

Hello, I'm new to all this so please bear with me. I'm a 51 yr old type 2 diabetic of 20 years with pretty good control. This morning I have been told that it is between me and a colleague as to who faces redundancy. I've never been in this situation before. The 'selection process' doesn't start for another 2 weeks and I'm already finding this to be a torture.

Does anyone have a way of dealing with this stress and did the anxiety and stress cause any detrimental symtoms


Well-Known Member
The stress you are under is very real. You could lose your job. It is unlikely that you will be able do anything to influence the decision and it is very much out of your control.

You can expect to sleep poorly and have poor concentration till you know one way or another. The stress will raise your cortisol level and make you more insulin resistant and give you higher blood sugars.

What can you do?

Reduce carbs in your diet to ofset the raised cortisol to some extent.
Do physical exerise daily to work off that adrenaline.
Set yourself some tasks to occupy your mind and burn off the adrenaline. Eg decorate a room, clear out cupboards/ whatever your wife/kids/parents have been wanting you to do.
Take your wife out for a really nice meal at least once in the next two weeks.

Review your curriculum vitae.
Look in the paper/online for jobs in your field.
Draw up a list of people who could put work your way.

If you keep your job fine. If you lose it then you have taken the first steps to a new job already.

It may be a good time to re-evaluate what your job means to you. Would you be truly happier doing something different? This could be your opportunity.


sorry to hear you may lose your job but i have just been throught that very same situation it is no use dwelling over wat if i lose it it will not get you nowere you just have to think if i lose it i lose it there is nothink you can do you just cross that bridge when you come to it it is hard out there now i wont deny that but worrying wont help hope this helps in some way