Pills not working very well type 2


Hi, I am on metformin and alaglyptin for my type 2, I'm underweight but still trying to cut carbs however even after a small bowl of porridge or a couple of sugar free biscuits my sugars shoot up to 13+ and takes about 3 hours to return below 7
Always hungry too!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
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Well-Known Member
type 2 and underweight...

It's not likely, but have you asked your doctor if there's even a minuscule possibility it may be LADA?

Other than that question, I'll parrot what bulkbiker has been saying: porridge, bread and SF biscuits, a.k.a. starchy carbohydrates, or over 2/5 of the eatwell plate, are all, in a roundabout way, sugar. It's not sugar in the sweet sense, but it is sugar in the sense that the gut breaks it down into glucose in a nanosecond and shuttles all that into your bloodstream quite quickly as well.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Hi, I am on metformin and alaglyptin for my type 2, I'm underweight but still trying to cut carbs however even after a small bowl of porridge or a couple of sugar free biscuits my sugars shoot up to 13+ and takes about 3 hours to return below 7
Always hungry too!

How underweight are you?

I assume that you mean your BMI is less that 18.5?

I'm afraid eating carbohydrates and always feeling hungry often go together.


How underweight are you?

I assume that you mean your BMI is less that 18.5?

I'm afraid eating carbohydrates and always feeling hungry often go together.

I'm 6' tall and weigh 11 stone, I say underweight there is nothing left to lose! BMI is 21 I think just trying to find foods that are filling but don't spike.
Many thanks


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think just trying to find foods that are filling but don't spike.
Anything fatty and meaty will be great for that.. bacon, pork belly, steaks, chicken thighs. Add some butter to your green veg to up the fat content too..Fat provides satiety which is essential when cutting out carbs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
If you can cut carbs, you might find eggs or your favourite kinds of meat, or cheese with crisp salad stuff more filling and they wont make your blood sugar go up. Tip - if you're not having carbs, or starchy things, get the butter dish out and make those eggs really tasty!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Ask the GP to do the two tests for T1 i.e. GAD antibody and C-peptide. Being slim and not being able to control BS with tablets is a hint to check that you aren't late onset T1 which is frequently mis-diagnosed as T2. Meanwhile do keep the carbs down and have enough fat and protein.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Hi. Ask the GP to do the two tests for T1 i.e. GAD antibody and C-peptide. Being slim and not being able to control BS with tablets is a hint to check that you aren't late onset T1 which is frequently mis-diagnosed as T2. Meanwhile do keep the carbs down and have enough fat and protein.

@Dell124 I am in a similar position. 6 foot and 12 stone and I can't cope with carbohydrates.
If I eat a bread roll my BG goes up and won't come down for 3 hours+
The sad solution is not to eat carbohydrates.

Porridge and "sugar free" biscuits would really do for me.
As an additional note, sugar is not your main problem.
Carbohydrates are the enemy.
Stuff marketed as "sugar free" is often still really bad for T2s.

On the LADA front it is roughly 11 years since i was diagnosed so I think that it is unlikely that I am a misdiagnosed T1.
Accepting that if your pancreas slowly gives up the unequal fight due to insulin resistance not autoimmune disease the end result is much the same.

Edit: as of 2017 my insulin production was on the low side of normal, so at that time certainly not T1. T2 with IR.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Only if you don’t replace it with fats
If you replace it with fats then you aren't eating carbohydrates anyway?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Edit: as of 2017 my insulin production was on the low side of normal, so at that time certainly not T1. T2 with IR.
Not really.. a T2 with insulin resistance would be overproducing insulin... if you were underproducing then you should get it checked regularly? Has it been checked since then?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Not really.. a T2 with insulin resistance would be overproducing insulin... if you were underproducing then you should get it checked regularly? Has it been checked since then?

Well, no I don't think that you are correct.

The test analysis from their tame doctor said I had insulin resistance and I was producing insulin in the lower part of the normal range. So - insulin production and IR but not over production of insulin.

I think that you are conflating the effects of IR on a fully functioning pancreas (which may well be the majority case) with the stage when the pancreas starts to be unable to over produce insulin.

To modify your statement "A T2 with IR would usually be initially over producing insulin. After some time of over producing insulin, the pancreas can start to lose the ability to produce insulin. This is one aspect of progressive T2 Diabetes.".

I could well have had IR for decades but have been producing enough insulin to keep my BG under control.
The symptoms may well have only shown up when my pancreas began to fail.

This is probably one reason that some overweight and obese people can achieve a quick reversal by dramatic weight loss if they reduce the IR before the pancreas claps out.

However one size does not fit all and I have test results to show that I am (or have been) someone with Insulin Resistance who is not over producing insulin.

So your generalised assertion contradicts my test results.
I'm going with my test results.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The test analysis from their tame doctor said I had insulin resistance and I was producing insulin in the lower part of the normal range. So - insulin production and IR but not over production of insulin.
How did they measure your insulin resistance?
Surely if you were under producing (or producing on the low end) and you were resistant to what your body was producing your blood sugars would be very high all the time?

Sorry just realised we are derailing this thread a bit.. if you want to carry on then PM?


Insulin resistance and insulin deficiency can coexist. They’re not mutually exclusive. Or at least not once the liver starts packing fat into the pancreas because it’s run out of places to put it.