Just posted this on the thread "Dapaglifloxin - anyone had any experience with this?" but figured I would cross post it here as well.
Hello, magicmoose here - for some reason I am unable to log in with my real account so have created magicmoose2 until I can rectify the issue with the forum team.
An update on my experiences with Dapagliflozin! Commenced on 29/12/18 and reduced carb intake on 02/01/19 gradually saw numbers come tumbling down in the right direction. Started to feel unwell light headed / headache a week in so as advised here got my blood pressure checked and was deemed ok. Also purchased a BP monitor to check at home and BP was perfect, not too low or too high.
Headache passed, but then I started to feel ill - I'm not normally physically ill so I knew something was not right. Four days in after abdominal pain, lower back ache, cramps in legs, headache and general feeling of confusion I checked for ketones with a ketone stick, was at ++++ next day checked again when up and same ++++ BP fine and BG in 10's.
Decided to speak to duty DN who initially thought I had a virus and advised me to stop Dapagliflozin, if symptoms continued then it was a virus, if they disappeared then blame the drug. I then mentioned the ketones and she asked me to check again and she would call back. I checked still at ++++ and so given my symptoms she sent me to A&E. I fear had I not mentioned the ketones she would have just gone with the virus idea.
Triaged in A&E blood ketones at 3.6 of course doctors were confused as BG's fairly normal, at this point reading on BG monitor was 9.2. That morning I was struggling to eat, felt sick and was nodding off in the chair - not like me. I was also incredibly thirsty and was drinking loads of water, mouth was extremely dry. When I mentioned the drug and the connection to DKA the doctor did his research and started to treat me for that. Fluids administered, bloods taken, chest x-ray (breathing was a little fast) ECG done. Spent 5 hours in A&E before being moved to ward. Spent three hours on the ward and stayed for two nights until bloods improved.
Ketones continued to increase over the next few hours, but eventually started to go down. Back home, all symptoms gone within 24 hours, Dapagliflozin stopped. No ketones showing now on stick.
I'll be honest had I not used this forum to learn of DKA with Dapagliflozin, I might have dismissed it as a virus given the time of year.