Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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I did the ND about 18 months ago and lost over 40 lbs but have put most of it back on, after reading this thread think its time to start it again, so as of Monday its 8 weeks of shakes and soups
Welcome from me too.

Do you have a plan for after ND this time?


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First time to post anything. I've been my own worst enemy but reading through this thread I'm encouraged to join the group. I've done very low calorie dieting before. Years ago I used Cambridge because there was no other choice for full nutrition on 600cals a day. I have tried Exante and that's a much cheaper and simpler alternative and soups and shakes give exactly 600 caps a day. In the past I have maintained a very healthy weight of 11.5 st but lots of factors saw me let myself go. I'm now 17 St...5'10 and to use the words of a book title, I'm sick, fat and nearly dead. Did I mention that I'm type 2? Now to get positive. Very low calorie works. Fybogel every few days keeps things moving without causing any intestinal tsunamis, and water throughout the day is crucial. Two things matter. First weight must be lost for general health reasons. Secondly there is the chance of gaining far better control of my diabetes and that is the bonus. I used to teach nutrition (and ended up ignoring my own advice) and now I must act. The first four or five days are challenging. A good walk every day and keep busy. It worked before. But....and this is the big one, what about afterwards? I know that the weight comes back on because I've gone back to eating the way I did that made me fat in the first place low GI is a good choice and recommended by Dr Cavan for diabetics. Forgive the long post..... I will keep you informed
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First time to post anything. I've been my own worst enemy but reading through this thread I'm encouraged to join the group. I've done very low calorie dieting before. Years ago I used Cambridge because there was no other choice for full nutrition on 600cals a day. I have tried Exante and that's a much cheaper and simpler alternative and soups and shakes give exactly 600 caps a day. In the past I have maintained a very healthy weight of 11.5 st but lots of factors saw me let myself go. I'm now 17 St...5'10 and to use the words of a book title, I'm sick, fat and nearly dead. Did I mention that I'm type 2? Now to get positive. Very low calorie works. Fybogel every few days keeps things moving without causing any intestinal tsunamis, and water throughout the day is crucial. Two things matter. First weight must be lost for general health reasons. Secondly there is the chance of gaining far better control of my diabetes and that is the bonus. I used to teach nutrition (and ended up ignoring my own advice) and now I must act. The first four or five days are challenging. A good walk every day and keep busy. It worked before. But....and this is the big one, what about afterwards? I know that the weight comes back on because I've gone back to eating the way I did that made me fat in the first place low GI is a good choice and recommended by Dr Cavan for diabetics. Forgive the long post..... I will keep you informed

Hello, and welcome.

You have already discovered the VLCD is the relatively easy part by comparison to the post VLCD forever after. So, do you have a plan for after VLCD this time? As I am sure you are aware, to repeat the same behaviour over and over and expect a different outcome only ends in disappointment.
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Low carb or low GI are the best way after the VLCD. Fat can only be laid down in the presence of insulin so eating in a way that limits insulin production is essential. Dietary fat is needed for various reasons but should be kept separate from carbs in a meal. The Australian nutritionist John Radcliffe explains this well. I am only too painfully aware of the yo-yo syndrome. I've too much to loose by being careless this time.


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Shake that Weight do a porridge/ oatmeal. I have been having them in the morning as Mr Pipp has his porridge, just so it feels like a normal breakfast. Haven't thought of it before, but I will try to use one of those with a bit of curry powder to add to veg for variety. I hate sweet foods too.

Those Hairy Biker /Dieter blokes better watch out. We need to be innovative. I will report back after the curry experiment.


I used Shake that weight oatmeal sachet as a base for sauce for 'mushroom stroganoff' today.

Added extra water, a teaspoon of mustard, teaspoon of marmite, microwaved and stirred then added to dry fried onion, garlic and mushrooms. It was a palatable substitute for the real thing.


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@Pipp that sounds really really tasty definitely much better than my cold salads. Can I use quakquaker oats weigh them for exact calories.


