My latest cholesterol results - some guidance needed


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Hi Guys - I know there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and its helped me immensely to put my diabetes’s in remission. I can’t be more grateful for the knowledge and advice I received here for my T2 diagnosis in March 2023.

Now cholesterol is like a mine field to me, and there is to much stuff in cholesterol like total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides to name a few. I did a check in my gym (Nuffield Health) this weekend with the following results. The total cholesterol is too high as its supposed to be below 5. I am on no medication for diabetes’s and none for cholesterol and I want to remain this way. Can someone please help me interpret my numbers and explain what they actually mean and how do I lower my Total Cholesterol (5.92)?



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Hi Guys - I know there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and its helped me immensely to put my diabetes’s in remission. I can’t be more grateful for the knowledge and advice I received here for my T2 diagnosis in March 2023.

Now cholesterol is like a mine field to me, and there is to much stuff in cholesterol like total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides to name a few. I did a check in my gym (Nuffield Health) this weekend with the following results. The total cholesterol is too high as its supposed to be below 5. I am on no medication for diabetes’s and none for cholesterol and I want to remain this way. Can someone please help me interpret my numbers and explain what they actually mean and how do I lower my Total Cholesterol (5.92)?

View attachment 62890

Firstly: your numbers are not ‘terrible’. Don’t panic. Raising HDL would be good - and then, LDL may just lower anyway. Or at least the ratio will be better. Triglycerides (fats in blood formed often from carbs) appear normal.

There is controversy in cholesterol research (higher levels are not always associated with bad outcomes, it’s tricky). Eating LC naturally leads to eating more fat - you could choose to eat more healthy vegetable fats (avo, olive oil,nuts - which will lower total cholesterol and tend to boost HDL). Some people find their cholesterol levels drop even eating more animal fats. It’s individual.

Research suggests Dairy fats are in a class of their own - ‘healthier’ than animal meat fats (ie eggs, cream, yoghurt, sour cream, buttermilk etc). Cow products good but sheep, goat, buffalo products - higher protein. ‘Low fat’ or ‘no fat’ - not necessarily ‘better’. Extra carbs can be added (depends whether fat just removed or - something added as well). Personally I like skim milk but it has the same 10gm carbs as FC - and more protein (in Oz). I also eat cheeses, kefir, yoghurt and cultured creams. I eat a lot of Avocados; and use olive oil not seed.

You will have heard advice to ‘stick to the lighter meats - and fish.’ I wonder if the amount of any meat you eat and how fresh it is - are just as important. I’ve returned to eating (unprocessed) food including a variety of all meats (from being veg).

I avoid ‘processed’ red or white meats that contain nitrites, colourings, flavourings, sugar/carbs - ie most ham, bacon, sausage, salami etc. Their association with cancer is one thing. To my mind it’s not necessarily the ‘meat’ (even the fat) that’s the (biggest) issue - it’s the preservatives/additives (and potentially the cooking method).

There are additive / preservative free processed meats in the UK. Other red meats are genuine ‘Serrano’ ham (Spanish) or ‘Prosciutto’ (Italian) (salted and air dried). I remove some of the fat. Outside Europe you have to check labels as things can be called by those names but still have additives. In Oz, sodium sulphite or metabisulphite (most researched and supposedly most harmful of the preservatives, and commonly used in ham and bacon) are often added to ‘smoked salmon’ these days.

How do all these additives affect digestion/ metabolism, esp wrt cholesterol? We don’t know (yet). It’s complicated, and individual, but broadly the thinking goes - things that tax the liver (additives have to be broken down and removed) - can reduce its ability to do the rest of its jobs well (incl manage glucose; manage cholesterol).

My experience: total cholesterol 7.9 a year ago (HDL 1.8; triglycerides 2.5; LDLs - the rest) - reduced to 4.5 (now). I couldn’t manage more exercise (good if possible - but not the only answer); or more oily fish (expensive, I already ate fish 2x pw). I snack on cans of tuna more (a fraught issue too - mercury content, origin, sustainability).

Reducing empty carbs brought my triglycerides to below 1 (easy to do). You don’t seem to have a triglyc issue.

