Night hypos


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, just found out through my new CGM that I'm getting night hypos. I only take Metformin and alogliptin so was shocked. What can I do about this until I can get in to see my medical team?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What type of CGM are you using Some are susceptible to "compression lows" a false reading if you lie on it in your sleep, that's why alarms and finger prick testing are important alongside your CGM
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In Response

Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Sorry that you have experienced this scare.
Are you sure that you are having hypos or is it possible that they are compression lows? These are caused by pressure being applied to the sensor which blocks access of interstitial fluid to the filament. They are possible with ALL CGMS (there is no point demonising Libre). When this happens, the sensors reports a false low reading. This is most likely at night if you lie on your arm.
They are usually quite easy to spot on your CGM graphs because there is a sudden dip followed by a rise to your previous BG as you turn over off your sensor.

As you mention that you were not previously aware of these, this seems most likely - if they were "real" hypos, you would feel bad when you wake (like a hangover without the memory of fun the night before) even if you slept through the hypo.

The other thing to remember about hypos is that for someone not on insulin. it is only considered to be a hypo if your BG is lower than 3.5, not 4. And people without diabetes can experience lower BG.

CGMs are amazing technology but, like all technology, they have limitations. Sadly, HCP and CGM manufacturers rarely tell us about these limitations like compression lows and we are left to find out ourselves.
If you do not understand these limitations, you will find your CGM very frustrating and potentially unnecessarily scary. These are mentioned in multiple threads scattered through this forum. The "other" forum has summarised them into one thread here.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
If you're not having any symptoms to go along with what the CGM is saying it's more likely to be a compression low. That desn't actually reflect the true levels the CGM should be measuring.

Believe me you'd notice without the CGM if you were actually going low.
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