My results are in :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
I got a 3 month diabetes test done on Monday and the results are in :)
On metformin (March) 62
Off meds (6th June) 56
Off meds (18th June) 52 That is without any real exercise and a couple of 'treats'. Best since 2010

On statins (March) 3.4 (no idea of breakdown)
Off statins (6th June) 5.8 HDL no change
LDL 4.49
Off statins (18th June) 5.7 HDL 1.63
LDL 3.78
RATIO 3.5 No idea what that means, but it's below 4.5 so nurse is happy :)

Tested in June and was perfect, but I do take B12 tablets, forgot to tell her that!

She said to keep off medication and is expecting better things of me in October :)

I said that I've started to take cinnamon and Chromium for my sugar levels. Also just started Plant Sterols for cholesterol. She agreed that it wouldn't hurt to take them. Better than statins and metformin :)

Will also start to take vit D as the winters here are long and dark, somedays light at 10am and dark by 3pm! Will wait until mid August and will start taking them.

Wish I could celebrate with a chocolate biscuit! Maybe a dry white wine if I can find some in the cupboard!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People who drive with fog lights on when its only a bit of mist
Wonderful results - well done
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
Thanks for moving my discussion to the right place :)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done Beryl. A nice steady move in the right direction. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Great HbA1c reduction @berylc!:) Keep up the good work and you should get down to pre-diabetic or non-diabetic range by your next test in October.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
Great HbA1c reduction @berylc!:) Keep up the good work and you should get down to pre-diabetic or non-diabetic range by your next test in October.

Not after today's lunch! Husband's birthday, so we went out for lunch. He was going to have the haddock in beer batter, chips and mushy peas, then decided he would have the lamb sausages on bubble and squeek and a mint gravy. I was going to have a seafood salad. My meal turned up - he'd ordered me the fish and chips by mistake..... We couldn't put it back and I wasn't going to waste £10.95 so I ate 3/4 of the fish and half the chips. When we got back to the house an hour later my readings were 17.1:dead::sorry: Got visitors after that so forgot to test again. Small piece of baked hake for tea, along with lots of spiralised courgette and carrot. Plenty of water too. Getting numbers down.
If he does that again I will waste the money, readings like that are not good.:stop::mad:
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Not after today's lunch! Husband's birthday, so we went out for lunch. He was going to have the haddock in beer batter, chips and mushy peas, then decided he would have the lamb sausages on bubble and squeek and a mint gravy. I was going to have a seafood salad. My meal turned up - he'd ordered me the fish and chips by mistake..... We couldn't put it back and I wasn't going to waste £10.95 so I ate 3/4 of the fish and half the chips. When we got back to the house an hour later my readings were 17.1:dead::sorry: Got visitors after that so forgot to test again. Small piece of baked hake for tea, along with lots of spiralised courgette and carrot. Plenty of water too. Getting numbers down.
If he does that again I will waste the money, readings like that are not good.:stop::mad:

Look on it as the most fantastic lesson.

Personally, I need lessons like that every now and then - keeps me on the straight and narrow the rest of the time. :D
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
Look on it as the most fantastic lesson.

Personally, I need lessons like that every now and then - keeps me on the straight and narrow the rest of the time. :D
Look on it as the most fantastic lesson.

Personally, I need lessons like that every now and then - keeps me on the straight and narrow the rest of the time. :D

I'll order my own food next time!