The biggest change (ie dropping from 7.9 to 4.5) came about by taking 2000-3000mg of high quality Omega 3 (fish oil) daily. I had been taking 1000mg for years but upped to 2000 (6 months ago) then 3000 (3 months ago; and LC a month ago). I built up slowly as changes can negatively affect my digestion. This also normalised my liver panel readings (poor due to necessary meds). I have to take Vitamin D and Iron (periodically).

Best of luck. Others will come along to advise. As for diabetes, there is no one right way. Once you decide what to do, give it a couple of months before retesting. If you (eg) lose a lot of weight suddenly (more exercise or calorie restriction) your total cholesterol will eventually drop - but fat leaving your body may keep cholesterol levels high (or even inc triglycerides) temporarily. Make considered small changes you can maintain. Be patient.


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Thank you for your post @RobynV, I have very high cholesterol, due to eating LC I believe, so I was extremely interested to note how your cholesterol reduced just by taking high doses of Omega 3 fish oil. Congratulations! Off to the shops to buy some to see if it works for me.


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Thank you for your post @RobynV, I have very high cholesterol, due to eating LC I believe, so I was extremely interested to note how your cholesterol reduced just by taking high doses of Omega 3 fish oil. Congratulations! Off to the shops to buy some to see if it works for me.

Yes. I was pretty amazed too. That idea came from a poster on another support site. One where we chat about trying to keep liver ‘normal’ while struggling with various autoimmune diseases. Hope it works for you


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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Yes. I was pretty amazed too. That idea came from a poster on another support site. One where we chat about trying to keep liver ‘normal’ while struggling with various autoimmune diseases. Hope it works for you
On the strength of these posts, I have just bought some for myself so fingers crossed and thank you.


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Up until now the key thing was the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol.
See NHS on High Cholesterol
This says that of your ratio of HDL to total cholesterol is under 6 then you should be fine.
However I think this is now being questioned.
Came here to ask about new rules as I have just had my results back.
See British Heart Foundation
"As a guide, your non-HDL cholesterol should be lower than 4mmol/L and your total cholesterol should be 5mmol/L or less."

My results are:
Trigs 1.32
LDL 4.4
HDL 1.7
Non-HDL 5.01
Total cholesterol 6.71
Cholesterol/HDL ratio 3.95

So under the old guidelines I am fine (and have been for years).
Under the new guidelines I have an increased risk.
However as far as I can tell from other tests e.g. blood pressure and taking part in a study about atrial fibrillation, and an ultrasound of a main aorta a few years back my heart seems sound.

I can say with certainty I will not be taking statins, after some very bad reactions.


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exercise, phone calls
@0110 's Triglicerides number is great (below 1.0), but their HDL could do to be a bit higher (nearer 2.0) .
There should be some news from Dave Feldman out in a few months which will through more light on High HdL,High LDL, Low Trigs in the context of a Keto/Low carb way of eating.
It's anticipated that the study of LMHR's will confound current medicine by showing that such individuals have less and maintain less arterial plaque than those on the current medically advised diet.
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Take a look at these calculators and the links they contain.
Us version

there are a significant number of threads about interpreting cholesterol numbers you can search for in the forum too. One of which is enormous with probably close to every link going (or was til the main author ceased to be part the forum sadly)

edit to remove now defunct link
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Well-Known Member
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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Take a look at these calculators and the links they contain.
Us version

there are a significant number of threads about interpreting cholesterol numbers you can search for in the forum too. One of which is enormous with probably close to every link going (or was til the main author ceased to be part the forum sadly)
Cholesterol Code link tells me that the new report tool will launch soon.

hughcalc only takes whole numbers!
Given that the numbers are low, differences can be significant.
For example HDL of 1.7 can be either 1 or two!
So unless I am doing something wrong I think this calculator is both inaccurate and misleading.
According to the results, everything is wonderful apart from my HDL of 2 which is high risk.
[Noting that it is actually 1.7.]
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cholesterol Code link tells me that the new report tool will launch soon.

hughcalc only takes whole numbers!
Given that the numbers are low, differences can be significant.
For example HDL of 1.7 can be either 1 or two!
So unless I am doing something wrong I think this calculator is both inaccurate and misleading.
According to the results, everything is wonderful apart from my HDL of 2 which is high risk.
[Noting that it is actually 1.7.]
Hugh cal is taking numbers in digital places for me. screen shot of some random numbers attached. Not sure what you might be doing wrong though.

I’ll remove the cholesterol code link as it seems not to go where it used to go.