Really scared

  • Thread starter Deleted member 208503
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Deleted member 208503

Mainly because my friend is dying from it plus an aunt died from it(death listed as diabetes caused). And a few weeks ago I hurt my big toe and nothing could touch it, no covers at night, no socks, no slippers, nothing.
And I didn't know how to care for it. I can now at least put double socks on it to go out to shop. So I think it's getting better,.
But thoughts of where this could go--scary.


Well-Known Member
I think part of your fear is that you are feeling very out of control of it all right now. Lack of Dr, restricted diet etc make things very difficult practically and I completely get that.
Keep checking in and you know that there's always someone here. It can't take away your worry but at least you know there are others who understand.

Deleted member 208503

I've decided that since I have no control over my food choices/ meds don't help---
I will take that control over how much food I have.
It's just too scary.
So after a few days and some research I've decided to eat lunch every other day and supper every other day. The 7th day I can decide on that day.
I'm hoping this helps my fear and sadness. Maybe to feel like I'm doing something other than the same thing I've tried already for many years. (Meds that just give me leg pain, feet/leg cramps, excessive hunger and weight gain) but not better numbers.
Its something I can do anyway.
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Deleted member 208503

I have a really silly/stupid question. I should know the answer but I'm math challenged.
What are the fasting hours for my anticipated schedule?

Tues, Thurs, Sat eat at 5pm to 7pm. Well not the whole time but that's my desired window.
Mon, wed, Fri eat at noon til 1.

Deleted member 208503

No one knows?
As best I can figure one is way longer than the other.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I’ve taken your earliest times noon & 5pm

Monday eating noon

Tuesday eating 5pm = fasting 29hrs

Wednesday eating noon = fasting 19 hrs

Thursday eating 5pm = fasting fasting 29hrs

Friday eating noon = fasting 19hrs

Saturday eating 5pm = fasting 29hrs

Not sure why you are varying times - would it not be easier to eat at the same time every day either at noon or 5pm then your fast would be 24hrs a day - much easier to keep track of?

Hope that helps

Deleted member 208503

I’ve taken your earliest times noon & 5pm

Monday eating noon

Tuesday eating 5pm = fasting 29hrs

Wednesday eating noon = fasting 19 hrs

Thursday eating 5pm = fasting fasting 29hrs

Friday eating noon = fasting 19hrs

Saturday eating 5pm = fasting 29hrs

Not sure why you are varying times - would it not be easier to eat at the same time every day either at noon or 5pm then your fast would be 24hrs a day - much easier to keep track of?

Hope that helps
I read somewhere that it's better to vary things because your body gets used to the same thing. But I agree with making it the same time each day. It's easier and I think the longer fast time will be too hard.
Yes this helps thanks


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I read somewhere that it's better to vary things because your body gets used to the same thing. But I agree with making it the same time each day. It's easier and I think the longer fast time will be too hard.
Yes this helps thanks
Just make sure you get enough nutrition in that window rather than effectively slowly starve and introduce a whole new set of issues. Intermittent fasting is about having a shorter eating window and allowing things to reset between meals rather than about restricting nutrition overall.

Also as an insulin user be very aware of hypos and dosages


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I’m not sure how much you’ve looked into OMAD but this is an overvie of the pros and cons and what to be aware of before you start so you can avoid some potential pitfalls.


Deleted member 208503

I'm eating once a day- a supper.
I'm not sure if it's helping anything yet.


Well-Known Member
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Let's approach from the other direction - what do you want to achieve?

If someone had a magic wand that could do anything except cure diabetes, what would you wish for it to make you achieve that would alleviate your fear?

For example, do you want to reduce insulin requirements? Do you want to change your diet? How many times a day would you ideally eat, if you could choose? Would you lose/gain/maintain weight? Would you exercise more/less? And so on. Once we know your goals/objectives/aims, with the experience on this forum then people can work backwards from there to help.

Deleted member 208503

Let's approach from the other direction - what do you want to achieve?

If someone had a magic wand that could do anything except cure diabetes, what would you wish for it to make you achieve that would alleviate your fear?

For example, do you want to reduce insulin requirements? Do you want to change your diet? How many times a day would you ideally eat, if you could choose? Would you lose/gain/maintain weight? Would you exercise more/less? And so on. Once we know your goals/objectives/aims, with the experience on this forum then people can work backwards from there to help.
I would like to continue losing weight. I'm still losing very slowly.
I would like to change my diet. But finances don't allow for that.
I would like to exercise daily but pain won't allow it.
I would like to eat twice a day if it would still help me lose weight.
I would like it if my basal would actually work. Instead of me only receiving leg pain, leg cramps, feet cramps and massive hunger from it.
I would like it if I could eat food that reduces bad cholesterol. Instead I'm faced with statin use. Which I don't even want to get into about the side effects I get.
I would like to figure out what foods my body will tolerate. Bathroom issues. So far my safe food list is 4 things. But it was a longer list. Homemade foods are not on it.
I 100 percent feel that a diet change will help all this but it isn't in the cards for me. All the meds in the world won't and aren't helping---1 statin, 3 BP meds, 3 diabetes meds, 2 pain meds, 1 polyp med, 1 antidepressant med.
I think that's them all!!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Quite the list! You seem very clear on what you want to achieve, which is half the battle.

For point 1, losing weight slowly is still losing. It's always a win, no matter the rate. Give yourself some credit and keep at it.

Starting with two of the other more fundamental points:

What diet would you like to do?

What exercise do you currently do and what do you enjoy that you would like to do more of?

Deleted member 208503

Quite the list! You seem very clear on what you want to achieve, which is half the battle.

For point 1, losing weight slowly is still losing. It's always a win, no matter the rate. Give yourself some credit and keep at it.

Starting with two of the other more fundamental points:

What diet would you like to do?

What exercise do you currently do and what do you enjoy that you would like to do more of?
I currently eat what's on sale or cheap. Sometimes family made meals. Soups, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, other soft cheeses, canned pasta, meal replacement drinks, protein powder in plant milk.
My dream diet would be---
2 cups veggies with a protein twice a day.

Deleted member 208503

Quite the list! You seem very clear on what you want to achieve, which is half the battle.

For point 1, losing weight slowly is still losing. It's always a win, no matter the rate. Give yourself some credit and keep at it.

Starting with two of the other more fundamental points:

What diet would you like to do?

What exercise do you currently do and what do you enjoy that you would like to do more of?
My exercise is lightly dancing/marching on the spot to a few fav. songs. I hope to work up to 30 minutes.
I would like to and used to cycle.
Knees don't allow it. But 1 hour a day would be my goal.