Libre 2 has some strange errors


This is my 4th sensor since starting on the Libre 2 just over two weeks ago, and only one sensor has gone the full 14 days. The latest error says: "Glucose reading is unavailable. Try scanning again in 11 hours."

Seriously? 11 hours? Is this a bogus error or is it actually going to sort itself out in 11 hours? At ~$90 a sensor, I don't want to pull it out just in case, but...11 hours?

Is this normal or do I just have bad luck?


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That's definitely an unusual error.

The only one I've gotten like that is 'Glucose unavailable. Try scanning again in 10 minutes'

Next time you get the error, take a photo of it and contact Abbott. If you've had some faulty sensors recently, I'd let them know about those too as they should replace them.


Well-Known Member
Is this normal or do I just have bad luck?
Four sensors in two weeks is not common. I have only had two failures in 18 months with the Libre2 and before that, no failures in 18 months with the Libre1.

It is fairly common to see the 'Try scanning again in 10 minutes' when your blood sugar is changing very rapidly, but 11 hours is not normal, although I have read of other people having various numbers of hours requested. It does not make sense to me as the Libre can not possible know what is happening in 11 hours time (and not for example in 10 or 12 hours time).

I would try restarting the phone to see if that helps and if not contact Abbott.

Next time you get the error, take a photo of it and contact Abbott.

Don't think you need to wait until the next time as messages can be viewed in the event log - i.e. by clicking on the three dots at the top right of the app, Selecting Help, then Event Log.


Here's a strange update:

I spent yesterday scanning the sensor every couple of hours all night, with the same error (except the time was actually counting down). This morning the error message continued (with the countdown switching to minutes when under an hour), and after 11 hours, it let me scan the sensor...

What the heck?


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Hi. Do have a look at the Event Log. Abbott tend to use the error code to decide what the problem is and whether to replace the sensor.


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I'd still contact them as its not good enough to be without data for 11 hours.
They should offer a free replacement.i hope your others were replaced free too


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I am on my 9th Libre2 in 10 weeks - only 3 have gone the full 14 days and one of those was 'out' the whole fortnight. Fortunately I tend to stay in range, but I am feeling that I would not trust the readings if I was on insulin. Abbot have been brilliant at replacing fails and inaccurate sensors.


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@Bryun do you use your phone or the reader? If the reader that could be the issue.
@MrsA2 I have been wearing Libre 5+years now and have only had 1 fail and 1 fall off, and to be fair I had a helping hand in that. I fear your issues are more your bodies own reaction to the device rather than the actual device itself. It may be worth you trying a Dexcom to see if there are problems there also.
As a footnote, I am Type 1 and lucky to be able to trust Libre implicitly, very rarely using actual blood tests anymore. Except on the first day when it is still bedding in. I even dose and treat hypos with it. Though in the past 3 months have only had 3 hypos and my HBA1C is now considered to be in non diabetic levels. All this would not have been achieved without Libre 2 and it’s alarms, and for me personally, brilliant accuracy!
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Dave with T2

Bought two Libre 2 units for just under £100. Have just completed my first 24 hours with it on my arm and have no faith in it whatsoever. Despite reading in these forums that the Libre 2 seems to measure lower than a glucometer, I have found mine typically measures up to 2mmol/L above. That after an erratic start when it bounced between 9.4 and 4.7 and 8.5 while I was taking the dog for a walk.

If I had only read the trustpilot reviews I could have saved £100. Incidentally, the Deccom reviews are just as bad.



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It could well settle down after the first 24 hours and be more accurate. If not, give Abbott a call and they'll replace it. Some of us find it helps to apply the Libre to our arms 24 or even 48 hours before activating it.
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I've had a few issues with the libre 2 sensors. Yesterday and through the night I had the sensor reading as lo or 3.2 or beliw and was taking action to deal with the lows. It wasn't until I got home and finger pricked when I realised my sensor was reading at about 3.5 below my actual readings. So I was never low in the first place? This has happened a few times and not at the end of the sensors life either usually 7 to 9 days in? However I always report the issue to Abbott who have usually replaced the sensor. Has anyone else had this issue?


