Not sure if my results are correct


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I thought that @mikejj was referring to Familial hypercholesterolemia?
The report mentions this as the exception.
I thought that @mikejj was referring to Familial hypercholesterolemia?
The report mentions this as the exception.

Haven't you made quite an assumption there, Catherine? That siblings, presumably raised together, and subject to the same hate-fat information as the rest of us each have raised lipids, doesn't necessarily imply familial hyperlipidaemia, does it?

Obviously, my inner pedant is in play.


I finished it with a question mark. No assumption. By tagging @mikejj I was hoping that I would get an answer.


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I came to this forum for advice.... if I had wanted arguments, I could have gone to Youtube. My comments to Enclave were made because I found his tone offensive.

Firstly in appearing to say I was in denial, when clearly my presence on this forum contradicts that premise. He had clearly not read my original post carefully enough and passed judgement regardless. Had he read my post properly, he would have seen that I was seeking advice regarding T2, not the management of my Cholesterol which I am quite happy with. Secondly, his comments implying I do not know what I am doing in that regard, I found offensive. Just for the record, a younger sibling who did not manage her Cholesterol levels had a massive stroke having had a Cholesterol level of 15.9, so I don't think my overall level of 3.3 is anything that I need to be unduly concerned about do you?

I note Nosher8355 is courteous enough to say " the jury is still out on Cholesterol, but in my experience and opinion" I am not a fool, I am not in denial of anything, I currently have a Cholesterol level that most of you would die for (excuse the pun) so yes I do object to someone implying I am a fool and that the management of my Cholesterol level is wrong,

Opinions are just that; opinions and what works for one may not work for the other. However do not insult people by implying they are somehow being stupid, do not disparage their choices because they may differ from your own and do not purport to offer advice when in fact what you are doing is proffering your own view point as being somehow superior.

If people are willing to give me the benefit of their experience, tell me their own viewpoint, point me to evidence, then I will listen and take what they say as exactly what it is; their viewpoint, but don't begin by insulting me. If this forum is a place where individuals believe that their own position is the only one and that it is OK to denigrate other's views, then I shall bid you all good day, however if as I say; people couch their comments/advice with "it is only my opinion but....or in my experience" I will gladly take heed


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There's a book I love called 'The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease"
by Uffe Ravnskov

As @Enclave said the second test is to make sure the first one was correct. I had one two weeks after the first one, it seems to be pretty standard practice.

You asked for advice re diabetes. Well reducing your carbs is the best advice I can give you, though most HCPs will tell you to eat carbs with every meal.
1 Don't want to take the risk as 'Im doing fine thanks
2 Know what the second test is for but having been on an extreme high carb diet for months a second test only two weeks later will simply give the same result - hence the six week delay
3 Believed I was not at risk of T2 as last test showed 42, therefore high carbs not a problem, therefore better for C levels, carb level now reduced over six weeks will give more accurate reading for T2


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1 Don't want to take the risk as 'Im doing fine thanks
2 Know what the second test is for but having been on an extreme high carb diet for months a second test only two weeks later will simply give the same result - hence the six week delay
3 Believed I was not at risk of T2 as last test showed 42, therefore high carbs not a problem, therefore better for C levels, carb level now reduced over six weeks will give more accurate reading for T2
That's good, seems like you are all sorted then. :)


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Hi Enclave... whilst I appreciate your advice, I do however have to correct you. I am not in denial about anything. My position as I have stated is simply that I do not believe taking a second Test just two short weeks after the first will yield a different result than the first, and given that I have been on an extreme high carb diet for many months, my belief is that whatever results may be produced are somewhat askew because of that. I simply intend to wait approx six weeks before taking a second test which I believe will give a more accurate reading. IF after that I am still shown as Type 2, I will of course do whatever is necessary, my GP concurs with my view and on her advice I have cancelled my appointment scheduled for next week with the DN and will make a new one in approx six weeks.

As for the advice I have been given re my Cholestoerol, I find it quite offensive that you should make such a statement, I and four of my siblings have lived with elevated Cholestorol levels all our lives, I am 61yrs and I have been monitoring my Cholesterol levels for many years, I believe I know a little more about the subject than you appear to do. I always question all my medical practitioners and I do so from a position of some knowledge about that which I speak. If you seek to give advice on this forum, may I politely suggest you do so only about those matters on which you are qualified to do so.

