Newly Diagnosed...struggling...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
G/day Bubbsie Three years down the track and still I can't get my head around the fact off being T2 .
But I have to say one thing don't eat **** and exercise big time if( possible ) Its all trial and era ?
But one thing that works for me is IF I eat bread I put plenty of marmite on it that's Kiwi marmite not that British rubbish.
Works for me and a few other people I speak to.???????????
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Social mixing most sport, Soaps!
@coby - So you understand you have Diabetes, and you have to accept it, because it is not going to go away. So, you have to get it under control. I see you take Metformin 500mg twice daily, and do you take these with your food? You really ought to invest in a Blood Glucose Meter - this is a vital piece of a Diabetics equipment.
Stop drinking anything sweet, use artificial sweeteners in Tea and Coffee, and drink more water. Exercise and Diet is essential for getting blood sugars down and losing weight. There are threads on the Forum that have all kinds of diets, and threads that members post each day what foods they have eaten. Read around the different threads and ask questions if you don't understand, you will get answers from other members. And you could write things down in a notebook, and refer to your notes whenever. A lot of members follow the LCHF Diet and here is a link for you to have a read:
Thank you Liam1955 for having the patience to explain some things to me.I always think I'm a nuisance, but I really DO struggle with knowing what to eat. I don't drink anything other than unsweetened tea and plain water, so at least I got that bit right!
For breakfast I eat muesli with Almond milk on it, Lunch I find difficult, but today I had two hard boiled eggs, a slice of toast (seeded bread) a small bowl of tinned Apricots with double cream and two Maryland cookie biscuits. I don't eat dinner in warm weather, but snack a lot nuts, seeded flapjacks, strawberries or a banana and often a couple of squares of Green & Black's dark chocolate. I've put 4 or 5lbs on though and cannot see why when I hardly eat :(


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
Hello @coby - We have ALL been in your position and it does get better, just take each and every day one step at a time, You will get this Diabetes under control. Keep posting and ask as many questions as you want, other Type 2's will come along and offer their expert advice. You need to look at the sugar content on labels especially tinned fruit. Right, so there is threads about all kinds of diets and threads that members post what they have eaten each day. I am going to direct you to these threads and hope that you can get some ideas on what to eat. You have to remember that different types of food react differently to everyone. Which is why a Blood Glucose Meter is a vital piece of a Diabetics equipment, I can post the website if you want it? But, first go to the top and click on the word FORUMS, then scroll down until you come to FOOD and NUTRITION - there you will see all the different diet, food headings, just click on whichever. :) Liam.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Social mixing most sport, Soaps!
Hello @coby - We have ALL been in your position and it does get better, just take each and every day one step at a time, You will get this Diabetes under control. Keep posting and ask as many questions as you want, other Type 2's will come along and offer their expert advice. You need to look at the sugar content on labels especially tinned fruit. Right, so there is threads about all kinds of diets and threads that members post what they have eaten each day. I am going to direct you to these threads and hope that you can get some ideas on what to eat. You have to remember that different types of food react differently to everyone. Which is why a Blood Glucose Meter is a vital piece of a Diabetics equipment, I can post the website if you want it? But, first go to the top and click on the word FORUMS, then scroll down until you come to FOOD and NUTRITION - there you will see all the different diet, food headings, just click on whichever. :) Liam.
Liam1955 You metioned a link to a blood test meter yesterday? Would you be kind enough to post that so that I know what to look for please? Thamks again x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Social mixing most sport, Soaps!