my 1st night of testing..advice


hi all
got a free test kit yesterday so thought i'd use the thing and test myself. am working night shift this week so here are my results any advice appreciated. (am a newbie :) )

before my tea i did not test
tea:- ham salad, chips, french stick, salad cream :)
2hours later 12.8
9:55pm 6.5
11:57pm 6.6
1:15am small pot of pasta from tesco plus 1 white and 1 brown oita bread
3:12am 7.5
bed by 8:20 am with just a cup of tea in me
up at 3:50pm tested at 4.4

just had chicken curry and bashmati rice few low fat oven chips and nan bread.

so am guessing in the 12.8 scenario i should not of had the chips salad cream and french stick, and also that the pasta was not quite suitable for me either?


oh before i forget can anyone reccomend the best sugar tasting alternative for tea etc



Well-Known Member
Hi chilli

Testing like this is just how you will find out what suits you and what doesn't, as our bodies are all individual and you won't react like anybody else.

Though working shifts may complicate things for you, as some of us find our bodies react differently to the same food at different times of day. such as I can eat carbs at lunch time but not in the morning.

Why not try the chips or bread seperately at different meals, so that you can work out whether one of them effects you more that the other. For instance I can eat a potatoes in reasoanable quantites but not wheat at all. I also fiind that I can't eat oven chips while others here are fine with them. Also french stick is very refined carbodhydrate and may have more effect than wholemeal bread.

Rice is another high carb food that many of us can't eat so you need to test it on on its's own so you can tell whether it is the rice or chips or bread that are having any effect. Tedious I know but it will give you a better idea of where you are with food.

But sorry I don't know about sugar substitutes and tea.


Well-Known Member
arrogant and assertive drivers, people with BO, no excuse for it these days
Lidls have a brand of sweetener that i find very good
Its called Cologran and never leaves any bitter taste in tea like some do, and as the tabs are only tiny its easy to cut down on these if you want to get used to less sweetness in your drinks
oh and its only about a £1 for several hundred,


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Salad cream is BAD STUFF!!! It's got 26g of FAT, AND 20g of sugar per 100g. Avoid it like the plague. (Anything that is high fat AND high sugar will send your BG soaring).

TBH - what you ate seems like a pretty bad diet for a diabetic (I'm T2 and my BG would have gone WAY past 12 mmol/L if I ate what you did that day/night!).

You're numbers later in the night are promising, though. Looks to me like if you cut out some/most of those carbs, you'd get control of your diabetes pretty easily.

I love a curry - but I avoid the nan bread, and the rice (and, unfortunately, the chips...). I'll usually have a Curry (Madras/Korma), with a side dish of Sag Paneer (spinach). (If I'm extra peckish, I'll have a Shami Kebab to start, too).

I'd guess that your pancreas is in pretty good shape (from your results above). Getting those numbers down and keeping them down seems entirely do-able. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hi Chili
I know it sounds very odd as it is not the norm but when I do a home made curry my other half gets rice and I use Dreamfields pasta. Dreamfields may not be acceptable for others but works for me ie it is a very palatable alternative to rice, keeps the carbs down.. Just a suggestion. Obviously need to test your levels. Great site, have a browse. Best wishes


Well-Known Member
I use canderel in my tea, 300 tabs are around £3 and they do not leave an aftertaste which is great and were easy to get used to.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I cannot agree that Salad Cream is bad for would typically only have it in a small serving. Not half a bottle ! A little of what you fancy does you good as they say......

The nutritional information for Heinz Salad Cream is as follow.

Serving Size: 1 tbsp
Amount per Serving

* Total Fat................ 4g
* Saturated Fat........... 0g
* Cholesterol............. 5mg
* Sodium................ 170mg
* Total Carbohydrate.... 3g
* Dietary Fiber ...........0g
* Sugars................... 3g
* Protein.................. 0g

It seems quite good to me.....unless of course you are on an ultra low carb regime. My low GI/GL lifestyle allows me to have these things without any problem Bg levels.