Ma sœur est diabétique et j’aimerais l’aider My sister is diabetic and I would like to help her (mod edit to translate title)


Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes


mod edit as post was in French language
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Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes

My name is Lilly and I am 17 years old,

I don’t know who to talk to, so I'm trying here.

Just two years ago, my sister was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She was eleven years old and this announcement completely changed her life and that of my family.

I have always been close to my sister and even more since she is sick and needs us. Being her big sister, I want to protect her but I know that I could not protect her. Especially since in the current situation, protecting her from a disease is complicated. That's why I'm referring to you; I'd like to lighten him on a daily basis in the management of his illness but I'm not sure how to do it. I already help her prepare her equipment to sting herself and we help her calculate her carbohydrates (she also does very well on her own). On the other hand, I am afraid that our help, to my family and me will become too heavy for my sister, especially since she will be 13 years old and will return to adolescence. Even if for the moment she manages her illness masterfully, there will come a time when she will have to endure the eyes of others in a period when her body will change (hello adolescence).

She is quite secret about what can happen in college and I know that she has already suffered remarks about her diabetes. (For the story, she did gymnastics in college and boys approached her to say: "What are you doing, aren't you going to pretend to faint yet? Go back and eat your pieces of sugar..." and they walked away laughing. When she told me that, I felt really sad for her. She must, in addition to managing her illness, manage the eyes of others (as soon as you are at the restaurant some looks are really insistent), the inappropriate remarks and take everything without flinching. In a sense, she impresses me I must say; she has to sting herself 5 times a day, look at her blood sugar all the time, not be able to eat what she wants when she wants... You (my sister and diabetics) you are really incredible (type 1 believerable... sorry for the joke, she was better in my head...) and I think we don't tell you enough.

Too many people consider that this disease is not so impactful, while it is. Afterwards, I must say that before being directly related to the disease, I was not really interested in it... Moreover, I would like to become a researcher, and why not specialize in the fight against diabetes!

All this to say that if you have ideas so that I can best support my sister without being too invasive, I am a taker (and also special activities for diabetics!)

Already thank you for reading everything and thank you in advance for your answers ;-)

Friendly and waiting for answers,

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Bonjour Lilly, you might wish to look at this website. It is written by two young French sisters with T1D. Your sister might like to read it also.



Bonjour Lilly, you might wish to look at this website. It is written by two young French sisters with T1D. Your sister might like to read it also.

And they are also on Twitter / X. @Diab_Aide


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Homophobia, racism, sexism
How did you usually support your sister when something happened? I think she wants something in the same format. It seems to me that the best thing that can be done for a child is not to turn diabetes into a tragedy and, if possible, behave as before. From the outside, diabetes seems like something terrible, but in fact you get used to it quickly and the younger a person is, the easier it is to come to terms with diabetes.

There is one "secret" about being bullied by other children. People offend people in order to get a victim's reaction. It is impossible to offend a person by pointing out what (s)he is indifferent to. It doesn't matter if it's diabetes, appearance, clothes or something else. For example, imagine if you had very beautiful legs and you knew that they were beautiful and someone tried to laugh at their shape. You'd just look at this person as a fool, wouldn't you? She can say something like "What are you doing, aren't you going to pretend to faint yet? Go back and eat your pieces of sugar..."Do you dream of catching me when I faint? Oh, it is so romantic! Get in line." Do not make diabetes a topic that is not suitable for jokes. The calmer her family is about it, the calmer she is about her diabetes and the calmer her classmates are about it.

As a child, a person does not realize the danger of his illness, the age is too young to fully understand the meaning of the word "lifelong", and usually children consider themselves cool because they know how to give injections, this is something like an adult trait. My school friends were thrilled if I let them give me an injection (I don't recommend offering her friends something like that, I just want to show that children feel differently about it).

Praise your sister when she gives herself an injection, but don't show pity. And in no case do not let her manipulate the fact that you empathize with her. It is very convenient to manipulate with the help of illness, for example, to eat a couple of sugar cubes and skip school under the pretext of feeling unwell.

in fact, no one cares about someone else's disease, it's just that if a person is complex about it, it seems that everyone looks at you when you give an injection, but in fact people usually ask me once what I'm doing and why, and then they don't pay attention to it at all (both now and at school, and at the university, to be honest, people often don't notice it at all.)

You don't need to protect your sister from anything, you just need to make sure that she can handle her own problems, but at the same time know that you are always on her side and will always support her.