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@Pipp that sounds really really tasty definitely much better than my cold salads. Can I use quakquaker oats weigh them for exact calories.

I think 'really tasty' is perhaps taking it too far, but it wasn't bad. I don't really mind the monotony of the shakes, even though the taste doesn't always appeal. So try to innovate using the shakes occasionally. I guess you could use ordinary porridge, but I thought the idea was to get the nutrients that are added to the Shake that Weight products, which are not in the Quaker oats.
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I have just done day 4. No deviation from maximum 800 cal intake. Have had a couple of good swimming pool workouts too, and feel great. (And have clothes that are no longer straining at the seams)!
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Got it I will order it and wait for it to arrive. Till then it's just veggies. Still struggling to get to 800 cals. Even with an egg I go to about 580 590. Because the nd states no egg poultry just too reluctant to add chicken breast which is about 170 cals per 100g which has no carbs and some proteins too


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Got it I will order it and wait for it to arrive. Till then it's just veggies. Still struggling to get to 800 cals. Even with an egg I go to about 580 590. Because the nd states no egg poultry just too reluctant to add chicken breast which is about 170 cals per 100g which has no carbs and some proteins too

I have had two days with just the shakes, and Shake that Weight porridge, and veg. Four meal replacements when I do that. Then two days with three meal replacements, , veg, and a thin slice of chicken, one day, and a salad with egg the next.
Tomorrow it will be 3 meal replacements and a meal of veg and small portion of fish. I think the protein is important, especially as I am getting old, and do not want to lose muscle.
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Got it I will order it and wait for it to arrive. Till then it's just veggies. Still struggling to get to 800 cals. Even with an egg I go to about 580 590. Because the nd states no egg poultry just too reluctant to add chicken breast which is about 170 cals per 100g which has no carbs and some proteins too
Not sure where you get the info 'no egg' or reluctant to have poultry.
Original ND experiment used low calorie meal replacements but subsequent revision is that real food can be used but to keep between 600 to 800 cals.
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How are you getting on? We seem to have commandeered your thread.


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serious people
Struggling tbh but same happened last time two weeks in and found it difficult, it's like a little hump I need to get over but I will can't afford not too
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Struggling tbh but same happened last time two weeks in and found it difficult, it's like a little hump I need to get over but I will can't afford not too

Would it help if you discussed here what it is that makes it difficult? Or should I just not be nosey?


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Brettsza - Apologies for going over old ground here, but Whats your current BMI? I know you've stated it a million times, but I'm on my iPad at the moment, so searching is a bit tiresome.

The reason I ask is when you said about your heritage, I recalled certain groups being recommended slightly different BMI ranges, with Asian being such a group. If I recall correctly, the newer guidelines recommend the Healthy threshold for Asians is 23, so a bit lower than many others.

Obviously, it probably doesn't impact on your actions, bit might help salve the weight loss BMI thing, if you're nearer the top end.

Apologies if that's just all white noise to your world.


I've a question for you. I am down 21% (or more than 1/5th of my body weight) from my most highest weight and my BMI is now in the 24's(down from 30's). Still experiencing neuropathy in the feet and hands. Seeing the neurologist on Tuesday I am curious if I've gotten something other than T2D? I seem to be getting no love from my body although I am doing the right things? Should I not be seeing huge improvements as I am down 52lbs?

On the positive side of things I got a used bicycle wheel (for $25 :D) that now matches my back wheel. I sense I go faster with a matching pair (lol) when I go for a bike ride. I've been naughty this week as I've only cycled every day. I should lift more weights but I am moving homes & the gym will be walking distance for me then. My daughter and I will be going to the gym more often.

On a general note to ND'ers this weight loss thingy is tough. I had a few days in the mountains at 8000 feet and the weight flew off. & I've put 3 lbs back on since that time. One thing that has cracked me up is having lost 52lbs, I still have jeans that have me with a "Muffin top"! Yikes!

