Looking for Friends


Hi I am new to this forum so hi everyone. I am not though new to diabetes. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 26 years so have been around the block a few times with it all. I am 34 and have a beautiful little boy who has just turned 3. My husband and I are in the process of preparing my body so we can start trying for a second baby and I wanted to reach out to some other mums to be and say hi. During my first pregnancy I felt very alone with my diabetes and couldn't find anyone to talk to about it (except the medics) who might understand where I was coming from. I really just wanted to go for a coffee and have a lighthearted chat about what the hell was going on with my body both diabetes wise and pregnancy wise.

My pregnancy was not much fun although I had a very healthy and happy baby and to be honest I am daunted about starting down this road again. So this time I would like to do it armed with a few friends and allies. So a big hello to everyone and I hope we can find some common ground to build a friendship on.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello nice to meet you, I'm Charlotte, I know exactly what you are saying when it comes to pregnancy and diabetes, I too have T1D was diagnosed at the age of 2 and ill be 30 soon so diabetes is very known to me but I'm pregnancy it's a very different story, I have a son who will be 3 in January and I'm currently pregnant. Like yourself I did not have a great first pregnancy either and I feel its good for women to come together during these times as diabetes is hard sometimes and yes we have medical professionals but living with it is a very different thing to reading it in books. I'm glad I came across your post as its just want I'm needing aswell I wish you all the luck with TTCing aswell
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Hi Charlotte,
So nice to hear from you. Sounds like we are very much in the same boat. How is your second pregnancy going? Any easier than the first?
What was your first like? I was sick from start to finish- not T1D related just back luck pregnancy stuff then got pre eclampsia and ended up spending 3 weeks on the labour induction ward before being induced myself. I don’t know about you but I felt like I had to fight with the doctors every step of the way to try and get some sort of a natural birth that was somewhat within my control. Although when we get pregnant I plan on doing things differently this time round.

How is it managing g pregnancy, diabetes and a two year old?

My little boy is starting to understand that mummy sometimes feels poorly and needs a sweetie - which he insists on feeding to me - he asked me the other day “mummy are you low or are you tall??”
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
It's good to have others to talk too, oh my first pregnancy was terrible but this was is not going great either, with my first I never had any sickness, but highs pretty much throughout even with specialist care, with my son I had low papp a and had 1 in 8 chance of down syndrome child but refused any invasive tests as they were pushing me to have, during the end of my pregnancy I ended up going into hospital due to reduced fetal movement and found that I was going into early labour and my son was in destress which landed in c section, I had a calcified placenta and placenta had broken into multiple pieces which is often the case for diabetes due to aging of placenta, my son was born with hypoglycaemia and jaundice and ended up being in NICU for 9 days which was terrible and I didn't respond well to medications and recovery was a nightmare and I wasn't discharged till 10 days later so didn't have a great pregnancy or post. Oh I'm sorry to hear that, was you on aspirin during your pregnancy? I have taken it in my first and second due to reducing the risk of pre eclampsia. This pregnancy I've had severe low readings without awareness and they have put me on a dexcom g6, I've had severe sickness, I've got pelvic girdle pain, low papp-a, high iron and a 1 in 5 chance of down syndrome with this baby. Yes I did with my pregnancy too and had many arguments with consultants as I understood there were risks but there's many women with diabetes and have healthy pregnancies and I don't feel it's right that women have to argue there views, I am the same and this pregnancy is going different, my baby is very active and no the signs and warnings so if I ever felt something was off then I will be straight into hospital but I will not be pushed into anything in regards to possibly having larger babies due to diabetes as they go on about too be, that's what scans are for but this time things are going my way not what a consultant states as I want to try a vbac this time and will be refusing an induction at 37 weeks as stated. Obviously that's if there's no signs of fetal distress or placenta issues through scans. My son is a handful anyway as he's a crazy climber but I've found it hard as I go low alot and have PGP but he does help me with alot and knows when things aren't right, I tend to drink orange juice when my sugars are low and he puts the straw in for me and tells me to drink up. Oh bless him, it's good he knows and is helping


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello :)

So strange. I'm 30, been diabetic almost 19 years. My little boy turned 3 a few weeks ago and hubby and I are just going through the motions preparing for our second. I didn't have the worst pregnancy but it was by no means smooth sailing. My son was born at 36 weeks via c section for a few reasons and although I know I want a second, it is a little daunting given everything from previous. Would be lovely to chat to people going through the same process, I had some lovely ladies I was chatting to on here last time and it really helped when things were getting a little tough both before and during pregnancy. Xx


Wow Charlotte sounds like you really went through the ringer, you poor thing. Definitely stick to your guns about the kind a pregnancy and birth you want for you and your babe. If you e not read it I recommend a book called ‘The Positive Birth Book’ by Milli Hill. After reading it I felt really empowered which was a change.

