Personal safety and security when using the forum.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bumping this as the forum safety advice from the original post by DCUKMod is as relevant as ever.

From time to time, on a forum such as this, an unfortunate set of circumstances or actions arises, giving one or more members concerns. Examples of what might happen might be an inappropriate attachment from one member to another, suggestions to go off-site to one-to-one contact within, say, WhatsApp, Facetime or Messenger. Other examples would be for the sort of scamming activity we might see on TV; perhaps individuals looking to raise funds for “medications/treatments/emergency repatriations” - just as examples.

I am sure we are all familiar with those “Foreign Prince” email scams that encourage us to part with our money, but it is less easy to spot a clever bit of manipulation on a forum – especially one populated by fellow travellers along a sometimes tricky diabetes path. We have a natural “me too” response to much we read.

So please remember that we only have each other's posts to go on, for everything we know about our fellow posters. DCUK have a system of checks and an active moderation team, but while it may be easy to spot a scam email, it can be less easy to spot a dishonest poster. Sometimes someone may post on the forum with the goal of extracting money, whether by promoting products, encouraging Private Messages or by a sob story.

Should you ever find yourself on the uncomfortable end of any of those circumstances, or indeed something else, please hit the Report Button, immediately. The Report button is located under every post, and every Private Message conversation entry. Please check that you know where the button is. Alternatively, email [email protected] to express your concerns.

Any such concerns will be thoroughly investigated, and where necessary, actions taken.

Raising a Report or emailing your concerns is not telling tales. It is playing your personal part in the safe and happy running of DCUK and a valuable feedback loop into the site Management/Admin Teams.

The safety, security and privacy of our members is paramount to us at DCUK, and we do need your assistance to ensure, where at all possible, any undesirable behaviour or actions are prevented or nipped in the bud.

Many thanks for reading.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
From time to time, on a forum such as this, an unfortunate set of circumstances or actions arises, giving one or more members concerns. Examples of what might happen might be an inappropriate attachment from one member to another, suggestions to go off-site to one-to-one contact within, say, WhatsApp, Facetime or Messenger. Other examples would be for the sort of scamming activity we might see on TV; perhaps individuals looking to raise funds for “medications/treatments/emergency repatriations” - just as examples.

I am sure we are all familiar with those “Foreign Prince” email scams that encourage us to part with our money, but it is less easy to spot a clever bit of manipulation on a forum – especially one populated by fellow travellers along a sometimes tricky diabetes path. We have a natural “me too” response to much we read.

So please remember that we only have each other's posts to go on, for everything we know about our fellow posters. DCUK have a system of checks and an active moderation team, but while it may be easy to spot a scam email, it can be less easy to spot a dishonest poster. Sometimes someone may post on the forum with the goal of extracting money, whether by promoting products, encouraging Private Messages or by a sob story.

Should you ever find yourself on the uncomfortable end of any of those circumstances, or indeed something else, please hit the Report Button, immediately. The Report button is located under every post, and every Private Message conversation entry. Please check that you know where the button is. Alternatively, email [email protected] to express your concerns.

Any such concerns will be thoroughly investigated, and where necessary, actions taken.

Raising a Report or emailing your concerns is not telling tales. It is playing your personal part in the safe and happy running of DCUK and a valuable feedback loop into the site Management/Admin Teams.

The safety, security and privacy of our members is paramount to us at DCUK, and we do need your assistance to ensure, where at all possible, any undesirable behaviour or actions are prevented or nipped in the bud.

Many thanks for reading.
Just bumping this post to remind members they can report anything that makes them uncomfortable or suspicious either on the forum or in PMs


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It is wise to revisit this from time to time.
All members are encouraged to use the report button for anything they feel is not in keeping with the rules we all agree to when joining the forums. This really does help the moderator and admin teams to keep the forums a safe place for all.

edit to remove quote that had been deleted.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Never hurts from time to time to remind forum members new & old about forum safety so don’t hesitate to report anything on the forum & indeed PMs that makes you uncomfortable or that is unwelcome, there is a report button on every post and also in the Private Messages for anything at all that concerns you. It helps the mod team enormously to keep the forum a safe place

Here’s the opening post by DCUKMod in full to save members scrolling back

From time to time, on a forum such as this, an unfortunate set of circumstances or actions arises, giving one or more members concerns. Examples of what might happen might be an inappropriate attachment from one member to another, suggestions to go off-site to one-to-one contact within, say, WhatsApp, Facetime or Messenger. Other examples would be for the sort of scamming activity we might see on TV; perhaps individuals looking to raise funds for “medications/treatments/emergency repatriations” - just as examples.

I am sure we are all familiar with those “Foreign Prince” email scams that encourage us to part with our money, but it is less easy to spot a clever bit of manipulation on a forum – especially one populated by fellow travellers along a sometimes tricky diabetes path. We have a natural “me too” response to much we read.

So please remember that we only have each other's posts to go on, for everything we know about our fellow posters. DCUK have a system of checks and an active moderation team, but while it may be easy to spot a scam email, it can be less easy to spot a dishonest poster. Sometimes someone may post on the forum with the goal of extracting money, whether by promoting products, encouraging Private Messages or by a sob story.

Should you ever find yourself on the uncomfortable end of any of those circumstances, or indeed something else, please hit the Report Button, immediately. The Report button is located under every post, and every Private Message conversation entry. Please check that you know where the button is. Alternatively, email [email protected] to express your concerns.

Any such concerns will be thoroughly investigated, and where necessary, actions taken.

Raising a Report or emailing your concerns is not telling tales. It is playing your personal part in the safe and happy running of DCUK and a valuable feedback loop into the site Management/Admin Teams.

The safety, security and privacy of our members is paramount to us at DCUK, and we do need your assistance to ensure, where at all possible, any undesirable behaviour or actions are prevented or nipped in the bud.