My experience with Creon


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First, I should mention I have chronic pancreatitis and this affects how much digestive enzymes my pancreas does, or does not, produce enzymes that help digest my food. The condition also causes a lot of pain but that's another subject.

Creon supplements how much protease (protein enzyme), lipase (fat enzyme) and amylase (carb enzyme) that my body produces. Anything ending with -ase is generally an enzyme and enzymes either help with or actually enables breakdown of these larger molecules into smaller molecules that my body needs and can then recombine. I am not going to put on or lose weight by taking Creon, but the enzymes enable my body to breakdown the larger molecules -- proteins, carbs and fats -- into smaller molecules that my body can then resynethise into nutrients that it needs. It (creon) is not going to make me lose weight or gain weight. It doesn't work like that. Some nutrients the body cannot produce naturally which is why they're called "essential" and enzymes are required. Without the enzymes the process cannot occur. Creon provides enzymes that break down the larger molecules (like fats) into smaller molecules so that that my body can produce what it needs. Without creon I'd probably die because the enzymes are not present and I'd not have the essential nutrients. It'd take a long time I think but I'm pretty sure I would (hey, we need those nutrients, but if the pancreas is not producing the enzymes to breadown the macronuturients we're up the proverbial creek). I sometimes forget my Creon and it doesn't seem to make a difference, I also don't always take it with snacks but your doctor is the person to advise you about that, not me. You can take too much Creon. So always please speak to your health professional.


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So, in my experience, if you don’t take enough Creon then you better stay close to the toilet the next day, as your stools become greasy and can fly out of you . If you take too much it supposedly causes an itchy anus. I find If I’ve had a bit too much to eat and have taken a lot of Creon, then the next day I have bloating and rotten tasting burping. If my diet is healthy, mostly fruit and vegetables, then Creon works pretty well. However, if I have a greasy takeaway for example, there’s no amount of Creon that’ll work.
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Could you tell me what's your weights like with 3c on creon I look like a walking skeleton and doesn't mater what I eat cannot put weight on

It was 12 years ago when I was in hospital with my pancreas. I was in for 6months and left looking like a skeleton too. However, I’ve gradually returned to my normal size (overweight).

Sounds like you have a good metabolism and are probably the right size for how much food you consume and how much exercise you do.

If you’re trying to put weight on then you’ll need to up your food intake. Fat’s a good macro as it has 4 times the calories of carbs and proteins. I’d suggest eating more healthy fats like Avocado, Greek yogurt, and Peanut butter. However, if you’re on Creon you’re going to need to up that too, especially if you’re upping your fat intake. Might be worth speaking with hospital dietitian first.

mcqueen 64

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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6 foot 4 and 11stone 3lb my pancreas has about 30 stones in it and looks like a deflated balloon .down as chronic pancreatitis. But because there leaving it in as long as I can live with the pain I'm thinking it might be doing something. I take a 80000 with a meal and about 40000 with a snack I was not told to adjust these quantities on the size of meal.i eat peanut butter every day instead of chocolate or sweets have Avocado 2 or 3 times a week .every time I eat Greek I end up with high sugar levels .
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Crikey 30 stones! I had one and that killed part of my pancreas.

Make sure you get proper Greek yogurt and not Greek ‘Style’ yogurt as that has lots of sugar in usually.

I take 100000 with a meal, but sometimes more if I have a big takeaway for example. I can tell if I’ve had too much as I start getting horrible ’eggy’ burps and feel rough.

Do they have you on Omeprazole too? I take 40mg twice a day which seemed to help with the chronic pancreatitis. At least until my pancreas gave up altogether.

mcqueen 64

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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Not on omeprazole just creon and 2 types of insulin. Most of the time my pain is like a dull toothache which I guess I'm used to don't take pain killers .so do you take all creon at once or do you spread it out wile eating .Read a post were some one had so many mouthfuls of food then took a tablet then more food and another tablet he said it was more elective. I was told eat a small portion of food then take creon then finish meal.


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My chronic pancreatitis started off with intense pain and over the years became just like you explain. Now I hardly notice it, but instead feel slightly nauseous and low energy. I’m not sure if the Omeprazole worked, or just my pancreas gave up in the end. 2 years ago I was controlling my diabetes with just food, and now I’m completely insulin dependent.

Yeah I take Creon spread out through a meal, a couple of mouthfuls and then pop another capsule. I was also told to eat little and often. I tend to drink Huels (meal replacement shakes) throughout the day due to also having gastroparesis, but allow myself an evening meal and sleep through most of the feeling rubbish. I think with a small meal it won’t make much difference how you take Creon.


