
  1. D

    Type 1 T1D and mental illnesses

    28 y/o man here there just wondering if there’s any simlajr people out there who happen to have the luck of T1D and a mental illness too? Or even if they’re lucky as me potentially several! If so can you tell me your quality of life gets better and there’s light at the end of the tunnel, manic...
  2. I

    T1D Low Carb study shows sig improvement in TIR

    This effect has been fairly well known for years, but only N=1 anecdotal evidence. Now an RCT Dr David Unwin Tweets: Progress an RCT @idlake ! This fits with my clinical experience that People with T1D who choose to go lower carb use about 50% less insulin...
  3. T

    Type 1 Diabetic Runners - Southampton area

    Hello! I began running in 2023 and am pleased to report that it has gone well. I recently ran a 10k and have registered for the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon in January. I've learned to appreciate how difficult it is to train with T1D - both mentally and physically - throughout my training...
  4. L

    HbA1c too low?

    Hi I’m new here! I’m type 1 diabetic, diagnosed several months ago and I have just got back my second HbA1C result and it’s 5.5% and I was told that it’s too low… curious to know if other T1D have been told the same? Also just to add that I eat a plant-based diet which is high in carbs...
  5. F

    Type 1 Libre app not working

    Hiya, just wondering if anyone else’s librelink app isn’t opening and won’t even connect to the App Store ?
  6. I

    Food as medicine - First do no Pharm

    John Campbell interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra. Highlights: Insulin resistance associated not only with T2 diabetes , but with 80% of Heart attacks ( more than high Total Cholesterol or high LDL. Prescription medicine side effects are 3rd biggest killer in USA. Absolute versus Relative benefit is...
  7. R

    Is there any rule to spacing your basal and bolus injections apart? Or it is safe to inject both together

    Hi! (: So Im about to start splitting my basal dose starting tomorrow at 8 units, 12 hours apart (without the supervision of a doctor because he hasnt heard about splitting. But decided to do it since Levemir works upto 16 hours instead of 24 for me). The idea is to take my basal at 6am right...
  8. M

    Im just so done with everything

    Blood sugars have been above 300 for a month now. I have exams in 2 days and only could study 10% of the syllabus cause i kept falling asleep or couldnt focus due to high blood sugars and the stress from it. It just seems like a blind end. I dont know where to go from here. Disappearing right...
  9. S

    Bad Episode of DKA

    Hi all, this is my first post on here and honestly not sure why or what I'm hoping to achieve with it, but I feel like I need to get it off my chest and share it. For the past few months I've been suffering with diabetes burnout and generally not looking after my diabetes as well as I used to...
  10. andrzejLKS

    Libre 3 Sensor - NHS?

    Has anyone seen the Libre 3 available on the NHS, was told by my specialists that it'll be approved sometime in April and haven't seen any information online about the Libre 3 CGM after the NICE guidelines were approved. Any information?
  11. T

    Dexcom and Medtronic supplies in Denmark

    Hello, I will be relocating to Denmark soon. I'm currently using Medtronic insulin pump and Dexcom G6 CGM. I'm wondering what do I need to do in Denmark to get supplies for these. I emailed the local (to my location in Denmark) diabetes center, but haven't heard back yet. As far as I...
  12. R

    Liposuction for type 1 diabetic lipohypertrophy

    Hi everyone I have been type 1 diabetic for about 14 years now, with good control, particularly after a DAFNE course a few years ago. My time in target is usually around 70% and hba1c of 6.5. I go to the gym 5/6 times a week (a mix of weights and running) but also go out drinking a couple of...
  13. J

    SSRI and hyperglycemia

    Hi, I've been on Escitalopram last year( before i was diagnosed with T1D), and I stopped for a few month. But the anxiety and so many symptoms have now came back, so my doctor prescribed me Escitalopram again. I'm starting of by 5 mg for three days then bump up to 10mg on the 4th day as my...
  14. I

    Public Health Collaboration vConf 2021

    Zero Five 100: A five day fast covering 100 miles by Dr Ian Lake (a LADA/Type 1 Diabetic )
  15. J

    Novorapid Bolus Problem

    Hi, everyone, I'm on MDI with NR and Tresiba. I recently noticed that when I have a fairly high fat meal ( around 25-30 ish grams of fat) my BG will be unstable. I usually only count carbs when I bolus, but 2 hrs pot meal ( with high fat) my BG comes down to in the range that I expected. But I...
  16. J

    New to T1D

    Hi, I', just got diagnosed a week ago with T1D, and im now 22. I'm using Tresiba my for long term insulin and Novorapid for my bolus. I'm so new to insulin injections. I weight trained everyday, before having T1D i wanted to be a bodybuilder, so I usually eat a high protein and moderate to high...
  17. Y

    Marrying/ Long term dating a T1D person

    Hi all, I am new to this forum, hoping to learn more about the condition. I, myself am not a diabetic person but my boyfriend is. He is a Type 1 diabetic who was diagnosed in his teens. I can't describe how much I love my boyfriend, I am seriously considering marriage with him. However, my...
  18. LooperCat

    Type one may be less risky than thought wrt C19

    A new study of people with diabetes hospitalized with COVID-19 has found that Type 1 diabetes may be significantly less dangerous than Type 2 diabetes...
  19. I

    Tips from a teenage T1D athlete

    I came across these short articles by a teenage T1D athlete who is following Dr Richard Bernstein's way of eating. They may be of interest to those with T1 D or have children with T1D. https://asweetlife.org/author/david-dikeman/
  20. MiriamL-W

    Looking for Friends

    Hi I am new to this forum so hi everyone. I am not though new to diabetes. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 26 years so have been around the block a few times with it all. I am 34 and have a beautiful little boy who has just turned 3. My husband and I are in the process of preparing my body so...