Prediabetes ..Maybe


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
May seem a little disjointed but head made of jelly at the mo
Passed out couple years ago, then again. Then found fingers etc filling with sparklers after certain foods. Waited 16 weeks for a blood test, was told not to fast?? Was told all ok, asked if I could report..nope. Same following year [2018] same result after 16 week wait. Mean time bought 2 metres and ran side by side. Every calorie counted, time, energy spent, sleep time, rest time etc etc [I use to train athletes]..for two years.
I wake and my reading is always 4..and feel great. eat energy food plus electrolyte drinks for the gym,which sometimes has me cramp on the first rep [my neck, jaw and hand cramped eating a protein bar Monday] I get Hypo reactions in low 5's and have passed out. Never have I gone passed 6.5..even prior or post that surprise nap. Yet I do get food reactions...meaning glychemic index values matter. I can time it to the minute the usable time of food
My muscles feel short of glycogen, if working hard I eat..or drink appropriate calories as I work, and since having heat stroke 3 times in one year in Japan... [Im a disaster relief worker...10 months Tsunami] I find electrolytes do not stay around for long so am used to gallon water per day.
Although not confirmed diabetic everyone around me who knows says must be. Its becoming the predominant thing of every hr, where to be, toilets nearby, food and liquid etc etc etc
This is a shock. Im 69, no illness ever, two colds my whole life, no flu no nothing. My bp averages 103-68 and pulse all my life 45 to 50. I weigh 75kg at 6'1'
My thoughts.
My life as aid worker had me punish my body, thru mental toughness but also 'tricks' of the trade. Coffee, aspirin ephedrin will keep you going for days. But kills the cns. Adrenaline kicks in constantly, burning fat then muscle tissue..pancreas is doomed dont ya think.
I thank anyone who reads and apologize to those who may not appreciate.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Uncooked bacon
You could go get your pancreas tested, see how well it is functioning. Based on those numbers you have provided for BG levels, I would find it hard to believe you are diabetic, but I ain't doctor.

Maybe look at your mineral levels.... cramping, lack of magnesium or perhaps lack of salt.

Have you been to see a GP? This really is who you should be asking imo.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes..twice. Each time 16 week wait for appointment.
Not sure I have a good relationship. I got hit with a sledgehammer while on hurricane relief [shin] when it went down the mark was there plus where there had been vein bleed. I know my body and knew something else wasnt right [pooling in the foot]. I pushed the idea a valve had gone, disgruntled it was dismissed. I paid for a scan and yep..two busted valves in the calf. If there had ever been a 'relationship' it was now gone.
Me thinks time to go private...Sad..hadnt visited a doc in 35 yrs


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
My muscles feel short of glycogen, if working hard I eat..or drink appropriate calories as I work, and since having heat stroke 3 times in one year in Japan... [Im a disaster relief worker...10 months Tsunami] I find electrolytes do not stay around for long so am used to gallon water per day.
Although not confirmed diabetic everyone around me who knows says must be. Its becoming the predominant thing of every hr, where to be, toilets nearby, food and liquid etc etc etc

Have you tested your blood sugar when you're feeling bad? To be honest, diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar, unlikely that you've got it if you're never going above 6.5. (Normal range is 4 to 7). There are unfortunately plenty of other diseases and vitamin deficiencies that cause such symptoms. Talk to your doctor.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Uncooked bacon
Yes..twice. Each time 16 week wait for appointment.
Not sure I have a good relationship. I got hit with a sledgehammer while on hurricane relief [shin] when it went down the mark was there plus where there had been vein bleed. I know my body and knew something else wasnt right [pooling in the foot]. I pushed the idea a valve had gone, disgruntled it was dismissed. I paid for a scan and yep..two busted valves in the calf. If there had ever been a 'relationship' it was now gone.
Me thinks time to go private...Sad..hadnt visited a doc in 35 yrs

