Re: Can anyone give me tips to reduce sugar level?


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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sophiasmith941 said:
Please give me some tips to decrease blood sugar level..Now its 250..
Drinking lots of water will help.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I think you will find that drinking lots of water will only help if your BS level is above around 11 mmol and the kidneys are starting to dump sugar in the urine. The water will minimise the thirst you would have when that happens. Below that I'm afraid you will need to follow all the usual advice on this forum e.g. take lots of exercise, be very careful with what you eat particularly refined carbs etc. Are you on any medication, are you Type 2 diagnosed?


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, I wouldn't waste too much time on this, I think you'll find that the original poster won't be back.

Click on her name and read her profile... she has her occupation down as "health and medication adviser" and has a link in her signature leading to a website selling viagra.


Well-Known Member
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I wondered why I had suddenly started a thread I had earlier replied to.....thought I was losing it for a minute!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
But does Viagra help manage your sugar levels?

Carol Dial

I am a 46 year diabetic. The only way to reduce BS levels is to balance your exercise with your food and med 9Insulin or pills). You must become your pancreas. If BS is high, you need more exercise, less food or more insulin. Less stress helps. It all effects the results of your BS. Be good to yourself.


I think you'll find that a lot of drinking water will only help if your level is above the BS about 11 mmol and kidneys are starting to get rid of sugar in the urine. The water will reduce thirst you have when this happens. Below that i ' m afraid you will have to follow all the usual advice on this forum example take lots of exercise, be very careful with what you eat and particularly refined carbs, etc. You are on any medication, are 2 type diagnosed?


Please open the following links and reduce your sugar to a normal level, articles on Diabetes.
Links :-
Basic Experiment on Apple and Diabetes+t 999doc.doc - Powered by Google Docs
FAQ__Updated_must_read_For_Apple_Therapy-9.pdf - Powered by Google Docs


whmacm said:
can anyone please tell me how to post sorry

Hi and welcome to the forum.

As your post has appeared, you must be doing something right. What was it that you needed help with?
Hello Sophia

there are many tips to reducing blood sugar levels but it can be daunting looking at them all. It would be more important and meaningful to find things that have a decreasing effect on your own blood sugars all relevant to foods you eat and what you like to eat and your lifestyle.

You may know the little tricks of the trade, e.g. things that have a lot of fibre take longer for your body to break down & therefore slow down the absorption of the sugar into your blood meaning you will not get such a high peak e.g. eating the skin also on a jacket potatoe will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrate (sugar) in the potatoe so your blood test should not be quite as high as if you ate the soft potatoe without the skin.

If you'd like to know some more tips relevant to foods you eat - let me know

Kind regards


This is my first time using the forums so I hope I have got it right. I had very high BS but as soon as I reduced fine carbs it went down!! I did go a little too low twice but it is trial and error. This works for me. Might be worth a try. :)
lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
It is hard but really very simple. I survive on just 600 calories a day. I have 2 toast, with a thin scraping of Sainsburys' value mayonnaise on it for flavor and protein, 3 x a day. The lemon in the mayo has completely cured me of wanting anything sweet! I drink lemon and ginger tea, also refreshing, also cures the desire for sweet stuffs, 6 times a day. Ginger is good for you. In the old days, diabetics were put on very strict diets and basically starved to death. My regime gives me bags of energy, don't feel lethargic anymore, hungry or require much sleep. It works for me and I now have Reversed Diabetes. My practice nurse doesn't understand how I can live like this and is suspicious that I am taking non-prescribed meds :crazy: I told her that if I was using any type of drug it would show up in my bloods, feel free to check. She did! I am now her model patient! :clap:
I can now "smell sugar" in tea should someone put it in my tea by mistake. Smells like coal! Keep your pecker up and plod onwards!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I found that adding Cinnamon powder to what I possibly could helped me get my Type 2 under control within months. Obviously this along with watching what you eat. A good website for helping with the eating, even if only to monitor it is

Hope this helps
Bonkers xx


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Negative people with closed minds.
peteratsrinagar said:
It is hard but really very simple. I survive on just 600 calories a day. I have 2 toast, with a thin scraping of Sainsburys' value mayonnaise on it for flavor and protein, 3 x a day. The lemon in the mayo has completely cured me of wanting anything sweet! I drink lemon and ginger tea, also refreshing, also cures the desire for sweet stuffs, 6 times a day. Ginger is good for you. In the old days, diabetics were put on very strict diets and basically starved to death. My regime gives me bags of energy, don't feel lethargic anymore, hungry or require much sleep. It works for me and I now have Reversed Diabetes. My practice nurse doesn't understand how I can live like this and is suspicious that I am taking non-prescribed meds :crazy: I told her that if I was using any type of drug it would show up in my bloods, feel free to check. She did! I am now her model patient! :clap:
I can now "smell sugar" in tea should someone put it in my tea by mistake. Smells like coal! Keep your pecker up and plod onwards!

You are not eating enough. You need protein and fat to live. Just eat meat, eggs, fish, green salads and vegs. A little fruit is good for you too, just a small apple and perhaps strawberries daily, they give you vitamin C and anti-oxidants which protect your immune system. The toast is very high in carbs and doing you little good in terms of nutrition. You absolutely do not need to starve, 600 calories is a terribly low level. I eat around 2000 calories a day, my fasting level this morning was 4.9mm and I rarely go above 6mm after meals. I love food and enjoy each of my 3 meals. The protein in my diet makes me feel strong and alive and well.

Please please don't do this to yourself. Your body is undernourished and you will get very ill at some point. You have not reversed diabetes, don't assume that. As soon as you eat carbohydrates in any high quantity, your blood sugar will rise to abnormal levels as is the case for all of us here. The reason we have diabetes is because a large number of our beta cells in our pancreas have already died and we are insulin resistant. This cannot be reversed unless you have a new pancreas implanted. All you are doing is starving your body and it will lead to nothing good.


Well-Known Member
Negative people with closed minds.
Beav said:
angieG said:
sophiasmith941 said:
Please give me some tips to decrease blood sugar level..Now its 250..
Drinking lots of water will help.

Pure water and any soft drink fluid ok?

More importantly, cut right down on your carbohydrates while eating protein and fats along with good veg and salads. Drink adequate water, no need for too much.


Well-Known Member
Negative people with closed minds.
frenchkittie said:
Oh dear, I wouldn't waste too much time on this, I think you'll find that the original poster won't be back.

Click on her name and read her profile... she has her occupation down as "health and medication adviser" and has a link in her signature leading to a website selling viagra.

Thanks for that advice! I just hope that any advice I have put on here will help others who are reading this.