New to this


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Welcome to the forum @stewart-spenc

Your right it’s a big learning curve, don’t try and do it all at once, take your time and have a good look all around the forum, any questions please just ask, there’s lots of lovely members willing to share their experiences and ideas. If you scroll down to my signature you’ll see a few links that give you some info from our forum/website especially the one on how carbs can affect our Blood Sugars.

Many of the T2 members control their BS with a low carb or keto diet, if you like the sound of that then feel free to ask about it


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @stewart-spenc, welcome to the forum. Don't worry, we've all been there and this forum has helped many of us climb that learning curve.

Take some time, have a look around the forum. Any questions or worries, just fire away, always someone who can help or offer advice.

For an easy read to understand the basics of low carb and T2 diabetes, this blog post by one of the members here is well worth a read:

If you don't mind me asking, do you know what your hba1c test result was on diagnosis?


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Sorry, however I have only been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. All this is a massive learning Curve for me. If I seem a bit out of touch it's not due to being 63yr of age, its due to the fact I haven't got a clue.
Hey @stewart-spenc ,

Very, very few of us knew a thing or two, or even one, about diabetes before it hit us, so... Join the club. I certainly know I was confused and terrified when first diagnosed, I was crying in my sleep for a month or two until I finally got clued in and got the idea that hey... This can be controlled. :) @Paul_ already gave you the link to The Nutritional Thingy, but that's basically what I wrote for people in the same situation I was in: Newly diagnosed and trying to stay sane amidst the terror and confusion. It's simply put so it doesn't -hopefully- go in one ear and out the other when you're overloaded with anxiety and newly incoming information already.

But this is the take-away: You can get on top of this.
Hope we can help you a bit with that! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Welcome to the forum @stewart-spenc

Your right it’s a big learning curve, don’t try and do it all at once, take your time and have a good look all around the forum, any questions please just ask, there’s lots of lovely members willing to share their experiences and ideas. If you scroll down to my signature you’ll see a few links that give you some info from our forum/website especially the one on how carbs can affect our Blood Sugars.

Many of the T2 members control their BS with a low carb or keto diet, if you like the sound of that then feel free to ask about it
Thank you,


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Sorry, however I have only been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. All this is a massive learning Curve for me. If I seem a bit out of touch it's not due to being 63yr of age, its due to the fact I haven't got a clue.
I was diagnosed at age 57, and have been in remission for six months or so (HbA1c from 69 to 35). Take your time, read the forums, and read @JoKalsbeek's blog. It helped me a lot.