Horrible that you are having such strong lows. I find big lows exhausting, particularly now I have my little boy, there is just no time to recover gotta keep moving.


Hello :)

So strange. I'm 30, been diabetic almost 19 years. My little boy turned 3 a few weeks ago and hubby and I are just going through the motions preparing for our second. I didn't have the worst pregnancy but it was by no means smooth sailing. My son was born at 36 weeks via c section for a few reasons and although I know I want a second, it is a little daunting given everything from previous. Would be lovely to chat to people going through the same process, I had some lovely ladies I was chatting to on here last time and it really helped when things were getting a little tough both before and during pregnancy. Xx

Hi Pilzy
Wow we sound like we are at exactly the same point right now. We could swap places and no one would notice
How are you finding getting your HBA1c in range? I had mine back at 7.0 (I still work in ‘old money’ ‍♀️) which I was pleased with but will be happier the closer I get to 6.5. I’m trying to get as fit as possible as well. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t a mess before hand but I think the more active I can be through this pregnancy the less likely I am to get pre eclampsia.
Do you have an idea of when you want to start trying?
So nice to hear from you
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Wow Charlotte sounds like you really went through the ringer, you poor thing. Definitely stick to your guns about the kind a pregnancy and birth you want for you and your babe. If you e not read it I recommend a book called ‘The Positive Birth Book’ by Milli Hill. After reading it I felt really empowered which was a change.

Horrible that you are having such strong lows. I find big lows exhausting, particularly now I have my little boy, there is just no time to recover gotta keep moving.
Oh thanks, I will have to have a look for it. Yes I want too but so far this pregnancy isn't going great at all for me, I had a scan last week as I'm having to reduce my background insulin by alot and obviously that's a cause for concern with diabetes and found that there is low cord pressure between baby and placenta which I'm having a scan in Wednesday to see whether it may just be compression due to baby as baby has been very hard with all my scans and they are in a ball shape at the moment so possibly that. But still can't help but worry. I've got a strong feeling this baby is going to come early aswell and babies is abdominal circumference is measuring in the 97th centile but my sugars have been dangerously low so I'm very confused right now.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I am new to this forum so hi everyone. I am not though new to diabetes. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 26 years so have been around the block a few times with it all. I am 34 and have a beautiful little boy who has just turned 3. My husband and I are in the process of preparing my body so we can start trying for a second baby and I wanted to reach out to some other mums to be and say hi. During my first pregnancy I felt very alone with my diabetes and couldn't find anyone to talk to about it (except the medics) who might understand where I was coming from. I really just wanted to go for a coffee and have a lighthearted chat about what the hell was going on with my body both diabetes wise and pregnancy wise.

My pregnancy was not much fun although I had a very healthy and happy baby and to be honest I am daunted about starting down this road again. So this time I would like to do it armed with a few friends and allies. So a big hello to everyone and I hope we can find some common ground to build a friendship on.
Hello I'm also new to this chat but not new. To diabetes... I would love to chat because we're in the same boat and I feel so alone.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi ladies, I'm new on here and I am so glad I found you all! I think have very similar experiences to some of you.

I am 39, T1D for 10 years.

I have a son who will turn 2 in October. Pregnancy with him wasn't too bad, i had a few minor issues but it was stress levels and emotions that was the difficult part. I had him at 36 weeks via c section. He was in the nicu for 13 days (hypoglycaemia andoxygen issues) and i wasn't discharged until then either. My recovery from the c section was not great. I had huge blood loss during the c section due to the placenta basically falling apart and the docs having to fish around to get it out!

My partner and I are now trying for our second. In fact I may be pregnant but my period is not due until next week so will have to wait a bit longer before doing a test. My sugar levels have been slightly raised the past week -10 days and I currently have increased my bolus by 20%. I just don't remember experiencing this first time around. Not until 2 trimester at least. My hba1c was checked in June and was 6.4% so normally my control is pretty good.

Did anyone else experience highs in first few weeks of conception/ pregnancy?

I am desperately trying not to stress but it's so hard!

I had a miscarriage in February so that is also on my mind.

Gemma x

Sandy Cooper

Hello everyone, nice to meet you. I am Sandy. I've joined the forum today & I see good support here. I'm a type-2 diabetic. Happy to be a part of this forum.