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I've a question for you. I am down 21% (or more than 1/5th of my body weight) from my most highest weight and my BMI is now in the 24's(down from 30's). Still experiencing neuropathy in the feet and hands. Seeing the neurologist on Tuesday I am curious if I've gotten something other than T2D? I seem to be getting no love from my body although I am doing the right things? Should I not be seeing huge improvements as I am down 52lbs?

On the positive side of things I got a used bicycle wheel (for $25 :D) that now matches my back wheel. I sense I go faster with a matching pair (lol) when I go for a bike ride. I've been naughty this week as I've only cycled every day. I should lift more weights but I am moving homes & the gym will be walking distance for me then. My daughter and I will be going to the gym more often.

On a general note to ND'ers this weight loss thingy is tough. I had a few days in the mountains at 8000 feet and the weight flew off. & I've put 3 lbs back on since that time. One thing that has cracked me up is having lost 52lbs, I still have jeans that have me with a "Muffin top"! Yikes!

I'm no expert in the ND. I've jaust done lots of reading and corresponded a bit with The Man, seeking clarification on a couple of things that were me-centric. But, the thing that chimes loud and clear, time and time again, from both Professor Taylor's work, and the experiences of posters here, is how personal this condition is. The Personal Fat Threshold (PFT), is just that, and none of of know if it is impacting us at BMIs of 19, 22, 27 or even much higher. I'm sure if we each spent a huge amount of cash, we might be able to track it by loads of lab bloods and scans, but I have neither the appetite or am I willing to invest hard earned cash for that detail.

I would have thought that losing weight would have improved matters, somewhat? Is it that you have had no material improvement, or that you are disappointed by the scope of the improvement you have achieved? Your profile doesn't give me many meaningful clues. Where did your bloods start, and where have you got to with them? I ask that for both glucose and lipids.

The unfortunate realit is that not all people diagnosed with T2 will find reversal, post ND. If I recall, I think Prof T's study showed 70 or 80%, which although significant, isn't 95 or 100%. Sadly, there will always be those for whom their personal package of condition makes the ND useful in changing weight, body fat and possible lifestyle. I say lifestyle, meaning a complete break from "normal eating", with thinking space to build a plan for a new way of approaching food.

I have often stated my belief that Diabetes is a portfolio condition, on a sliding scale, from one extreme of the T2 spectrum which opens up the lifestyle/choices debate, through to classic T1, with a totally dis functional pancreas. I don't believe the medics know enough about diabetes yet to really get to geips with this, and unfortunately end up making the closest diagnosis they can, based on how we present at the outset. I believe the number of late onset MODY or T1.5 demonstrates this, when they, unfortunately, sometimes have to fight their way through an erroneous T2 diagnosis on their ways to a more appropriate diagnosis and treatment options.

Clearly, you must address any neuropathy issues you are experiencing, and perhaps have a full set of bloods run (if they're not being done are part of the neurological stuff), so that you might plan a way forward, based on firm, factual statistics.

Finally, do you measure yourself at all? I didn't t the outset, and I still don't use a tape measure, aside from when I measured my waist when re-running a diabetes risk modelling tool. I also didn't weight myself for a few months, post-diagnosis, as I knew my focus had to be on bloods, not weight, and I know i could probably have easily reduced my weight, whilst maintaining unacceptable blood scores. One aim at a time for me! But, to the point: I bought some Omron Body Composition Monitor scales, which measure weight, BMI, fat and muscle percentages and a score for visceral fat. Clearly the composition is measured by impedance, so is subject to variance, but it gave me useful trends.

In the later stages of my trimming up, my fat percentages dropped, my visceral fat dropped even though my weight loss was pretty modest by then. Similarly, my waist visibly shrunk late on. I had never had much shape in that area (classic diabetes alarm bell?), but now I have a properly in and out waistline. It seemed like my body was almost fine tuning itself. Now, let's be clear, that las it is a totally personal hypothesis I can neither prove nor disprove, and it could b complete twaddle. But it was interesting to observe it.

So, all of that really tells you nothing!

I think you are in a mental pause phase where you need to redraw your baseline data for analysis.

Helpful? Probably not!!