My sugars acting up


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2

I am 18 weeks pregnant. I had type 2 diabetes diagnosed and very fast due to a reduced carb diet I got back to normal hba1c and a few of them later they took me off the computer at the drs as a diabetic.

I had an hba1c at 9 weeks pregnant and it was 38 and fine.

Now.... I have alot of glucose spilling into my urine and I had fasting sugar of 6 this morning. Normally in the low 5s.

I have been eating wholemeal bread. I am actually losing weigh when I should be gaining it for baby as I struggle to get enough calories in.

What do I eat. I'm quite stressed about food at the best of times.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bread is not your friend here I'm afraid.
A standard slice of most sliced pans contain 15gs of carbs.
Your body will readily turn this to glucose & add to your increasing blood sugars.
Read up on low carb diet & perhaps ome exercise after meals.



I am 18 weeks pregnant. I had type 2 diabetes diagnosed and very fast due to a reduced carb diet I got back to normal hba1c and a few of them later they took me off the computer at the drs as a diabetic.

I had an hba1c at 9 weeks pregnant and it was 38 and fine.

Now.... I have alot of glucose spilling into my urine and I had fasting sugar of 6 this morning. Normally in the low 5s.

I have been eating wholemeal bread. I am actually losing weigh when I should be gaining it for baby as I struggle to get enough calories in.

What do I eat. I'm quite stressed about food at the best of times.

First of all, do not worry too much - it is manageable. Some time ago I found this article about best food options during gestational:

You should include enough complex carbs, a moderate amount of protein and fat in your diet. But most importantly, you should avoid consuming too many simple carbs - sugars.

Complex carbs also called polysaccharides. Complex carbohydrates include starch, which is found in whole grains, legumes, and vegetables as well as dietary fiber, which is found in brown rice, fruits, and of course, legumes and vegetables.

Since carbohydrates are the main source of energy, contrary to popular dietary myths, you don’t have to avoid them as much as you think you have to. In fact, carbohydrates should make up 50% of your diet.

Simple carbs, or monosaccharides, however, should be avoided. Simple carbs include sucrose (most of which comes from refined sugar), fructose in fruits and lactose in dairy products. The last two are okay to consume in moderate amounts, however, refined sugars are better to avoid.

Generally, you should reach for 6-8 servings of carbs per day. One serving equals 1 slice of bread / ½ cup of cooked rice / 1 english muffin.


Eat good nutritious breakfast

Eating nutritious breakfast will help to balance your morning glycemia (concentration of sugar or glucose in the blood). Porridge is a perfect option for breakfast as it contains complex carbs. The body digests and absorbs energy from them gradually, meaning your blood sugar levels won’t spike and you’ll feel energized for longer.

Other whole-grain products (such as dark/rye bread) and protein products such as poultry, eggs, low-fat yogurt are also a good option.

Eat regularly

This is very important to avoid sugar/food cravings. Try eating every 3 hours.

Also, be smart about the carb distribution. You might want to eat more carbs during the first part of the day when you need more energy and chose protein and veggies in the evening. Also, try to eat the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat every day. This will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Pay attention to the Glycemic Index

GI is a number that shows foods ability to spike your blood sugar levels two hours after consumption. 100 is equivalent to pure glucose. Foods that have GI under 55 are considered a better option for diabetics.

Foods with a low GI (>55) include: minimally processed grains, whole grain pasta, lentils, most fruit, vegetables, beans, low-fat dairy foods, and nuts.

Foods with medium GI (56-69) include: white rice, couscous, corn, sweet potatoes, breakfast cereals.

Foods with high GI (70-100) include: potatoes, white bread, white (short-grain) rice, sugary junk food.

Needless to say, you should reach for the lower GI foods. Just switching white rice to brown or regular potatoes to sweet ones can make a huge difference.

Also, it’s really important how the food is prepared.

Potato is a really good example of how the cooking method can alter the glycemic index. Boiled potatoes have GI of 59, while mashed or instant potatoes have GI as high as 82.

Avoid consuming sugar

Sugary junk food, pastries, chocolate, candy, and sodas are a big no. It makes your sugar levels spike and doesn’t leave you satiated for long. So don’t forget to always check food labels to see what part of carbs are sugar.

