Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Am I right thinking you're saying you didn't have any shakes at home, so you ate less?

I'm sorry, but the more you write, the more and louder the alarm bells ring in my head for you. Im no longer seeing a healthy fight with diabetes when I read your posts on this thread.

That's not meant to be insulting or provocative, except to provoke your thought processes. Right now, I would be with your Doctor in absolutely not supporting your ND activity.

Hi @AndBreathe I had shakes at home but I was outside so I only could take 2 shakes that day, I dont miss my shakes as I know they have the essential nutrients for us, I think they are bare minimum and necessary so I dont miss them, even if I am not hungry I will take the shake and a spoon of oil.

I dont know if I am going wrong anywhere but 3 shakes are 390 cals so I round it off to 400 and 100 cals from oil and 100 from soup or veggies to which I have now added an egg or chicken for some protein so I go to about 700ish but that is what I am doing, I dont go over this or normally dont come under this level either.
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I am burning through strips veerrrryyy quickly :( always test morning/fasting, and evening before I go to bed. Always do a baseline before one meal, then test at one hour (or sooner, depending on GI of the carbs) and again at 15-30 minute intervals until I get below 100 mg/dL or hit three hours. And honestly, I'm almost always in the 80's (or really **** close) at the two hour mark.

Weight has gone up several pounds, which may simply be additional fecal matter in my colon. I bottomed out at around 197, and now I am at about 200 lbs. But I'm netting 1600 calories per day (gross is between 2100-3000 depending on how much exercise I've done) so by all accounts I should still be losing weight - but I'm not. Today I upped my calorie goal from 1600 to 1800 to see if, strangely, I need to be eating even more than I have been. But just eating at all has been very weird - hard to explain, but the ND diet gets in your head after a while. I almost stayed on an additional month, and had to be talked out of it!

Finally, I know quitting smoking changes metabolism, so maybe (big maybe) my weight would still be going down if I still smoked. Nothing I am going to test; I suspect the ND just bent my metabolism out of shape.
you have done well, and as you know b y your meal plans, it isn't finished yet.
this may help to fit into your plan somewhere much carb


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you have done well, and as you know b y your meal plans, it isn't finished yet.
this may help to fit into your plan somewhere much carb
Interesting read. I am on a little over 200g of carbs per day right now (average) as I steadily ease myself up to the 250g per day zone. But I am doing a hell of a lot of cardio daily (well, a hell of a lot compared to the rest of my life) and am using a lot of carbs to restore glycogen stores post-workout.


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I'm giving the ND a go too. Using Slimfast. Down from 107 to 91.3 so far through the 5/2 - but still reading 6.8+ (over 7 days). Had a break - now starting the ND - day 2. Weight seems to plateau - cant break the 91kg. BMI is 26.4 - so need to get rid of at least another 3kg - ideally 5kg+ to get down to c25% weight loss. The last little bit seems to be the toughest!
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Day 3 , and even though its sunny outside, I'm freezing! hopefully it will pass soon, for the record my weight at the start was 17st 3lb, my sugar was 11.8, its already down to 7.8 which is encouraging. For anyone using slimfast shakes, superdrugs are currently selling them for 77p (of course thoughthis is only useful if you're in the u.k.)
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Hi Andy - I got the shivers too. Sitting on the couch with a hot water bottle. Thought it might be a circulation problem. I've learned from these blogs its related to rapid weight loss - so something else to celebrate (besides no alcohol, hunger and an odd taste in the mouth!).:(
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Steve nice to know its not just me getting an odd taste in the mouth, hope mouthwash doesn't count as calories
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HI Jack - thanks for the link re gallstones. Had a cholecystectomy quite a few years back as a result of a VLCD. So I can testify that it is an important issue.

Day 3 - and am in fat burning already. Possibly a hangover from the 5/2 I just came off - but weight has dropped by 2.7kg - and fasting blood was 6.2. All heading in the right direction.
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In a tough patch now. Think I am in Ketosis. Fuzzy brain function, cramps, headache, cold, itchy skin, low energy, lethargy. Might have made a mistake. Decided to delay the lunch time drink because I get really hungry in the evenings - and I am still doing the cooking in the household - this is particularly difficult around 6 - 8 pm. So - didn't have anything at all since the morning drink at 8.30 am - storing up the calories for when I thought I would be hungriest. Then went out - and stayed out longer than I thought I would. Just had the lunch time drink now at 5pm. Bad idea. Don't recommend it. Must plan this better.

However, have not lost the faith - cheated, or broken down. Just had my resolve tested a bit.
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@Steve50 I take one shake at 12 and then go for walk then next one at around now at 5ish and last one just before i sleep at 11.
This works for me.


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In a tough patch now. Think I am in Ketosis. Fuzzy brain function, cramps, headache, cold, itchy skin, low energy, lethargy. Might have made a mistake. Decided to delay the lunch time drink because I get really hungry in the evenings - and I am still doing the cooking in the household - this is particularly difficult around 6 - 8 pm. So - didn't have anything at all since the morning drink at 8.30 am - storing up the calories for when I thought I would be hungriest. Then went out - and stayed out longer than I thought I would. Just had the lunch time drink now at 5pm. Bad idea. Don't recommend it. Must plan this better.

However, have not lost the faith - cheated, or broken down. Just had my resolve tested a bit.


You are using Slimfast products? Yes? How many calories total a day? Are you drinking enough water? Having veg in addition to shakes?
Are you being monitored/supported by doctor.

Ketosis state did not give me any of the symptoms you describe. Quite the opposite. I felt really well.


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Thanks both. Had 3 large glasses of water and came good in about 30 mins. All good.


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By the LC link above, it sounds like you hit the day 3-5 wall and carb crashed.
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Yes. Quite possible. Not hungry though. Feeling much better after all the water. (And getting plenty of exercise going to the loo every 15)
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Ok. I'll give it a try. Thanks


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a teaspoon of salt a day, should help a lot, you cut out all the junk where we normally get it from.
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I have some fancy pants garlic salt which I just sprinkled over some edible plants for tea. Feeling gooood.

To answer Pip above - I'm taking on 600 Cals of Slimfast and 250 gm of fibre (salads etc). Not hungry. Don't know why I needed to eat so much!


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Hi all, pleased to hear how you're getting on. I'm on day 4 with no real symptoms or hunger. I do have moments of coldness especially at night. I've found that I can have my first shake about 11 which helps me through the day. I'm 3.5kg down, but my readings are going up!