My experience with Creon


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm a bit of an odd one - I'm a T1 who needs Creon. As far as I know anyway. I've been T1 for 53 years but, when I was having stomach problems a few years ago they did an MRI of my pancreas (weird seeing it after all these years) and discovered it had shrivelled. So on to Creon but I find sometimes I need it more than others. Does anyone else have this? I generally take 3x25000 for breakfast, 4 for lunch and 5 or 6 for dinner. But there are times when I need considerably more than that.
I am on creon T1 I take 10 with each meal, I still get problems I am grinding my teeth all the time I get a sore throat have a lot of tartar. On 25000 creon
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Im on Creon 25,000 and take 3 at breakfast, 3 at lunch and 7 with main meal + dessert in evening. I am now back to my pre surgery weight and seem to be putting on weight if Im not careful. I find I often have to eat Jelly Babies or sweets & orange juice then biscuits to get my BG up from a low so thats probably why Im putting on weight. I had my pancreas, spleen, duodenum and gall bladder removed in April 2022 due to a PNET (Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour). My last prescription for the Creon 25,000 was unavailable so was given the Creon 10,000 so will have to take a lot more.
I am using Creon 25000 ~4 per meal but like you I can't get them any more so take 10 x 10000 per meal (I vary it according to size and type of meal). I had partial pancreatectomy (April 2020) but still have another cyst in the remaining stump. So far that is dormant. I rely on Metformin and Dapaglifozin together with avoiding sugar and starchy carbs. My HbA1c is 61 which is a bit high. I don't know the pros and cons of moving to insulin. I used a slow acting background insulin for about 6 months after surgery, but I didn't want the fuss of following DVLA rules for people on insulin so switched to diet and metformin.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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Cold weather
I am using Creon 25000 ~4 per meal but like you I can't get them any more so take 10 x 10000 per meal (I vary it according to size and type of meal). I had partial pancreatectomy (April 2020) but still have another cyst in the remaining stump. So far that is dormant. I rely on Metformin and Dapaglifozin together with avoiding sugar and starchy carbs. My HbA1c is 61 which is a bit high. I don't know the pros and cons of moving to insulin. I used a slow acting background insulin for about 6 months after surgery, but I didn't want the fuss of following DVLA rules for people on insulin so switched to diet and metformin.
I was originally on Creon 25000 in 2018, but had major problem with my stomach on it so was changed by hospital to Nutrizim 22 (22000 units per tablet) at 12 tablets per meal (4xday) and 6 tablets with snacks, and I have been on that ever since. In January this year my local chemists couldn't source Nutrizim at all. I ended up contacting Zentiva, the manufacturers directly, and they managed to get supplies to my chemist within a week. Luckily this is not the first time so I always try and keep a few weeks supply in hand. I do try to keep my blood/glucose under control with diet but when the pancreas is up and down with its own insulin production, I have to be on the ball when it comes to the amount of Insulin I inject each morning, and take between four and eight finger pricks a day, especially when driving to comply with DVLA and insurance requirements.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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people judging others
First, I should mention I have chronic pancreatitis and this affects how much digestive enzymes my pancreas does, or does not, produce enzymes that help digest my food. The condition also causes a lot of pain but that's another subject.

Creon supplements how much protease (protein enzyme), lipase (fat enzyme) and amylase (carb enzyme) that my body produces. Anything ending with -ase is generally an enzyme and enzymes either help with or actually enables breakdown of these larger molecules into smaller molecules that my body needs and can then recombine. I am not going to put on or lose weight by taking Creon, but the enzymes enable my body to breakdown the larger molecules -- proteins, carbs and fats -- into smaller molecules that my body can then resynethise into nutrients that it needs. It (creon) is not going to make me lose weight or gain weight. It doesn't work like that. Some nutrients the body cannot produce naturally which is why they're called "essential" and enzymes are required. Without the enzymes the process cannot occur. Creon provides enzymes that break down the larger molecules (like fats) into smaller molecules so that that my body can produce what it needs. Without creon I'd probably die because the enzymes are not present and I'd not have the essential nutrients. It'd take a long time I think but I'm pretty sure I would (hey, we need those nutrients, but if the pancreas is not producing the enzymes to breadown the macronuturients we're up the proverbial creek). I sometimes forget my Creon and it doesn't seem to make a difference, I also don't always take it with snacks but your doctor is the person to advise you about that, not me. You can take too much Creon. So always please speak to your health professional.
i have exactly the same
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