Don’t forget the dietary fiber

Choose foods high in dietary fiber. These include whole grains (oats, buckwheat) fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries), and especially vegetables (beans, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts). Eating fiber daily will smooth your digestive process.

Eat enough vegetables

Low carb veggies, such as greens, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and mushrooms are a perfect source of fiber and nutrients. You should reach for consuming at least 500 grams of veggies daily. Eating veggies with every meal of yours will help you feel satiated for longer and will reduce food cravings.

Drink more water

The importance of drinking water is stressed so much, but still often forgotten. Drink at least ten 8-ounce cups of water each day. Don’t worry if you feel like you need a little more or less, as every woman’s needs differ. Also, feel free to drink sugarless tea with lemon and moderate amounts of juice mixed with water.

Exclude saturated fat

Reduce your fat intake, especially saturated fat. Change the butter to vegetable oil, separate visible fat from meat and try to cook the dishes using as little oil as possible. However, feel free to include the good fats into your diet, such as avocados. eggs, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.

Include exercise

Well, this one is not really about the diet. But it’s still as important. Contrary to what some pregnant women think (or in often cases, to what people surrounding them think), exercising is by no means forbidden.

It is, in fact, recommended. The exercise can be as light as taking a 20-minute walk after a meal. It will already do wonders in helping you balance your sugar levels.


  • lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey)
  • fish
  • seafood
  • beans
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • moderate amounts of fruit (citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines should be your go-to)
  • nuts
  • tofu
  • greek yogurt
Skip (or consume in very limited amounts):

  • french-fries
  • potatoes
  • pasta (whole grain is fine)
  • white rice
  • white bread
  • pastry
  • fruit juice
  • cookies
  • corn
  • sweetened yogurt
  • candy
  • soda

Hope this is helpful!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
First of all, do not worry too much - it is manageable. Some time ago I found this article about best food options during gestational:

You should include enough complex carbs, a moderate amount of protein and fat in your diet. But most importantly, you should avoid consuming too many simple carbs - sugars.

Complex carbs also called polysaccharides. Complex carbohydrates include starch, which is found in whole grains, legumes, and vegetables as well as dietary fiber, which is found in brown rice, fruits, and of course, legumes and vegetables.

Since carbohydrates are the main source of energy, contrary to popular dietary myths, you don’t have to avoid them as much as you think you have to. In fact, carbohydrates should make up 50% of your diet.

Simple carbs, or monosaccharides, however, should be avoided. Simple carbs include sucrose (most of which comes from refined sugar), fructose in fruits and lactose in dairy products. The last two are okay to consume in moderate amounts, however, refined sugars are better to avoid.

Generally, you should reach for 6-8 servings of carbs per day. One serving equals 1 slice of bread / ½ cup of cooked rice / 1 english muffin.


Eat good nutritious breakfast

Eating nutritious breakfast will help to balance your morning glycemia (concentration of sugar or glucose in the blood). Porridge is a perfect option for breakfast as it contains complex carbs. The body digests and absorbs energy from them gradually, meaning your blood sugar levels won’t spike and you’ll feel energized for longer.

Other whole-grain products (such as dark/rye bread) and protein products such as poultry, eggs, low-fat yogurt are also a good option.

Eat regularly

This is very important to avoid sugar/food cravings. Try eating every 3 hours.

Also, be smart about the carb distribution. You might want to eat more carbs during the first part of the day when you need more energy and chose protein and veggies in the evening. Also, try to eat the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat every day. This will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Pay attention to the Glycemic Index

GI is a number that shows foods ability to spike your blood sugar levels two hours after consumption. 100 is equivalent to pure glucose. Foods that have GI under 55 are considered a better option for diabetics.

Foods with a low GI (>55) include: minimally processed grains, whole grain pasta, lentils, most fruit, vegetables, beans, low-fat dairy foods, and nuts.

Foods with medium GI (56-69) include: white rice, couscous, corn, sweet potatoes, breakfast cereals.

Foods with high GI (70-100) include: potatoes, white bread, white (short-grain) rice, sugary junk food.