Tough situation, I know what's like to be dismissed by a doctor, even before finishing what you are saying to them. Did you ever see the actual results that were done? All I can suggest is what I posted above, otherwise I am of no help.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Is that 16 weeks for a gp or a specialist/consultant? If it’s a gp then complaints need to be made.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Time for a new doctor. (I assume you're in the UK). 16 weeks is ridiculous.
16 weeks for doc appointment. I cleverly booked blood take for after the appointment..else would be another 8 weeks wait. Was told a month for results to come back, 6 weeks later I called in and asked..'all ok' on what I asked..'on everything'.....I asked to see the paperwork/report...dont divulge that info...WHAT.
The problem is if you know of what you speak [kinda] then its not good. I mentioned in my initial note valves that I knew wernt right and paid for the scan. Wanting to do something about it I brought the report/dvd to the gp, wouldnt look at it. Said he'd book for the vascular dept. Six months go by, Im cycling past the docs so I call in "oh sorry we forgot to send in the request'..I knew this because I called the hospital dept direct] Three months go by, I call dept direct..sorry we're closed..dept closed. Mmmm..I called back and said paying customer are you still open'''Oh of course..guestimate cost 6k per leg. Two years in circles..Honestly, I knew what end result would be. ...So diabetes discovery as is the norm health care these days sadly


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Have you tested your blood sugar when you're feeling bad? To be honest, diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar, unlikely that you've got it if you're never going above 6.5. (Normal range is 4 to 7). There are unfortunately plenty of other diseases and vitamin deficiencies that cause such symptoms. Talk to your doctor.
Thanks for the note.
Im pretty fastidious about eating habits, what makes me fat... and not, best energy foods, ones that spike and don't. [followed the king prince pauper rule before it was popular] is now realized post 9pm food holds insulin twice as long [late night snacking by students increased pre diab by 50%]
Maybe I should accept the docs advice..'forget all the tests accept the fact you're getting old''


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you saying 16 weeks for a GP appointment? That's unbelievable, the longest I have had to wait is 3 weeks even if I specify which doctor. Last time I booked it was next day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Is that 16 weeks for a gp or a specialist/consultant? If it’s a gp then complaints need to be made.
Consultants dont exist..was told 6 years to get my leg looked at.
[same docs. My neighbour has ms..she was in pain for years..hips, knew something was wrong but was given pain killers..continuously for 3 years. We crowd funded, got her ex-ray's....2cm bone spurs on both hips floating around]


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you saying 16 weeks for a GP appointment? That's unbelievable, the longest I have had to wait is 3 weeks even if I specify which doctor. Last time I booked it was next day.
My daughter tells me people are threatened by me. I do not ask unless I have a pretty good idea on the answer.
I mentioned to the doc poop/toilet habit changing, was it how diabetes effects nerves etc...''Eat more fibre' ok well the norm is 15-30grams..I eat 40 soluble 20 non-soluble [60]..and from time to time taken laxative with no change..''oh ok keep taking the laxative'...Geez


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Consultants dont exist..was told 6 years to get my leg looked at.
[same docs. My neighbour has ms..she was in pain for years..hips, knew something was wrong but was given pain killers..continuously for 3 years. We crowd funded, got her ex-ray's....2cm bone spurs on both hips floating around]
Sorry but of course consultants exist. I’ve seen several. I would not wait six months to follow up an appointment personally. 6 years to get a result or 6 years to see your gp? If your gp surgery is really that bad then change drs or make formal complaints. Access to a gp must be sooner than that. I’m sure someone will know the guidelines or you could look them up.

You have the right to the actual details of which blood tests were done and the actual figures. Many surgeries put them online. Otherwise they should print out a copy for you. It may take a few days for the dr to authorise this but it is your right. Insist on it. Once you know which tests you’ve have and the results we may have more guidance for you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you saying 16 weeks for a GP appointment? That's unbelievable, the longest I have had to wait is 3 weeks even if I specify which doctor. Last time I booked it was next day.
I always book on line as it is easier. I looked just now, here are the appointments available....

If you have more than one doctor at the practice why not select or ask for a different one?