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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I had acute pancreatitis twice - 1st lead on to sepsis then septic shock and lost most of my bowels so have short bowel syndrome and an ileostomy. Also started creon then and a year later had 2nd bout which damaged my pancreas beyond repair and am now also type 3c taking 2 types of insulin. Because of my short bowel syndrome and malabsorbtion issues (my food transit time is about 10mins from mouth to bag), I was told to empty my creon pills into a small kiddies yogurt and eat it mid meal. This way apparently it stays in my system long enough to take effect. My pancreatitis was apparently caused by gallstones so my gallbladder has been removed but pancreatitis still doesn't function. I'm taking Lansoprazol too. If I don't take my creon and have a larger meal, my ileostomy output increases and I notice it's more 'fatty looking' if that makes sense so although I wasn't convinced it does much, I can't afford for my output to increase as my kidneys were damaged by the septic shock.
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Diet only
I had acute pancreatitis twice - 1st lead on to sepsis then septic shock and lost most of my bowels so have short bowel syndrome and an ileostomy. Also started creon then and a year later had 2nd bout which damaged my pancreas beyond repair and am now also type 3c taking 2 types of insulin. Because of my short bowel syndrome and malabsorbtion issues (my food transit time is about 10mins from mouth to bag), I was told to empty my creon pills into a small kiddies yogurt and eat it mid meal. This way apparently it stays in my system long enough to take effect. My pancreatitis was apparently caused by gallstones so my gallbladder has been removed but pancreatitis still doesn't function. I'm taking Lansoprazol too. If I don't take my creon and have a larger meal, my ileostomy output increases and I notice it's more 'fatty looking' if that makes sense so although I wasn't convinced it does much, I can't afford for my output to increase as my kidneys were damaged by the septic shock.
What is Creon


Retired Moderator
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What is Creon?
An enzyme the pancres makes to help digest food.
It's often needed for people with type 3C diabetes, not usually for T2's or T1's.

Type 3C diabetes is caused by damage to the pancreas, it can be caused by things like pancreatitis or cancer, when (part of) the pancreas needs to be taken out.
If you scroll to the top of the page you can see that this thread is in the type 3C subforum.
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mcqueen 64

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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Whats your weight like on creon I'm struggling to keep weight on I've got about 30 stones in my pancreas but it's shrivelled so as long as I can live with the pain there just leaving it. I'm controlling my diabetes with 2 tipes of insulin having avocados peanut butter greak jogurt chicken cheese daily but cannot maintain my weight .take 80000 creon with a meal .
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Diet only
I'm also a T3c and was T2 for 25 years before my pancreas pack up producing meaningful amounts of insulin. I reckon I was about 2 years without the enzymes that process fats and therefore the fat soluble cits A D E Kand I was also on Canagliflozin which stops the kidneys reprocessing sugar.

My weight plummeted to 11.5 stone. Once I started the Creon 500000 and stopped the weight has piled back on I'm now overweight at 13.5 stone.

I have been left with skin problems due to the lack of cits a and d but they're resolving slowly.
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Im on Creon 25,000 and take 3 at breakfast, 3 at lunch and 7 with main meal + dessert in evening. I am now back to my pre surgery weight and seem to be putting on weight if Im not careful. I find I often have to eat Jelly Babies or sweets & orange juice then biscuits to get my BG up from a low so thats probably why Im putting on weight. I had my pancreas, spleen, duodenum and gall bladder removed in April 2022 due to a PNET (Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour). My last prescription for the Creon 25,000 was unavailable so was given the Creon 10,000 so will have to take a lot more.
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mcqueen 64

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Type 3c
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I was16 stone now 11stone at 6f 3 thin with no muscle ye that's roughly what I'm on


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I'm controlling my diabetes with 2 tipes of insulin having avocados peanut butter greak jogurt chicken cheese daily but cannot maintain my weight .take 80000 creon with a meal .
How are your blood sugars in general?
Apart from the creon, if you're running high a lot of the time it can be very hard to maintain your weight.
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mcqueen 64

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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I was egnoring my diabetes for years using energy drinkd to get through a shift at work but now on the lib sensor and my average is 6.4 at 98% between 3.9 and 10.get a lot of lows expecially at work .my blood sugars drop a lot faster .
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I'm a bit of an odd one - I'm a T1 who needs Creon. As far as I know anyway. I've been T1 for 53 years but, when I was having stomach problems a few years ago they did an MRI of my pancreas (weird seeing it after all these years) and discovered it had shrivelled. So on to Creon but I find sometimes I need it more than others. Does anyone else have this? I generally take 3x25000 for breakfast, 4 for lunch and 5 or 6 for dinner. But there are times when I need considerably more than that.