Needless to say, you should reach for the lower GI foods. Just switching white rice to brown or regular potatoes to sweet ones can make a huge difference.

Also, it’s really important how the food is prepared.

Potato is a really good example of how the cooking method can alter the glycemic index. Boiled potatoes have GI of 59, while mashed or instant potatoes have GI as high as 82.

Avoid consuming sugar

Sugary junk food, pastries, chocolate, candy, and sodas are a big no. It makes your sugar levels spike and doesn’t leave you satiated for long. So don’t forget to always check food labels to see what part of carbs are sugar.

Don’t forget the dietary fiber

Choose foods high in dietary fiber. These include whole grains (oats, buckwheat) fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries), and especially vegetables (beans, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts). Eating fiber daily will smooth your digestive process.

Eat enough vegetables

Low carb veggies, such as greens, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and mushrooms are a perfect source of fiber and nutrients. You should reach for consuming at least 500 grams of veggies daily. Eating veggies with every meal of yours will help you feel satiated for longer and will reduce food cravings.

Drink more water

The importance of drinking water is stressed so much, but still often forgotten. Drink at least ten 8-ounce cups of water each day. Don’t worry if you feel like you need a little more or less, as every woman’s needs differ. Also, feel free to drink sugarless tea with lemon and moderate amounts of juice mixed with water.

Exclude saturated fat

Reduce your fat intake, especially saturated fat. Change the butter to vegetable oil, separate visible fat from meat and try to cook the dishes using as little oil as possible. However, feel free to include the good fats into your diet, such as avocados. eggs, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.

Include exercise

Well, this one is not really about the diet. But it’s still as important. Contrary to what some pregnant women think (or in often cases, to what people surrounding them think), exercising is by no means forbidden.

It is, in fact, recommended. The exercise can be as light as taking a 20-minute walk after a meal. It will already do wonders in helping you balance your sugar levels.


  • lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey)
  • fish
  • seafood
  • beans
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • moderate amounts of fruit (citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines should be your go-to)
  • nuts
  • tofu
  • greek yogurt
Skip (or consume in very limited amounts):

  • french-fries
  • potatoes
  • pasta (whole grain is fine)
  • white rice
  • white bread
  • pastry
  • fruit juice
  • cookies
  • corn
  • sweetened yogurt
  • candy
  • soda

Hope this is helpful!
I'm sorry, but, no... If someone needs to gain weight but needs to keep their T2 under control, fruit's off the table, grain and porridge too, couscous and whatnot... I'd avoid this list like the plague, if I were able to have children and wanted to carry one to term. Please keep in mind that when someone's pregnant and diabetic it's very important for them to keep their blood sugars in range as much as possible. That's not going to happen with porridge and oranges, and a lot of the other suggested foods. Fats really are the way here, as are protein. Yay for butter and lard.

@coleyd , if you're losing weight, you might want to start eating more often. Three meals a day and three snacks a day are usually what is advised for TOFI type 2's, to maintain weight. Stock up on protein and fats, so lots of meat, poultry, stuff like olives, hard cheeses (none with fungi for the baby's sake), above ground and/or green leaf veggies. Check and for foods that might suit you better than the bread. Stick with low carb, just up the fats and protein and you should gain some weight while staying in range.

I don't know how things are out there with C19 and check-ups for pregnant women, but keep regular appointments if possible eh. Your fasting numbers sound alright so far, dunno how you're doing before and 2 hours after a meal though. Two of my friends had Gestational Diabetes, and while it was no walk in the park for either of them, they did end up with beautiful and insanely smart kids. So you keep on taking care of yourself, and ask any questions you like eh. And test your heart out.

Good luck and congrats on the pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hey guys so basically is it a case of type 2 back again and not gestational diabetes?

If that's the case I would be allowed 4 to 7 fasting but I was 5.8 or something this am. But if they see me a gestational diabetes anything over 5.1 and it's bad! I'm never 5.1 even when I kept getting normal hba1c and was taken off gp system as a type 2. I'm now back on as a type 2 in remission after telling gp I noticed my sugars not in normal person pregnancy range at 18 weeks pregnant.