Meds and side effects

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I am newly diagnosed type 2. I am taking Invokana first thing in the morning and Metformin 500mg twice a day with Lunch and Dinner. My question is how long is it before the reported side effects kick in. This is my third day taking them and so far so good. I have had none of the symptoms associated with these tablets and I am just wondering is the worse still yet to come or would I be experiencing some discomfort by now if I was going to.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You may not get them, I didn't - fingers crossed you may be one of the lucky few :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
With metformin not everyone will necessarily have any side effects. I found that I was OK for most of the time but I just had two or three bouts of the runs when I ate more carbs in those few meals than I had been. So my advice is to watch your carbohydrate intake - which you probably should be doing anyway.

My doctor also advised me to cut my dose down if I did experience any side effects, then wait a week and gradually up the tablets again, by one a week (I was on three a day), so that my body could acclimatize more slowly to the tablets. I didn't have any other issues until I was given a different brand a couple of months later, which gave me bad nausea and headaches, and our pharmacist then changed me to a slow release metformin, and made a note on my records not to give me the brand that had caused these issues.

I've had no experience of invokana so can't help there.

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Reactions: 2 people
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
With metformin not everyone will necessarily have any side effects. I found that I was OK for most of the time but I just had two or three bouts of the runs when I ate more carbs in those few meals than I had been. So my advice is to watch your carbohydrate intake - which you probably should be doing anyway.

My doctor also advised me to cut my dose down if I did experience any side effects, then wait a week and gradually up the tablets again, by one a week (I was on three a day), so that my body could acclimatize more slowly to the tablets. I didn't have any other issues until I was given a different brand a couple of months later, which gave me bad nausea and headaches, and our pharmacist then changed me to a slow release metformin, and made a note on my records not to give me the brand that had caused these issues.

I've had no experience of invokana so can't help there.

Thank you for your reply yes I am reducing my carbs I must keep an eye on the brand my pharmacist often changes brands when I go to collect my prescription.