I came to this forum for advice on Type 2 Diabetes, sound advice not someone's misguided opinion, if my tone causes offence I am sorry but ill formed and misguided advice is dangerous and someone less well educated on the subject than I may well follow your advice to the detriment of their health. As a Veteran on this forum you should not be making unsubstantiated comments or offering unsafe advice.
Thank you for your reply I will not add to your comments as you have all the answers you want and know far more than I do.
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You do know that 42 is prediabetic and therefore you were at risk. For the record I only had one test and declared diabetic. Unfortunately by a huge level. I later had one 3 months later and was normal. My surgery still treat me as diabetic until 3 years of normal HbA1c readings.. A very high carb diet will not have been helping you. I would also suggest you ask your GP to test you vit d levels chromium and CoQ10 (if they are not already) as all these can and do cause BG increases when they are low.
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All I will add is my personal experience that my LDL and all my blood lipid panel results were much improved after just 3 months on Low Carb Higher Fats and Oils diet.
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@mikejj I agree with you wholeheartedly. I dont see much point in having a test two weeks later. You seem to have your head screwed on, you have already identified the issue and you have worked out a plan to address it. It will be great to hear the update on your HbA1c in 3 months time. Once you get the next test results in you will soon know if your diet needs some more fine tuning. Keep us posted please.


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You do know that 42 is prediabetic and therefore you were at risk. For the record I only had one test and declared diabetic. Unfortunately by a huge level. I later had one 3 months later and was normal. My surgery still treat me as diabetic until 3 years of normal HbA1c readings.. A very high carb diet will not have been helping you. I would also suggest you ask your GP to test you vit d levels chromium and CoQ10 (if they are not already) as all these can and do cause BG increases when they are low.

Hi Andrew,
You are right 42 is prediabetic although on the low side, I may well be T2 but there is little point taking another test only two weeks after the first having been on such a high carb diet for the past few months. My intention is to reduce the carbs start doing some regular exercise and take another test in six weeks.
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@mikejj I agree with you wholeheartedly. I dont see much point in having a test two weeks later. You seem to have your head screwed on, you have already identified the issue and you have worked out a plan to address it. It will be great to hear the update on your HbA1c in 3 months time. Once you get the next test results in you will soon know if your diet needs some more fine tuning. Keep us posted please.

Hi 4ratbags, thanks, someone who has read my original post in its entirety, Had my last test been taken after eating a 'normal diet' and come back at 48, the subsequent test two weeks later would have been perfectly sensible and would no doubt have given an accurate reading, but as you say, under the circumstances it was pointless and my GP agrees.


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I experimented when I was first tested, before my second test, i switched my diet went low carb high fat/full fat produce.
When I had my second A1C and all the other tests, my A1C, trigs, cholesterol etc was greatly reduced. The doctor said he has never seen my blood tests looking so good.
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Welcome to the type 2 club! What are you planning on replacing the carbs with?


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Same as you LCHF, I have lost 3 St, another stone to go, which I'm finding difficult to shift. I do walking football x 2 a week when not working, plus futsul, now I can do, since loosing the weight and fitter. When working, I'm walking either for 6 hours or 12 hrs, stopping for breaks.
Since cutting out the obvious carbs, I also look at total carbs. Now and again I fall of the wagon and will eat something I shouldn't, maybe that's the problem.


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Same as you LCHF, I have lost 3 St, another stone to go, which I'm finding difficult to shift. I do walking football x 2 a week when not working, plus futsul, now I can do, since loosing the weight and fitter. When working, I'm walking either for 6 hours or 12 hrs, stopping for breaks.
Since cutting out the obvious carbs, I also look at total carbs. Now and again I fall of the wagon and will eat something I shouldn't, maybe that's the problem.
My comment was meant for @mikejj
However, falling off the low carb wagon occasionally isn't the end of the world if your blood glucose levels are in control. If they're not in control, it's time to knuckle down and be more strict.
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I didn't realise you meant @mikejj.
When I do fall of the wagon and then pluck up the nerve to test, thinking "what have I done!" They are still under the recommended levels and not gone over, when I have done spot/random checks.


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I didn't realise you meant @mikejj.
When I do fall of the wagon and then pluck up the nerve to test, thinking "what have I done!" They are still under the recommended levels and not gone over, when I have done spot/random checks.
Why did you say "maybe that's the problem"?


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The problem is, losing that last stone, I'm sabatoging my efforts, as its the combination of fats and carbs. Also possibly if I fall of the wagon too many times, I would lose the control of my blood sugars.

In away I don't understand what mikejj is doing. Because of my own personal experience.
Only he can find that out himself, in 3 months times. Heart disease and high cholesterol runs on one side of my family. I should be on low fat, low protien diet if I followed the official advice.

I suffer from high blood pressure, however I do have to take meds for other wise the readings are well above higher levels of dangerous. Thankfully this has nothing to do with with LCHF eating plan, as I suffered hypertension when I did slimming world and before I developed diabetes.
It's so well controlled now.