Me again - official Type 1 and IR diagnosis


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi all,


So today was my first visit with the Diabetes Consultant and whilst it was great to get a real diagnosis i feel like I have a lesser understanding now than before i went. My questions were largely left unanswered, or were not explained in a way i was able to understand. (i'll try not to rant too much about the accusatory assumptions she made about my diet etc.)

So, as i have learnt full facts are preferred for offering advice;

Diagnosed 6th Jan 2016 @ 27 years old
  • hba1c 10.2
  • 1000mg Metformin once a day
  • 12 units Levemir once a day
  • BGs between 10 and 16
  • following my research on here i almost immediately worked to a LCHF diet
DSN Visit 19th Jan 2016
  • hba1c 9.5 (given a target of 7.5)
  • BP sys 119/82 dias 128/85
  • BMI 27 (aim for 25)
  • BG's lowered to 6ish with spikes to 13
Diabetes Consultant 12th Feb 2016
  • Evidence of GAD - Type 1 Diagnosis & Insulin Resistance
  • minimal signs of CPeptide (this is from memory)
  • Metformin increased to 850mg three times a day
  • Levemir kept the same
  • Prescribed Novorapid to be used in the near future (liaise with my DSN) to manage my pre-meal BG levels
So given all of this i am now a little confused and despite my research could do with a little assistance if i may;

  1. i just cannot get my head around Insulin Resistance!?!? and why i would not be on higher levels of insulin and indeed what i can about this? i have read the IR section on but it only refers to Type 2 in the main. a little "dummies guide" would be greatly appreciated.
  2. yet again i have only been told to test 2 hours after i have had carbs - although i have been told i should have carbs in every meal!?! the main concern being with my pre-meal BG level. I was told that if they are on average above 7mmol then i should speak with my DSN next week to learn when to use, and start using the Novorapid. a) most of my pre-meals are within range - i told her that the higher ones relate to a shorter gap between meals or perhaps a slice of malt loaf if i have felt drained so why is she concerned b) why would i start in a week but not now? c) why have they chosen now to be more concerned with this - why not sooner? my BG's are relatively controlled with admitted spikes which are not always related to food.
  3. i have been told in no uncertain terms that i must eat 3 pieces of fruit a day otherwise i will become vitamin deficient - i admit i have avoided fruit in an effort to control my BG's. from research berries are best but how much fruit is generally consumed on LCHF. i am not a big fruit eater in general - dislike mangos, melons etc - grapes, strawberries and blueberries are my thing.

i've forgotten all my other my head is spinning!

thank you in advance - as always!
