

Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Just wondered if any members have found/discovered a cure for neuropathy - or at least something to releave the discomfort?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
There are lots of threads on this, I answered on one earlier today in this section of the forum.
I have found relief for my neuropathy by taking:
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg one a day
Benfotiamine (vit b1) 250mg twice a day
Methylcobalamin (vib b12) 1000mg one a day
It has helped take my neuropathy from painful to just an uncomfortable feeling (which I can live with).
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for that link. As you will know R-ALA is the purer, natural version which is said to have better absorption properties.
Virtually all the cheaper ALA you buy is a 50/50 mix of R-ALA (the better one) and S-ALA ( the not so good one). So if you buy, say, 600mg capsules then you are getting 300mg of R-ALA and 300mg of S-ALA. It is cheaper to buy this way than buying pure R-ALA which is only available in lower doses and is a lot more expensive. I have checked with several manufacturers and the purity of the R-ALA they use in the mixed variety is the same as they use in the R-ALA only variety
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