Well-Known Member
I spent yesterday scanning the sensor every couple of hours all night, with the same error (except the time was actually counting down). This morning the error message continued (with the countdown switching to minutes when under an hour), and after 11 hours, it let me scan the sensor...

Do you happen to know how long the sensor had been active before the first error occurred? Could it have been 1 hour?

I read somewhere someone suggesting that the 'try again in x hours' message (as opposed to the 'try again in 10 minutes' message) only occurred on new sensors and the time remaining depended on how long it was since it was started. For example, Abbott warn you about replying on the readings during the first 12 hours, so it is possible they may decide the sensor is behaving so badly that they aren't going to show you results until the 12 hours are up.

Was wondering if there was any truth to this suggestion.


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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Yes I have had this problem with the last two sensors. Both turned out to have the filament dislodged. Sensors were still firmly attached but the filaments were no longer inserted. No clue how that happened except that the spots I placed them (as with previous sensors) are now “flabby” due to rapid weight loss.


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One thing to note if you are using a libre 2 with your phone is that some of these errors can be fixed by going into your Bluetooth settings and removing any phones or devices that you do not use, make sure to turn Bluetooth off and back on after clearing off your old phones etc, for instance if you are getting errors when it won't read this can be a quick fix, I was getting regular errors and did this and I have not had an error since, it's worth a try !!


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This is my 4th sensor since starting on the Libre 2 just over two weeks ago, and only one sensor has gone the full 14 days. The latest error says: "Glucose reading is unavailable. Try scanning again in 11 hours."

Seriously? 11 hours? Is this a bogus error or is it actually going to sort itself out in 11 hours? At ~$90 a sensor, I don't want to pull it out just in case, but...11 hours?

Is this normal or do I just have bad luck?
Same, i have had to faulty one in the last month too. One kept looking signal and my phone was right next to it. The other unavailable to scan all the time. But GP only gives me 2 a month ☹️ back to pricking my finger for 3 weeks


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I have encountered problems on last two sensors. Once lasted 10 days and yesterday just 1 day . At the cost of replacements this is just not acceptable . I have reported to Libre and await replacements but have effectively used my only spare kit , so unless Libre are very quick I shall be packing it in .
This is on top of frequent underreading by 2 , compared with finger prick . An underestimate of 2 over long periods has direct bearing on my HbAI c , and medical profession set increasing store by that and time in range, I bette understand why my GP was so very reluctant to spend his hard pressed prescription budget on Libre kits.


Well-Known Member
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Same, i have had to faulty one in the last month too. One kept looking signal and my phone was right next to it. The other unavailable to scan all the time. But GP only gives me 2 a month back to pricking my finger for 3 weeks
Give Abbott a call. They'll replace faulty sensors.


Active Member
This is my 4th sensor since starting on the Libre 2 just over two weeks ago, and only one sensor has gone the full 14 days. The latest error says: "Glucose reading is unavailable. Try scanning again in 11 hours."

Seriously? 11 hours? Is this a bogus error or is it actually going to sort itself out in 11 hours? At ~$90 a sensor, I don't want to pull it out just in case, but...11 hours?

Is this normal or do I just have bad luck?
Hi Bryun, both my son and I are Type 1 diabetics and both have the Freestyle 2 sensor you have. We both do not experience the error you've mentioned though both of us have seen the 'scan in 10 minutes' message from time to time.
Neither of us, however, have seen the replacement frequency you have seen so it is definitely worth speaking to Abbott about this as it is not normal by any means.
Looking at some of the comments above then there are some options to check in the meantime; bluetooth is certainly one I will look into - especially if this is related to your phone (I had an issue with a near depleted sensor recently losing connection with my iPhone; it nearly drained the battery on the phone with it 'pinging' the sensor looking for data...); if it is the reader then ask for another reader as well just to be on the safe side.
Overall, though, we have both found this transformative in the way we can actively manage our conditions and I would urge you to try and get some definite answers from Abbott on what you are experiencing. Good luck!
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