So upset

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Jan ,think carefully before stopping any medication!!! You need to discuss this with a doctor.That is a
Painkiller for neuropathic pain and should not be stopped abruptly!!!There is a warning in your medicine leaflet not to do so!!


Well-Known Member
sugarless sue said:
Jan ,think carefully before stopping any medication!!! You need to discuss this with a doctor.That is a
Painkiller for neuropathic pain and should not be stopped abruptly!!!There is a warning in your medicine leaflet not to do so!!

Very good point Sue!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
As far as Organic food is concerned, I think that whilst there may not be anything proven about the difference (ignoring that stupid report this week about it not being any different), common sense tells me that to eat food that has not been sprayed from the minute it appears out of the ground or comes into bud with a constant drenching of fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and any other 'cides or 'izers you can think of, and that is grown in soil that has not had all the goodness drained out of it has to be ultimately more beneficial for the body.

Our poor beleaguered livers have enough to contend with from the chemical pollution in the water, the air, the creams, make-up, shampoo, cleaners, washing detergent, cream soaps, etc., etc., etc., that they really don't need to have any extra burden from our food.

Much of our meat (especially the cheaper supermarket stuff) comes from animals that are reared in vast enclosures without ever seeing a blade of grass, are injected with concoctions of drugs and chemicals, and fed goodness knows what for food.

Whilst an odd thing here and there may not be a problem, what cumulative damage are all these things doing to us? The damage they are doing to the environment is widely recognised - are we invincible??? Obviously not, otherwise we wouldn't get sick!

We rather naively think that because we can't see or taste the chemicals in our food it isn't there. Those who grow their own food would be happy to regale you about the difference in taste and flavour of unadulterated freshly grown fruit and vegetables.

There was a comparison done a while ago between vegetables from a large supermarket and those grown on an organic farm. Some of the organic vegetables had as much as 90% higher nutritive value! Of course, there is organic and there is organic, and nothing will beat pulling it fresh out of your own garden, but I would err on the side of common sense any day. ... fault.aspx ... fault.aspx


Well-Known Member
Anything that'll wake us up before noon on a weekend...
The point is Ali that organic is just a label. If I grew chickens and let them roam free we would consider that organic. But if I fed my chickens with non-organic feed. I could no longer sell my chickens are organic.

Plus, you've got to understand how processed food is anyway. The amount of times the foods washed and cleaned. There is barely any trace of pesticides.


Well-Known Member
same as other comments! that sucks, change Dr and stick with us lot! :evil:

Please keep up your hard work and you'll get there.

Cath xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I rather think Niall that your first comment about the chickens is precisely the point.

The second however is debatable. Just as we can absorb chemicals through our skin, plants can absorb them through their leaves and roots in just the same way as they absorb sunlight and nutrients. Washing them may get the dirt off but it is highly unlikely to remove all of the chemicals.

GM is also banned under Organic regulation. As much of the GM food is used as animal food we may be getting effects from it in a roundabout way.

The thing is that we know that good wholesome unadulterated food won't harm us. We do not know what the cumulative effects are from the chemical soup that we are being exposed to.

For all the extensive 'progress' in Medical Science, we seem to be going backwards. Health issues like Diabetes and Obesity are reaching epidemic proportions. Our surgeries and Hospitals are crammed to bursting with sick people - although I know hundreds of people, apart from a few younger ones not many of them would consider themselves healthy, and even the younger ones are highly likely to get sick or develop a disease at some point in their lives.

The only cultures that keep relatively good health are those not exposed to our chemical-ridden, carb-laden 'Western' diet.

I know many who have had to drop the carbs and chemicals from their lives in order to regain any kind of better health and I am just one of them. Yes, I am low carb, but I am also low chemical and that has made a lot of difference.

Sorry Jan to have digressed into a little tangent. I am not necessarily a proponent of the 'Save the Planet' brigade (I think we have gone a bit too far for that, but that's another topic!) but I do really believe that by cutting out as much chemical burden as we can we can make a big difference to our health. I know it has helped me and I am sure I am not the only one!

Fat is a toxin store. If you have difficulty losing weight then it may well be because your body cannot remove toxins very easily. In that case, the less burdens we place on our bodies, the better. I know that is what stops me losing weight.


Well-Known Member
Anything that'll wake us up before noon on a weekend...
It has kind of switched onto a tangent, but the problem is that diabetes is an age-related illness.

We could sit here and realise that in the past 50 years rates of cancer, diabetes, chronic heart disease, alzeimer's etc. etc. have all shot up. This is because people are living longer but they're not staying younger.

People are aging at the same rate and as a result, we can look at 10 years of ill health in our lives as a standard, and this is increasing. So you're more likely to get diabetes or cancer or chronic heart disease now than you were 20+ years ago because we're living longer. Not because we're getting sicker (hence why hospitals are now full of old people).

The only cultures that keep relatively good health are those not exposed to our chemical-ridden, carb-laden 'Western' diet.

Not really true. They usually get different diseases. And our sickness like obesity is more down to a sedentary lifestyle. I mean, we've eaten loads of carbs since we inhabited Europe. Bread and potatoes are a staple for us. I'm a low-carber but I wouldn't be if I wasn't diabetic :wink:

Anyway, the reason these cultures normally are healthy until they die is mainly down to the lack of healthcare. They can go from fully alive and well, to fully dead in the space of a week thanks to an infection, or childbirth (all problems the west has sorted... usually). So we suffer ill health because we live longer on average barring the very few centenarians in the world.

Back to Jan's points.

Side effects of the medications are the most likely cause of lack of weight loss. Hypothyroidism is unlikely (you'd notice the other symptoms). Are there any alternative drugs you could be placed on?


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Hi Jan.

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