely. Monitoring the key health indicators is something that western medicine does really well. Take advantage of it! A lot of information is a scan or a blood test away, and that information could be crucial to your good health.

Of course, you need to find a medical centre or medical professionals who are up with the play with metabolic treatment of T2D, or at the very least - open to monitoring you whilst you do a metabolic treatment you have read up on. (I have had both, and both were very good.)