Retinopathy possible small bleed and flying?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

I've had laser a few years ago and have recently noticed what looks like new very small floaters or may be a small bleed, I've been able to get checked out because everywhere 'busy' and I need to arrange a time which I'm frantically trying to do.

IF this is actually a bleed am I allowed to fly as I'm supposed to be going away this weekend?


Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
There is a comprehensive list of contraindications for flyng on this New Zealand website:- South/fitness-for-air-travelguidelines-for-doctors-mar2012.pdf

Under 'eye disorders' it says:-
Penetrating eye injury ≥7d – any gas in globe must be resorbed – confirm with ophthalmologist.
Intra-ocular surgery Depends on gas used – ophthalmologist must confirm. Varies 7-42d.
Cataract surgery ≥24h
Corneal laser surgery ≥24h
Retinal detachment If treated with injected oil or laser surgery can fly next day. If gas injection must wait up to 6 weeks depending on gas used. If unrepaired retinal detachment may fly as unlikely to worsen during flight.​

The best idea is to continue to try and get your eyes seen as soon as possible. If opticians are booked up, you might be able to be seen at a walk-in clinic. You could try dialling 111 and getting help from them - they tend to be quite good at arranging for you to have an appropriate appointment and advice.

Thanks to @MrsA2 for the tag.
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