I just feel hungry all the time. Ive managed to lose about a stone in two weeks, but craving sweet things. Had a small sliver of chocolate cake today, but didn't really enjoy it somehow, knowing its bad for me. I think i will need to increase my excercise to get further weight loss. I hate gyms so might take up hiking again. Feeling low and overwhelmed by it all
Weird question maybe, but are you eating enough? While they are low carb, you can't survive on salads, basically. Are you eating enough protein and fats? If four eggs with bacon, and maybe a high meat content sausage don't fill you up for a few hours at least, then I don't know what will.
Keep in mind that carbs demand carbs. If you have some, you'll feel hungry and crave more relatively soon after. Two weeks ago I had a dinner out, which had some sweet ingredients I didn't anticipate, and while it spiked me and I walked that spike off (hiking is excellent for a diabetic by the way! Slow and steady is sometimes better than hitting the gym hard), the following morning I ached for breakfast, which I usually skip and don't miss at all. Our bodies are traitors, haha.
When you have a craving for sweet stuff, try and fill that hole with something else. Some cheese, olives, nuts, cold cuts maybe? Little mini-charcuterie to snack on? You'd lose the hunger without caving in to your cravings. Or you could try something that is sweet, but not actually all too carby, like some berries with cream?
Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up over a sliver of chocolate cake. You're human and you're doing your best.