Normal BG’s but really high ketones?


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Hi! So I’ve been eating low carb due to having a couple teeth extracted and needing to keep my BG’s in check to optimise healing! Checked my ketones this morning as I usually do and got a reading back of 4.0 with a BG of 4.8.

Retested with a different metre and still the same? I’m putting it down to the drop in carbs over the last few days but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


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Commuting, overcrowded spaces, especially after the arrival of covid-19...
There is a condition called euglycemic ketoacidosis (EDKA) that presents with DKA symptoms, but with normal blood sugars. If you are doing low carb, keto eating then ketones up to 3.0 are not uncommon in nutritional ketosis. I have found that occasionally I've had readings as high as 5.0 on a keto diet but typically when I've eaten a lot of protein and not been as hydrated as I should be.

Have you experienced DKA before? Make sure you are hydrated, keep checking your ketones. If you start feeling unwell, brain fog or nauseous you may want to call 111. If you find yourself vomiting, it is a good idea to go to A&E.


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To be honest, I wouldn't be happy with ketones that high. Dietary ketosis can generate ketones but... If my ketones go up because of fasting when ill I tend to take some carbs just to get them down.

Here is the NHS link on DKA

Maybe you're fine and it's just dietary ketosis but I would be treating levels that high with extreme caution.


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Thanks for the tag @lovinglife .
I’m putting it down to the drop in carbs over the last few days but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
I'm sorry, can't be of help here.
I've never tested for ketones in my life and don't have a means to test either.

I think I wouldn't be too worried myself if I didn't have any symptoms. Whole different story if I did have any symptoms that can go with DKA.


Well-Known Member
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There is a condition called euglycemic ketoacidosis (EDKA) that presents with DKA symptoms, but with normal blood sugars. If you are doing low carb, keto eating then ketones up to 3.0 are not uncommon in nutritional ketosis. I have found that occasionally I've had readings as high as 5.0 on a keto diet but typically when I've eaten a lot of protein and not been as hydrated as I should be.

Have you experienced DKA before? Make sure you are hydrated, keep checking your ketones. If you start feeling unwell, brain fog or nauseous you may want to call 111. If you find yourself vomiting, it is a good idea to go to A&E.
Never experienced DKA but don’t feel unwell at all, ketones are now at 2.6


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Hi @Chloelox I low carb and test for ketones from time to time and mine typically sit around 2 but they can go higher. Ketones are the byproduct of burning fat, so anyone who fasts for an extended period or doesn't eat a lot of carbs will have elevated levels. In diabetic ketoacidosis, ketone production is out of control due to the lack of insulin to the point where the acid-base of your blood shifts and you feel like you're dying (which in fact you are).The best description I've read is that it's the urge too pee, sleep and vomit all at the same time. If you're aware of the symptoms and you're not suffering from the flu, I find it difficult to imagine you'd miss it because I've never been as sick in my life as when I was diagnosed with type 1.
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